
Chapter 19 - Argument

A/N: I'm so sorry for the late upload! Just got caught up with something.

Bonus chapter as promised.


[13th of September, 2011]

[°Unknown Place°]

3rd Person P.O.V

In a room filled with chairs aligned in an organized manner, numerous kids sat on it, their feet and hands strapped so tightly with cables that its wounding them, drops of blood dripping sadly.

"AHRHHHGH" A girl about seven to eight years old screamed her lungs out out of pain as tears and snot painted her face

"P-please. N-no m-more.. Hick.. P-please.."

The girl pleaded to the woman in front of her in despair as the pain she's feeling was unimaginable for a kid her age.

The woman in front of the despairing kid was bald and was wearing a sleeveless gray shirt exposing her tanned arms filled with old scars and a white mask that sported a hole for all her facial orifices.

The woman is currently holding a clippers as she locked it to the remaining nails of the kid in front of her.

"N-no.. P-pwease.. N-no more.." The kid who saw that the woman aren't stopping pleaded again, but just like before, her cry for help was unanswered.

The other kids that is about the same age as the little girl had tears in their eyes as it flowed to the tape covering their mouth. Despair and hopelessness was also present in their eyes.

Some of them have families that accepted them but that was taken away from them when this woman took them. While some of them lived on the streets, being a mutant is hard as they were disowned by their own family, living by the dead rats and trash their hands could find everyday.

*muffled screaming*

They closed their eyes for how many times as the accursed woman pulled the clippers attached to the nail of the little girl.

"Scream more.. Hehe.. Scream..." The woman spoke, her voice carrying a tinge of craziness and unwavering hate for the creatures in front of her.

"Scream.. Scream.. SCREAAAAAMMMM!! HA HA HA!" Her normal muttering turned to full blown crazy laugh as she pulled a machete on her waist and sliced the head of the little girl off of its body.


The other kids struggles fiercely on their chair, bound, but all struggle was futile as this only tighten the cable's hold on them which in turn digged deeper and deeper upon their flesh.

The woman was about the continue her favorite hobby when the door to the room opened and a tall fat man appeared, wearing red priest clothes.

If Rahne Sinclair was here, she would recognize the man as the priest and man who she admired for all her life but betrayed her and gave her the "W" scar, Craig Sinclair.

"Leper Queen, we had a problem." He spoke with a calm voice not minding the scene he is faced.

There is even glint of pleasure in his eyes as he relished in the despairs and cries of the kids..

"What. Is. It." The woman now known as Leper Queen punctuated his sentence in suppressed anger for his holy work was interrupted.

"Some mutie kids managed to escape their cages and one was saved by none other than the group of devil spawns; X-Men." Craig Sinclair spoke while gritting his teeth, not liking that he was even uttering the accursed title of those children of the devil.

"What did you say?.." The Leper Queen took a deep breath and then continued "We can't do anything about that anymore, we need to change base... And find out who's responsible for letting those cancer go.. I'll deal with them."

She thought for a moment and then looked back to the kids behind her, her eyes narrowed as she saw some of the chairs not having owners and 'tch'd' as if annoyed and turned to the wannabe priest again "After doing that, go instruct some of our men who are looking for this "dogs" to double up their efforts and fill up all these sits.

We can't let this "cancers" continue polluting our precious world and constantly infecting our fellow kin, we will not let them, we will hunt them, and we will exterminate them down their last blood.. For we.. are.. the.. Friends of Humanity.."

After finishing that sentence with a smile, the Leper Queen lost her mood to continue and left the room along with Craig Sinclair who was also smiling as the light inside the room was turned off, bringing no light at all inside the room aside from the ones that squeezed through the gaps of the door.



Andrew's P.O.V

We managed to reach the mansion unimpeded and without anyone following us anymore.

Kitty didn't talk the whole ride..

She seems affected seeing so many people die..

Or maybe she does not like that fact that I just killed so many people and ignored her trying to recite their moral codes to me.. I don't know that I don't care..

Roberto though, on the other hand, was chill and was actually asking me if he can do what i just did while the kid who i learned the name was Tom seems to have been awestruck by what i did and also began asking me questions.

We arrived twenty minutes later, faster than before as Roberto was breaking speed limit after limit on the road.

Exiting out of the car, I opened the door at the back seat and lifted Ororo from Kitty's arms while applying pressure at her wound using telekinesis to stop the bleeding as we made our way inside the mansion.

The New Mutants gathering outside first saw us and immediately rushed to us. All of their faces paled seeing Ororo's condition as Dani inquired worriedly "What happened?? Why is Ms. Munroe bleeding!?"

"She was shot." Roberto replied.

"Let's talk later, we need to bring her to Mr. McCoy..." Kitty said as we continued running inside

""Ahh, Teacher!"" The kids playing at the yard immediately screamed seeing one of their favorite teacher bleeding and began following us from behind.

Along the way, we passed Scott and Jean as they also followed us.

We made our way to the basement where the medical room resides and spotted Hank there tinkering at his tools.

Hanks lifted his head and was shocked seeing us but got on professional mode immediately and moved. "Put her here." and points at the bed at the side.

I turned to Roberto to signal him.

He turned around and saw the kids who followed us and immediately said "Okay, buddies, teacher Ororo is going to be okay, so give us a space here–..."

After the kids left, Charles and the rest came in immediately and began inquiring.

"We were attacked by what seems to be soldiers and persistently followed us along the way, but we managed to leave them behind." I answered Colossus who asked.

"Do you know why they did that?" Kurt asked, his usual jolly attitude nowhere to be seen.

Kitty shook her head as an answer and the rest fell in a deafening silence.

Charles' brows furrowed and seems to be confused and after a while, he turned his attention to me. "You killed them all?" he asked with a shocked look on his face..

The rest focused their attention to me and Charles after hearing this.

"What do you want me to do? Let them follow us till we get here?" I asked him with a "bruh" expression on my face.

"That's not what i meant.. With your ability you could have stopped them right there without unnecessary bloodshed.. Do you know how can this affect our always hanging by the edge reputation " He tried to reason.

Can this guy hear himself right now?

"They were shooting missiles at us..*heavy breathing*.. I can't deal with this right now." I gave up as this conversation will not go anywhere. "I'll just change clothes.

While Hank was focused as he immediately cut Ororo's clothes on the part of her abdomen and began tending the unconscious Storm.

Seeing this, I walked out of the room but i heard some of them inquiring to Kitty and Roberto what really happened, about why there was missile, that conversation wasn't my problem as I strolled through the long corridor, going towards my room.

It's really hard living with hypocrite people thinking themselves to be righteous and clean when that baldie himself did some things that will bring chills on a normal person. Heck, there even seems to have been an comic issue where he killed his own sister because of her potential power..

Like what the fuck?

Opening the door to my room, I saw Pyro, who as usual was lying on his bed, reading.

His eyes drifted to my clothes as he immediately shot up. "What the heck happened to you?"

This guy actually don't know anything that happened.. How shut-in is this guy.

"Ororo was shot." I casually replied.

"What? And then?"

"We were pursued by those who shot her..." I trailed off.

"And then?" He asked again.

"We were cornered.."

"And then..?"

"They shot a.."

"Bro what happened?!! Complete what you're saying!" Pyro had a annoyed face as he shouts at me.

"Then I killed them. The end." I opened the drawer and took a new pair of hoodie, color black.. Oh my new clothes' still in the car.. Should I go get it?.. Nah I'll just fetch it later.

Removing the gray bloodied hoodie on me, I stood up and looked at the body sized mirror hanging at the wall and couldn't help but flex a bit.

My body has definitely improved, going from my Pre Captain America type body to this lean but still packed with muscle cut body.

I love you body manipulation

Pyro scrunched his face seeing me flexing in front of the mirror.

"Ya jealous?" I asked smugly.

"Fuck no." He replied, but I know he's jealous.



Ten Minutes Later

Sitting at the couch at the living room along with Pyro. Illyana appeared at the corridor, she seems to have just woken up, evident of the morning glory by her eyes. She approached us while removing it with her fingers and sat at the chair beside the couch.

"What did you do?" She asked casually.

This girl's always so direct..

"What?.." I feigned innocence.

"I heard Scott talking something about you being ruthless and shit, what is this about..?" She asked again

"Just like what i already told Johnny here, I just killed the guys who was pursuing, not a big deal.." I yawned. This day is so long, can it get any longer?

Illyana seems interested as she puts her legs right on top of the other and crossed her arms under her bust. "How.. Tell me the details.."

Damn.. She looks hot in that position not gonna lie..

Pyro chuckled at her seeing her like this while I also did the same, but I entertained her not-so-bad interest "Well–..."

After hearing my great adventure, I swear I saw her eyes twinkling as if enthralled as she stood up from her seat and 'shooed' pyro who was beside me and sat at his previous position.

Pyro shook his head at this and sat at the chair where Illyana once sat at while muttering something about him being a third-wheel.

My face couldn't help but back away a little as Illyana's face inches away from it, staring at me intensely with her blue eyes

Damn girl, chill up..

"Don't forget to bring me along to this great adventures next time.." The crazy girl spoke with unwavering determination...

What do you think of yourself? Some sort of viking?

I looked at her eyes and my eyes wandered at her full lips, I stared for full five seconds but i managed to snap out of it as i replied to her. "Are you sure?"

She nodded without hesitation.

She's really determined, huh..

"Okay, how about this, we will let things cool down and when the incident is all forgotten and shit, we will find the rest of those who attacked us and haunt them." I replied to her with a smile.

She immediately nodded and smiled contentedly but then asked "Promise?

Is she a kid?

"Uh.. Okay.. I promise.." I replied to her.

"Cringe..." Pyro at the side decided to be a bitch and said with a disgusted face.

I gave him the middle finger as he laughed while Illyana also smiled.

I then nudged the kid at my other side who has some kind of Technopathy to change the channel himself to lighten the mood.

The kid issued a 'tch' but complied and then blinked as the Tv began shifting through different channels.

I stopped him at the news channel and saw a reporter, at the scene where he overturned the road, reporting.

["We are now at the streets of New York and we can see the road overturned, according to some this was a work of group of mutants and an unknown group of people carrying high caliber weapons"] The female reporter reported and then approached a bystander at the side and began asking him if he witnessed the event.

Staring for a while, a click resounded in my mind as i realized something and couldn't help but face-palm.


My face was definitely captured by some camera there at the streets, and knowing those secret organizations power over technology, they may already know who i am..

Oh fuck... This is troublesome...


I would assume you already know the drill, right? I'm not gonna make this long. Give me your stones.



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