
Quirk Apprehension Test


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"Expelled?!" The class descended to mayhem. Although many of them at the utmost confidence in them, Aizawa didn't say the ones that will perform poorly. He said the last in line, which could be any of them. After all, they didn't know other students, and couldn't predict how they would perform compared to them.

There were also a few that had no doubt in their abilities. None so ever. Like Mokami, Momo, Todoroki, Baguko...

Izuku on the other hand was about to go crazy. He couldn't control his quirk, and if he used it, he would cripple himself. There was no other way around it. He only had one shot, two if he separated his legs from arms but all in all, he would be incapacitated afterward.

"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students." Aizawa's calm voice reverberated and pull them all from their stupor. Aizawa combed his long black bangs from his face to peer down at the students with dark scary eyes and said; "Welcome to Yuuei's hero course!"

"Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains." Aizawa said, "Calamities that cannot be predicted or foreseen. Japan is under constant threat. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to have normal high-school life where you can hang out with your friends over a burger, too bad, you signed up in the wrong school. For the next three years, Yuuei will do all it can to give you one hardship one after another. Go beyond. Plus Ultra." Aizawa motioned the students to come forth with a beckoning index finger. "Overcome it with all you've got and go further!"

That speech did the trick and students gained the immense determination to prove themselves. They wanted to become heroes. Although fun was part of a life of a teenager, they had the immense determination to see their dreams through. So what was a little bit of hardship? If it would help them get better, it was welcomed.

"Let's start with a 50-meter dash." He called and in twos, they started to race. Iida was the fastest until it was his and Momo's turn.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"Spring?" He suggested.

"Too easy." Momo shook her head, "How about rollerskates?"

"Hmm, nah. Too fun. How about—"

"Just go!" Aizawa shouted.

He smirked and created a backpack behind him. And when Aizawa gave the signal, he jumped into the air. The backpack behind him exploded with wind and carried his body forward at record speed. Next to her, Momo was holding onto a skateboard with rockets only a hundredth of a second behind him, and when they passed the machine that calculated their timing; 1.96 seconds.

Momo raised her hand for a high-five, and he obliged while the others were looking at them like a pair of freaks.

Second, Hand Grip. The duo created gloves that could exert a ton of power, and tied in this one too.

Standing Long Jump, Cleared the sandbox and tied with almost anyone except Izuku.

Repeated side steps, Pair of springboards, and tied at the top.

Ball throw, Momo copied a leaf from his page and created magnets that could cancel the gravity of an object. Well, although it sounded amazing, it was actually pretty simple. It couldn't be used on items heavier than a kilo. They could achieve similar results with balloons, it was just fancier with these devices. In the end, the twins tied with Uraraka.

As for the rest, they were truly physical exercises, and although they could create stuff to support themselves, it wasn't necessary. From the age of 4, the duo worked every single day, so even without boosting themselves with their Quirks, they could take first place easily.

Izuku was in last place and had only one shot. He still hasn't thrown a ball... Well, same as in anime. He was about to use the Quirk and implode his arm, but Aizawa stopped him...

"I erased your quirk." The silence that descended when he said that was deafening. Not many knew this unpopular hero, but he had one of the most useful/useless Quirks. He was the worst enemy of the strongest villains, but his Quirk did nothing but level his power of him with others. If there was another person standing behind him, he would die. That was what made him so scary. He trained his art and body so he could battle against villains with just his body.

...Izuku then used only a finger to send the ball further than Bakugo did.

The blondy was boiling with rage when Mokami and Momo beat him in every single stage, so when even Izuku passed him in the throw, he lost his reason and attacked. Mokami's hand twitched but he didn't act. Although he promised Inko, there were times when it was better for a man to take the beating. If he defended Izuku in front of everyone, it would be more embarrassing for the kid.

Luckily, Aizawa acted and kept Bakugo back. He really wanted to beat that shit down and remove his Quirk to let him know it could happen to anyone and he shouldn't have acted so high and mighty just because he had a shitty Quirk, but that would spell too much trouble. 'Maybe in the future.'

To no one's surprise, Momo and him tied in the first place and followed by Todoroki and Aizawa said the expelling was just a joke.

Sure, 154 students he expelled before Izuku were also jokes. When it came to the protagonist, it turned into a joke. Whatever.

With it, the first day of school ended. It was exciting in a sense, but if he had to admit it, Mokami would say that it was a bit dry. Maybe he overdid his training and now he had no sense of competition. Only Momo could catch up with him.

"Let's go." He sighed and put his hand on her shoulder while she put hers around his waist. They looked like a couple from afar.

"Um, Yaoyorozu-san, wait!" A voice came from afar and stopped them. He turned to look and see the orangette walking towards them with other girls.

"Which one of us?" He asked as he gazed at the smiling girl. God, she was beautiful. She had teal eyes and long orange hair that she tied into a high ponytail on the left side of her head. Her bangs were split into three clumps around her eyes.

"Momo-san." She answered with a small blush. "We girls are going to hang out and get to know each other. Do you want to join us?"

"Um," Momo looked at her brother and saw him nodding, "I would like that."

"I will go first then, Momo-chan. Have fun." He then waved his hand and walked away. Not that Momo was asking for permission, but they decided to celebrate alone after school but since the girls asked, they decided to postpone it. That look carried that message.


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