
Nazarick is invading the world

The throne room of Nazarick

Ainz is seated on his throne while the floor guardians and the pleiades are kneeling. Im on the side of ainz watching the show

"Lift your heads. I called you all here to tell you a very important piece of news. Thanks to our friend over here, i now know who mind controlled shalltear and how" Ainz says and all the people present looks at you with much less hostility

If you where in a game then the Hostile reputation would have changed to neutral right now

"First of all. Shalltear!"

"Yes Ainz-Sama!" A nervous Shalltear gets up

Ainz suddendly retrieves the dress World item

"Its not your fault what happened, the power of world items are absolute unless you had one. This is the World item who controlled you"

Shalltear looks at it and the remembers a old woman who was dressing it. She killed her before she got mind controlled. She grits her teeth in anger while remembering that

"Even if its a world item i need to atone of it! Ainz-sama, i offer myself to lead an attack to the ones who controlled me!" A furious shalltear says and kneeled very hard on the floor

Ainz gaze at her calmly

"This is the other piece of news i wanted to tell you, the faction who controlled shaltear is called Slane Theocracy in this new world... Do you get what i mean saying this to you all?" Ainz asks while his eyes burn with red flames

"Yes Ainz-Sama, we will prepare a full frontal assault, we must never let anyone tarnish the honor of Nazarick" Albedo says while kneeling

"Demiurge, i leave the strategy planning to you. The only thing i want its the complete destruction of the Theocracy, leave no one alive."

"Yes Ainz-Sama" Answers a respectful Demiurge, smiling on the inside while remembering when Ainz said that he wanted to conquer the world

'This is just the start Ainz-Sama, we will conquer the world for you, the great supreme one!' Demiurge thought

"I just have one need for you, Shalltear in going to be on the front lines leading our forces" Ainz gaze deeply at Demiurge, making the him feel the concealed rage inside of Ainz voice

"Yes Ainz-Sama!" Demiurge says and gaze at Shalltear, not concealing the his judging gaze

Shalltear clenches her fist while knowing the meaning of that gaze. She want to prove herself very badly right now

"I will leave the protection of Nazarick to Sebas and the pleiades. The other floor guardians except for victim will go to destroy the Theocracy. Show the world the power of Nazarick!" Ainz gets up after saying this and waves his hand majestically

'Wooah, his acting skills are oscar awarding' I thought while gazing at the Overlord mode Ainz

"Now, you are dismissed, i hope the Theocracy will dissapear from this world in less than 1 month. Dont dissapoint me" Ainz then exits the throne room, leaving me and the guardians kneeling

"Bye guys, i hope you win, let me give you a advice before going with Ainz. The Theocracy have the backing of a real God, so although they are weak, you can expect a surprise at the end of the invasion!" Then i exit to follow Ainz

The guardians are left shocked by the news

"A real god... it must be at least lvl 100." Albedo says

"I thought this world wasnt very much but it seems i made a mistake" Says a Demiurge while adjusting his glasses

Shalltear also became serious. She was angry after being mind controlled by some weak people, but after hearing that those people are backed by a god she knows the battle is going to be difficult. The last time Nazarick fought a god they had the other supreme ones... now they are alone

"I must change the strategy, Albedo, Cocytus, Aura and mare, you four will need to be ready for the descent of the god. Save some strenght for that, we must not fail our mission at any cost!" Demiurge says in a very serious manner, not understimating the humans

All floor guardians nods


I catch Ainz after walking a little

"Hey Ainz, do you think they can win agains a god? Although the divine energy i felt was of a minor one, its still a god."

"Dont worry, i will enter the battle if something happens, i also have to make many countermeasures for that fight. I just really hope that after they call that god the can gain some EXP and level up... If that can happen then i can also level up" Ainz says

I just say silent, not saying to him that he can really advance past lvl 100. He is gonna discover it in the next fight after all


1 week later, on the borders of the Slane Theocracy

A giant wall surrounds the entire Theocracy, making it very hard for outside forces to attack it. After all the wall was reinforced with many holy powers for many years

Suddendly a sentry spots something strange

"Guys, i think im seeing things... its that a red portal?" That sentry points to a large red portal appearing out of nowhere

"No... youre not! Sound the alarm!" The other sentry panicked and runs to sound the alarm

While they where occupied, many undeads and demons exits the portal. While a full armed Shalltear leads them, wielding her scarlet armor

'So this is the place where those vermins are...' She thougs while thinking of killing every one of them

She waits for their forces to emerge from the portal...





100000... they keep appearing to the point that one of the sentries fainted

There where demons, undeads, lichs, death knights... There was basically any undead and demon class know to the world in that army

Shalltear the points her spear at the front and cast a spell

"{Triple Maximise Magic} {Sharknado}" Shalltear cast her spell as giant magic circles surrouns her and a giant tornado with sharks appear in front of the wall...

After a few seconds the wall crumbles under her power, killing every sentry who was trying to alerts the capital

Even though they werent able to alert it, the six cardinals were prepared of an invasion, so a sentry a great distance from the crumbled walls sent an instant comunication using forbiden magic. The sentry started to age while using it

"Cardinals... they are here, from the West entrance, they are more powerfull than we tought, the wall has already fall" The more he speaks the more aged he looks

"For the holy god!" That was the last thing he said before diying of old age

That forbiden magic uses the vitality of the caster as power. Normally people wont use it but the Six cardinals has picked very devout people to act as informants. They dont mind giving their life for their god


The six cardinals are seated in in the round table. A solemn atmosphere is in the room

"The wall has already fallen, this is faster than we expected, and our scouts has seen a scarlet woman leading the forces, she match the description of the Black scripture said" 1st said

"She was able to defeat the entire black scripture alone, so we must send all the Six scriptures if we want to defeat her and her master. Also we must reclaim our godly item!" 2nd said

"Agree" 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th cardinal answers


On that day, mankind received a grim reminder. They always thought that undeads and demons were only normal powerful beigns, at most some can compare to adamantine adventurers... But today, an entire army of such beigns made an invasion to the Theocracy. The news sent by spies shocked the surrounding kingdoms.

In a certain place, a giant dragon open his eyes. He is looking at an older woman in front of him

"Hello again old friend, what makes you come to me?" The platinum dragon lord, also know as Tsaindorcus Vaision asks the old woman

"Its seems that atleast a player is here" The old woman said

"... Its seems i need to fight again to protect this world" The dragon lord said

"The Slane Theocracy is being attacked right now. If this keeps up their god is going to descend, but player are know to even fight gods, so you need to make a move at that time and work with that god" The old woman said. Wisdom of living many years is seen on her eyes

"They are already at that point? It seems i need to go now" The platinum dragon lord moves his winds and goes flying after breaking the roof


The Theocracy is falling, many cities and villages has been destroyed. Many people killed

Some were praying for god

Some were running

At this moment, the Six scriptures appeared and fought the invading army

The shocking thing was that even though they were weak individually, their weapons which glows with holy light can kill undeads and demons easly

Shalltear is searching their groups, trying to find the ones who controlled her

'Found you'

She charges at the Black Scripture leader. A holy knight swordman who is now wielding a very big white armor. The holy power that armor is giving makes Shalltear to stop for a second, then she continues to charge

She uses her spear to impale him, which to her surprise couldnt pierce his armor

'Another world item...' Shalltear thought in shock, after all even Nazarick just has a certain amount of them and those humans already has two of them... one right now

"You evil thing! We will avenge lady kaire!" The leader voice is heard from the armor

He make a signal and the Six Scriptures surrounds Shalltear

Shalltear couldnt care less about those weaklings, but the holy power imbued in their weapons can hurt her so she has to be cautious of not being hit

A fierce battle starts

Even though some spells and sword make contact with Shalltear, making her HP drop... She just need to kill or do damage with her spear to heal.

The fight goes for many minutes...

10 minutes goes and two of the Six scriptures are gone. Shalltear killed one entire team

The remaining members are mostly wounded

"This evil thing! We shall not fall to her! We must judge in the name of our holy god!" The Leader wielding a World item armor says

The remaining ones looks more determined than ever, even a little crazy. The Six scriptures are the most fanatic and devout ones. They dont fear death

"Holocaust Scripture, pray for our lord and use the forbidden holy power" he said

The Holocaust members wore a solemn expresions as they starts to pray, making a very high amount of holy power to emanates from them.

They started to age. The more they age the more power they wield

"{Spear of Judgement}" The entire Holocaust Scripture members said at the same time, fusing their holy power and making a giant holy spear, throwing it to Shalltear

'Thats almost on Tier 9 magic... and being the holy element... its going to hurt if it touchs me' Shalltear thinks and the summon undead minions, making the charge at the spear

The Holy Spear pierces undead after undead, making the power to decrease little by little

When the Holy Spear reached Shalltear, almost half of its power was used. She just made a piercing move with her own spear


With an explosion between dark and holy powers, Shalltear retreat a few steps, having received some damage, but just minor wounds

"How can this be?!" The leader of the Black Scripture is in shock after seeing an almost fine Shalltear after using an entire Scripture as sacrifice

Shalltear gaze at them and starts to charge again


1 Hour later, only corpses can be seen, the Six scriptures exist no more, as they are all dead except for the leader. He cant damage Shalltear but cant be killed because of his World item armor

After trying many many times, Shalltear just decided to seal him and bring him to Ainz-sma after the fight.

The army was marching toward the capital

News has just reached the Six cardinals

"... ... ... So, this is the end? Has our faith not been enough?" 4th said

"We must never falter, we need to pray!" 2nd said

The others remained silent, only the 1st cardinal has a diferent and not hopeless gaze

"We still have hope" 1st said, making the other 5 look at him

"How?" 2nd asked

"Have you forgotten? 'In our most troubling times, when we are about to be exterminated, god will descend to save us' thats what our Sacred Scriptures says" 1st answers

"Wait... are you meaning that..." 3rd asked with wide eyes, thinking about the meaning of what the first cardinal said.

The first cardinal just smiles at them


'So this is the last one' Shalltear thinks while gazing at the Theocracy capital. The army has destroyed every city and village expect for the capital

'Now is where the real fight beggins' She thought about what Rob said before leaving the throne room

"Charge!" She said and starts to charge towards the capital

She can see the terrified faces of the people on the wall, making her smile

Just when she was about to reach it, a giant holy shield surrounded the city

'So, he is here' She thinks after stopping her charge

An incredible amount of holy power descends from the sky, while a humanoid figure can be seen

He looks like a man with golden hair and a white robe. He looks at Shalltear and starts to speak

"You sinner, you have killed enough of my people. I will judge you in the name of Alah Alaf, the god of light" He makes a many holy swords and throw them at her

Shalltear stopped being lazy in this battle, as any of those swords can hurt her

She strikes a holy sword with her spear, and to her shock she took certain amount of damage while doing so

She stop parrying and retreats

"You can run" Alah says and follow her while flying

Shalltear retreats to a certain point and turns around

She summons many minions to distract the god

"Puny evil things" He just waves his hands as holy power kills her minions

"Now, its your time to-" Before he can finish, he feels a deeply grave danger approaching

He made a great holy shield arround him, just in time for a deep green and red flames to appear from below

His holy shield starts to crack but the flames were stopped

Just when he is about to reinforce the shield, a frigid frost appears behind him.

A giant frost halberd hits the holy shield and destroying it but dissipating at the same time.

When he is about to retreat the earth start to crawl like its a living thing, catching his feets and making him immobile

Then a dark spear pierces his torso, impaling him and making him cough golden blood

"You... PUNY INSECTS" He gets very angry and uses all of his power to destroy his shackles and heal his body. But the damage is already done, he lost some blood and got injured

He fires a giant holy sword at Shalltear who is still recovering from the shock

When its about to reach her a black knight with a halberd appears

"{Walls of Jericho}" Albedo says and a wall appears in front of her, blocking the Holy sword

Now every floor guardian of Nazarick appears. Albedo in front of Shalltear taking the rol of a tank

Demiurge on the distance in his Frog form, preparing to cast many spells

Cocytus behind the god, trying to use any oportunity to strike

Mare very far away, veing guarded by Aura. Mare is a support who tries to use mass control spells. Aura guards her with her many pets

Finally the world has seen the power of Nazarick!

A godly battle that is going to shock the world its about to start

Woaah, hello again!

I suddendly wanted to write after reading a novel so i made this. I hope you all like it!

Granaxcreators' thoughts
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