
Super Bunny

Bi Yuan is the only bunny in Butterberry forest. She first time realizes this after she received the blessing of the white ape.

She can vaguely remember entering the white ape's cave unannounced. Through the strings of fate, the bunny became Bi Yuan.

The white ape gave her a task to give him food, which she gladly accomplished. She knows that to be acknowledged by the white ape, she has to pay tribute, which she did.

As a result, she was gifted with strength.


[Name: Bi Yuan

Level 0

Vitality: 100%

Qi: N/A

Stats: see more...

Exp: 0/100]

Intuitively, Bi Yuan learned of the system's nature as a 'player'. This understanding came from the fact that Bi Yuan is a player. It's a very mysterious process, imperceptible to the world.

It can be likened to how babies one day realize they are awake and conscious in but a moment of growth.

It felt very mystical to the little bunny. It felt weird and baffling, but there is a sense of security to her as if she was invincible.

This 'system' will change her life, she thought…

She can now pursue a different destiny, she thought...

The little bunny did its 'quests' with fervent excitement. She learned and adapted to every situation presented to her.

No longer was it a thought, slowly it is becoming reality.

She doesn't remember when the change exactly began, but it is happening!

Ping! +10 exp

Ping! +10 exp

The sound of the pings brings great joy to Bi Yuan. The more she picks berries, and levels up, the more power she can feel.

Bi Yuan is no longer the bunny that is prey to the weak! The system gave her courage and soon, she will gain further substantial power.




Her white fur glistens with the alternating shades of the forest and sunlight that momentarily warms her body.

Like every other day, she continues on doing her quest. But this time, it will be a little different.

Because today, she will hunt!

With her paws' dexterity, Bi Yuan created traps around the forest according to the white ape's instructions.

"Kyu? K-kyu…" She eyes the wild chicken in front of her with vigilance... Hiding from the periphery, the little bunny carefully measures her and the prey's abilities.

'I can do it,' she seems to tell herself in her mind.

Though nervous, she steels her resolve. Then--- SHE POUNCED!

Arriving by the chicken's rear, Bi Yuan instinctively knows it in her bones, the chicken is prey. With her incredible leg strength, a single jump alone is all it took to cross the distance between them

That was Bi Yuan's very first hunt.

The bunny mercilessly clutches the chicken's neck. The bunny is without claws so she opts for a slow kill!

Bi Yuan digs her white blunt teeth into the chicken's neck, and then she uses her nimble paws to strangle the poor bird.

Steadily, slowly, and so on... the flightless bird will fall.

The poor chicken struggles but the bunny's persistence is quite something else--- there was the determination to kill!

It took her some time, but in the end, she succeeded.

The little bunny can even now kill a chicken!


Bi Yuan is now also a qualified predator, a very un-bunny-like trait. She then took a taste of the poor bird but found its taste unlikable so she stopped at just that.


The bunny decided that her catch is better suited as a tribute for an omnivore like the white ape. The little bunny returned to the white ape's cave abode victorious.

Bi Yuan happily skipped toward the white ape, her excitement cannot be concealed. She presented her kill with pride to the being that gave her the 'system '.

Surprised, the white ape praised the little bunny for its marvelous feat.

The white ape is generous, as he imparts sacred knowledge to the little bunny. Bi Yuan was introduced to the art of setting up 'better' traps that day.

Since that day, Bi Yuan's 'farming' became more efficient.

[Name: Bi Yuan

Level 7]

Bi Yuan happily watched her level grow as she sets up the traps made of vines around the forests.

She watched the dumb chicken be caught in her trap, its chicken feet seized by the vines.

She killed it with more efficiency this time by stabbing it with a sharp twig. With her nimble paws, she was able to use the twig with finesse.

Ping! +100 exp

Bi Yuan repeated this every day!

She was even able to prevail against a feisty fox that almost killed her. The fox was so dumb-- it was caught in the trap twice!

Its foot got entangled with a vine. Though it was able to extricate itself with its strength, it fell again from the same trap.

Bi Yuan defeated the beast by masterfully wielding her twig like a spear.

Ping! Spear Mastery Level 1.

Ping! +500 exp

Then she finally reached her ceiling.

[Name: Bi Yuan

Level 10

Vitality: 100%

Qi: N/A

Stats: see more...

Exp: 1000/1000]

Ping! Bi Yuan needs a breakthrough!

The system told her in its same boring electronic voice.

A mixture of happiness and disappointment filled Bi Yuan's heart.

She sullenly returned to the white ape's cave. She wanted to ask for the white ape's guidance, and it is only then that Bi Yuan realized that she cannot 'talk'...

Among the many animals she encountered, they were able to communicate their emotions quite easily... But in Bi Yuan's case, if she wanted to ask something as specific as the 'system', she would need more than growling and chirping.

Simply put, Bi Yuan lacked the method to freely communicate. Though she shared a special connection with the white ape, she found it too difficult to convey her problems with her limited vocabulary.

When she arrived at the white ape's cave abode, her beady eyes implored the white ape for guidance.

"Kyaah... You are so cute, stop staring at me like that."

"Kyah... Cuteness destructive ×100."

"Just wait, Yuan'er... You need to wait a little more. I will give you a power-up soon."

The white ape spoke to Bi Yuan with a gentle voice. She seemed to grasp the meaning of the white ape's words.

For the past few days, the white ape mostly cradled her with his thin and frail arms. Bi Yuan greatly enjoyed the white ape's praises and touch.

The belly rubs in particular are heavenly.

And finally, the long-awaited day came.

"It is time I give Yuan'er a reward."

The little bunny perked her ears at the white ape's words.

Ping! Unique Class Paladin. Do you accept?

[Paladin— A class that specialized in the power of aura and fortification. They are warriors with a strong vitality and impressive strength. They are justice, virtue, and goodness.]

'Yes.' Bi Yuan sent her intentions to the system. White light infused her being. It felt painful at first, but it then suddenly became rejuvenating.

[Name: Bi Yuan

Class: Paladin

Level 11 (1st stage—Martial Tempering realm)

Vitality: 100%

Qi: 100%

Stats: see more...

Exp: 0/2000]

The little bunny felt full of life!

I am so sad. No one is adding this to their collections yet... (╥_╥)

Alfircreators' thoughts
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