
Cure or End of the Mutants 1

"Mutants, you're always like this. I just said he killed many humans. If it were other normal humans who did that, you wouldn't ask for them to be freed after what they did," said Jack, annoyed.

"You may be right, but you apprehend criminals, you don't kill them. If Magneto and the others are wrong, put them in prison, don't kill them," said Storm.

"They're right, Battle Sage. We shouldn't become like them. If they died in battle, I wouldn't say anything, but we can't kill them now that they've been defeated," said Human Torch.

"Yes, Battle Sage. Maybe someday a prison for people with powers can be created, so these mutant criminals can spend the rest of their lives in prison," said Spider Man.

Jack looked at the other Avengers and it seemed that most agreed with what Johnny and Peter had said. Jack didn't want to follow the moral code of this universe, but since he had to live with the heroes, he couldn't kill them now that they had been defeated.

"Battle Sage, some news helicopters saw that the fight ended and started filming the situation there. If you do something, the whole world will see it," said Maria Hill over the phone.

Jack knew he had lost the opportunity to kill Magneto and the Mutants of the Brotherhood. He couldn't go against everyone just to do what he wanted, even though he knew Magneto and the others would be freed in the future.

"So many threats you've made, Battle Sage, and now you don't have the courage to kill. You're like all the other heroes. Moral is the worst prison for you. You can't do what you want," said Magneto, laughing as he realized he wouldn't die and news helicopters were approaching.

Jack got irritated again when he saw Magneto laughing at him as if he were the winner after causing all this trouble. Jack thought for a moment and decided to compromise, but still do what he wanted.

"You're right, Magneto. I know that if I put you in prison, other mutants will try to free you. After all, you think you're special and better than ordinary humans. You think mutants are better," said Jack.

"But things will not be as you imagine, I won't kill you, but you'll spend your life in prison, and you won't be a mutant anymore," said Jack.

Jack used his powers of chaos magic and the reality stone. He also used the powers of the other infinity stones to strengthen the magic he would use. Soon, Jack's eyes shone, and he could see the X gene in the bodies of Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Jack used the magic he had thought of in the past and saw the X gene in the bodies of Magneto and other mutants disappearing. Magneto still laughed, knowing that Jack could do nothing to him, but he was soon shocked to see that Sabretooth and Toad were changing next to him.

Juggernaut's body did not change much after losing the X gene because the power of Cyttorak had improved his body beyond the X gene. However, Sabretooth shrank in size, and his body weakened significantly.

Toad also changed in appearance and now looked like a normal, skinny human. The Avengers did not understand what Jack had done. Only Thor felt Jack's great power, and Wanda saw that he had used chaos magic, and her eyes shone.

It was Magneto, Scott, and the other mutants who realized what Jack had done. As Magneto had feared in the past, Jack had the ability to take away the powers of mutants. They did not know if it was permanent, but Jack's words suggested that it was.

Magneto tried to move metals, but nothing happened. He could no longer feel the metals, not even those in his own body. Magneto panicked when he realized that he was now human, something he had despised before.

Storm, Scott, and Angel looked at each other with fear. Fortunately, Scott still felt he could shoot energy beams from his eyes, Angel still had his metallic wings, and Storm could still control the weather.

"What have you done, Battle Sage? You couldn't do this. You don't have the right to do something like this!" yelled Scott, seeing what Jack had done.

"Scott, don't think I'm going to let you yell at me like that. Now, Magneto and the others are human, and it has nothing to do with you mutants," said Jack.

"You're not a god, Battle Sage. You can't take away their gifts just because you want to!" Scott shouted.

"Just as it happened with the villains of the past, Magneto and the others used their gifts to do evil, to kill thousands of people, and you always protected them because they were mutants, now human law will take care of these criminals." Said Jack.

The other Avengers didn't mind that Jack had taken away the mutant powers from Magneto and the others, in fact, they wanted Jack to do it with all mutants to avoid problems.

Even Spider-Man, who in another universe was a friend of mutants, agreed with what Jack did, after all, just as he found the cure for villains, Jack simply took the powers of those who used them for evil.

Storm stopped Scott from speaking further, she knew Jack was too powerful and had crossed a dangerous line, Storm didn't know if Jack could ever think of ending all mutants.

"The situation here is over, let's take these criminals to prison, I'll take you to New York." Said Jack.

Jack made Magneto, who was crying and screaming like crazy, faint and sent him and other mutants who were now ordinary humans to prison, the police had already been warned before by Jack, so they put Magneto and others in common cells.

Jack made another portal and left with the Avengers, he offered to take Scott and the other mutants to New York, but Scott refused angrily, Jack didn't care and left them in Egypt.

Jack tried to find a way to be friends with the X-Men, but Charles Xavier didn't want that path, so they wouldn't be friends or enemies anymore, Jack would never take the power of a mutant who didn't want or wasn't a villain.

"Avengers, we did a good job this time, we avoided the death of millions of people and we managed to win without hurting ourselves too much, I hope the next fights will be like this too." Said Jack, laughing.

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