

"What?! highness😲" Alda's eyes went wild. Enzo, Raven, and Agnes were quiet as they listened attentively to Zephyr.. "That's why am sending you four to go there, and report to me whatever happened." Zephyr's cold voice echoed in the quiet room causing Alda to keep shut.. "Yes highness.." They chrosed with a slight bow.

"His highness is so.." Alda looked around to be certain no one was around, then he wispered the last word. "Cruel.." he sighed after he completed his statement.. The three seems to be lost in their own thoughts. "Hey Enzo what do you think his highness is trying to do??" Agnes asked finally snapping out of his thoughts.. "What..! Agnes. didn't you guys heard me??" Alda stood in front of the three stopping them from moving further, but he stepped back when her received a hard glare from Enzo. "So strict." Alda mumured as he walked beside Agnes.. " I think there's something about her, his highness has seen.." Enzo said thoughtfully. "yeah, if I remember, on the night his highness curse activated she happened to be there, and after Raven had erased her memories of that night she still remembered when she woke up." Agnes said after a little thought.. "Whatever, highness Zephyr shouldn't have asked her to go to his highnesses home this period.." Alda sighed then walked over to Raven.. "Hey, Raven what do you think?😏" A lop sided smile curved on his lips as he drapped his arm around Raven's shoulders.." Get you're ass over here, else you get it kicked." Agnes sighed.. "Who cares.." Alda scoffed then returned his attention back to Raven. "Hey, so what do you think huh?" That smile appeared on his lips.. "And 1..2" Agnes counted dryly and in the next second Alda screams was heard. "Arrrhhh!!" Alda screamed. Raven Lifted Alda's arm which was resting over his shoulders with his right arm, than he twisted it really hard causing Alda to fall on one kneel.. "Arrh...Stop.!" Alda cried.. Raven stopped when he was certain Alda had gotten his message.. "told you.." Agnes smirked.. "You're my brother for crying out loud, you should support me!!" Alda half yelled as he massaged his poor twisted arm which was already red.. "Enough.." Enzo said calmy but they all heard the warning in the calmness, it was then they realized they were already in front of the princes home. "Everything seems normal.." Alda wispered.. "Just speak and stop wispering.." Agnes scoffed. "Just act like my brother for once.." Alda rolled his eyes.. "You two.." Enzo sighed then walked further into the compound and Raven followed.. "See? just stay away from me..😕" Agnes sighed then went to catch up with the two.. "Is he really my brother??🤔" Alda thought out loud, then he ran to join the three. "It is supposed to be hot now, but.. although it not so cool but it cooler to how it is supposed to be today, since today is the second day of the curse is taking effect.." Agnes thought out loud.. Enzo studies the environment carefully then he walked closer to the door.. Now he's begining to feel the hotness from the room, but it's lower than it usually use to be.. Enzo slowly opened the door. "Fuck, Ava.." Alda cursed under his breath and he rushed to her side. She was lying next to the prince on the floor, their clothes were soaked in sweat, and the room... it isn't as hot as is usually use to she when the curse is activated.. "A..Ava?" Alda called then he placed his index finger below her nose.. "Haa..thank goodness.." He heaved a sigh of relief when her hot Breath fanned his finger.. "Agnes go with Alda, you guys should take her to Mia ." Enzo instructed.. "Yes.." Agnes said while Alda carried her and rushed out of the room. "Communicate with Highness Zephyr, and tell him what happened.." Enzo said and Raven nodded in response..

Enzo carried Keliel to the bed. he has completely passed out.. his body is as hot as flame, and he is really sweating, so he's still wondering how Ava managed to get close to him.. He stoop up and walked to the bathroom which was by the right corner of the room. He took a basin of cold water and a towel to atleast cool the prince's body before Highness Zephyr arrives. When he had taken what he needed he left the bathroom, but he stilled when he opened the door..

This has never happened, since the prince was cursed.. "Water.." Keliel's rough voice sounded.. Enzo was pulled from his thoughts and he rushed to bring water. Shortly he was back with a glass of water. "here highness.." Enzo handed Keliel the glass of water and Keliel gulped down the water.. "Where is Zephyr?" Keliel asked once he has finished the water.. "he's on his way.." Enzo replied, bit his mind what's else where.. "Uhmm" He nodded then tried standing up.. "Highness you aren't strong yet, waking up now alone is a miracle so please don't stress you're body." Enzo tried to stop Keliel. he knew what he's about to do.. "Where is she??" Keliel ignored Enzo's counsel. "well I asked Alda and Agnes to take her to Mia." he said.. Keliel didn't say anything.. he stood then walked to the window.. "I'll excuse myself.." Enzo bowed a little then left. "Have you communicated with Highness Zephyr?" Enzo asked Raven who was standing at the door.. "yes, and he said he's coming.." Raven replied straightforwardly. "you know he's awake right?" Enzo decided to ask since Raven refused to speak. "Yes, And I must confess it shocking.." He said😐. "Stay here till Highness Zephyr comes, I'll go check on her.." Enzo said and with that he left.

Shortly After..

"Greetings you're highness." Raven lowered his head a little...

"So I guess he's awake.." Zephyr smirked.. "yes." Raven replied.

"Interesting.." the corner of his lips lifted a little and he opened the door to enter. "Seems you're so used to this curse that you're already on your feet." Zephyr smirked as he approached the man by the window..

"What happened??" Keliel ignored Zephyr's compliments. his face was still glued to the bright smiling moon. "how should I know that? I wasn't there with you.." Zephyr scoffed. He's now standing directly behind Keliel. "What will happen to her? will she remember?" Keliel asked again yet he didn't avert his gaze from the moon. "What do you think? will she??" Zephyr asked Keliel back. "oh..and I must remind you, remember she being hunted, so.." I don't need to say the rest. Zephyr sat on Keliel's bed.. "come her and let get this done with' before you pass out your still burning inside, even if she managed to cool you on the outside." Zephyr said. Keliel didn't say anything.. He just sat infont of Zephyr, and crossed his legs then placed both hands side by side on his kneel. Zephyr did the same, but his hands were outstretched touching Keliel's back and soft white smokes surrounded them.. Keliel had closed his eyes, he knew what will come next.. Beads of sweats covered his body, and since he didn't change his clothes in no time his clothes were soaked in sweats. Green vains popped on his head and he twitched his face in displeasure.

He is in pain..😖

Zephyr is trying to stimulate the hotness through out his body, but the curse seem to grow stronger each time it is activated.. now it really difficult to even absorb the heat..

He cleanched clothes damn hard, it really to much to endure. Suddenly he spat out blood and he went limp.

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