
Welcome To American Hunter Academy

few who stand here before me today are finally ready to take up the challenge of your lives! Know that there is no greater honor than to be the bulwark against the monsters who threaten humanity.

"I know that many of you still have a thousand unanswered questions. Well, you're not alone! Even after having spent my whole life fighting, whether for the American armed forces or the Hunters, I still have many questions of my own. Why did God inflict this scourge upon us? Why, for that matter, did God give me the genetics necessary to become a Hunter and fight against this scourge?

"These, and many other questions, will haunt you for the rest of your life as a Hunter. When your comrades fall in battle, when you're alone in the devastated wasteland of the Asian Black Zone, you'll wonder these things. But understand now: No matter your Level or your ranking tier, the only thing that will save your life is believing in yourself! Believe in your own strength! Not only physical, but mental, as well. When your mind is strong, your body will follow suit."

The general's face twisted for the first time into a smile. "Well, then. Welcome to Hunter Academy!"

A hundred cheers and whistles rose up in response to this speech. The general really did have a talent for motivating people, especially during times of great doubt like the one the first-years were experiencing.

General Pantherson waited for this ovation to fade, then leaned in close to the microphone again. "Right, let's move onto something a bit more academic. Allow me to introduce you to the student faculty. You may recognize some of them from your entrance exams. In particular, let me introduce a very prestigious man, the main teacher who will be with you for the next few years! An exceptional man and Hunter from the great Blood Rangers guild. Meet the S-Tier Hunter, Jack Blades, the Wizard Conqueror!"

On cue, a man stepped up onto the podium. He wore a peculiar red cloak that obscured most of his body. The few parts of his body that were visible, mainly his hands and feet, were covered in ruby-encrusted black armor. The exception was his face, which was hidden behind a white mask with some peculiar painted details.

Everyone stared at Jack Blades in fascination. Even as far as professors and celebrities went, Tier-S Hunters were true legends. Their exploits and strength made them celebrities of the highest caliber in modern society.

Jack Blades ignored the microphone and said in a powerful, piercing voice that carried over to everyone in the crowd. "Hello, everyone! As the good general told you, I'll be your primary teacher for the next three years. I won't lie to you: My job is to turn you from ordinary civilians with no experience to real warriors capable of surviving in the no man's land of the Black Zones!

"To this end, General Pantherson has given me the go-ahead to train, evaluate, and classify each and every one of you. So here's how this year's program will work: At the end of each term, you'll have an exam, which will award you points. There's also a certain activity which will award bonus points… But you'll need to consult the academy encyclopedia to learn more. 

"As you know, these points will accumulate from term to term and afford you certain financial advantages. You have four trimesters to prove that you deserve to truly be called a Hunter! Only the top 500 will continue on to next year, and even then, your place in the ranking will determine your starting situation next year, where you'll receive a letter classification ranging from A to E. I'll spare you all the details for now… but know that, apart from your financial wellbeing, your very future as a Hunter depends on your performance."

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