
Chapter 12: Friends/ Foes.

Day three.

Olivia wore the exact cloths she wore to Josaphine's slumber party because it had the same green slime on it. She climbed down the ladder like a thief and wondered what people would think if she suddenly became visible.

As she was walking she met an old lady who for some reason was looking at her.

"Good afternoon" Olivia said hoping the woman could see her.

"Good afternoon dear" she replied adjusting her wheelchair.

"Do you need help crossing the street" Olivia asked.

"Oh, thank you dear" she said as she brought out a fairly wrinkled hand for Olivia to hold.

Olivia helped by pushing the wheelchair to the other side of the road and lucky for her not everyone seemed to notice them.

Olivia smiled but wondered why only Dave could see her earlier.

"Where they immune or something" she asked herself as the old lady made it to the other side of the road without harm.

The old lady smiled warmly and for the first time she felt safe and warm.

"Thank you" she said as she pushed her wheelchair.

"You're welcome" Olivia yelled as she continued walking.

As soon as she walked far enough she noticed something odd. The sidewalk had the green slime and it was still visible.

It looked like the same slime that was on her bag. She picked it up with her white glove and observed it.

Nothing happened at first so she continued walking but as soon as she got to Josaphine's house the glove completely vanished, she looked at the phone that displayed the time and before she could make sense out of what had happened a hand grabbed her arm.She turned and noticed it was Dave who seemed tense about something.

"Why?" he asked totally afraid.

"I don't understand, why what?"

"Why are you following me, did I kill you on something, I knew that cement prank was too much but can you blame me, please Olivia forgive me I promise I won't play a single prank again" he was on his knees begging as tears streamed down his cheeks.

"I'm not dead" Olivia said trying to defend herself.

"Then why can't anyone see you, do you know the rumors got to my parents, they have suggested I go find a therapist, please Olivia please leave me" he said seriously and it didn't suit him, she missed his annoying laughs and the evil smug that he made whenever she walked past him.

"You're not the only one who can see me, remember Mike from school he saw me and this Old lady hmm, I helped she saw me and...

"Maybe the old lady is dead," he said as anxiety was written all over his face.

Olivia watched him get hysterically and for some minutes, she knew her invisibility had pushed Dave's mental health to the edge she felt sad for him but also happy, she had her enemy on her feet and she was happy to see him desperate that meant she could have her way.

"You want me to go to the great beyond" Olivia said as she mimicked the ghosts she saw in movies. Dave nodded feeling completely hopeless.

" Then you have to solve the case of my disappearance" Olivia said as she happily let herself in.

Dave followed her closely keeping a safe distance from her. He didn't fully trust her and she didn't fully trust him too.

She walked up the stairs and entered Dave's room. It was neater than how it was when she previously dropped by but the atmosphere was still as gloomy and as sad as she remembered it. She reached for the curtains and opened them to shed light on the nearly dark room.

Dave nearly screamed as he saw her open the windows too. He quickly ran to close the windows . He closed the windows and it was even darker than it was before.

"Hey" she yelled as she saw him act childish.

"I have a rare condition, I'm not used to too much sunlight"he explained.


"It has a really huge impact on my health"

"Oh" she repeated suddenly feeling sorry for him.

"Any more allergies"

"No, but I have a rare eye condition. I don't usually see well so....

Oh snap this was it, the eye condition, she tried to match her Discovery with everything she observed.

The old lady could see her because she was old and probably had the same condition as Dave, Mike wore glasses. They were all immune.

She was a bit relieved to know that she was still visible to some people but quickly became sad as she remembered no one could still be able to see her unless they wore special glasses like Mike had.

She knew she couldn't just walk up to everybody and ask: Hey man, here have these glasses they're free.

She had to do something and fast her parents wouldn't buy the "I'm at my friends house" excuse for much longer.

She turned around to tell Dave that she was alive but when she turned she saw him sleeping.

He must have slept out of fear because he was sweating profusely.

Olivia smiled as she walked away heading straight for her home ignoring Josaphine who just walked out of her room.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Cynthia_4681creators' thoughts
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