
the line I (had to) cross.

It was raining over the central plains of Sidralis, and a particularly dark patch of cloud hung over Rosweiss City.

The rain had inundated the capital overnight, swelling the River Rose and trickling down the cobblestone streets. It was unseasonably early for the rainy season, so rather than the stifling humidity a Spring downpour ordinarily brought, it was the last of Winter's bitter fog and biting chill instead.

This—thankfully—scattered the main protests, leaving only the most diehard supporters to chant and shout, though in these miserable conditions, it seemed like they had far less fire in their bellies.

"Here, I hope milk and sugar is fine."

Lynn emerged from the coffee shop, careful of the water dripping from the awning overhead. She passed the warm cup to Sergeant Vivi Himes, who stood with a scarf wrapped tightly around her neck.

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