

I frowned. I did not mind my past being used for his paper, but it felt as if that was the whole reason he called me out today. He knew a lot about other religions, but my mother's cult was on a completely different level. To be honest, I did not know what happened to the woman after child services took me from her or anything. When I turned thirteen, I received a package with quite a few notebooks full of the information concerning what she had done during her time as the Cult Leader, but that was all I knew.

To find someone interested in that particular part of my past made me nervous. Especially one who seemed as dangerous as the well-built man in front of me. Who knows what his plans are? On top of that, his gaze seemed permanently locked on my face. While I could appreciate he did not stare at the rest of my body, his gaze was unnerving and he seemed so intent on it, his entire body looked like a statue. It was weird to seem so focused on someone.

"I could also say that I am interested in the girl that seems to be at the top of her class while never talking to anyone." He continued when he saw my frown. "You seem really focused on Religious Studies for someone from that past."

I choked on the piece of cake in my mouth when he said this, and lifted my fist to my chest to try to clear the stuck food. Would he still say that if he knew what my mother did to people? After clearing the food from my throat, I chewed on my lip as I considered this and turned my attention back to the plate. Most thought my mother was an Anti-Christ, but that was an understatement. Since my birth, my mother spent time preparing me for 'Lucifer'. If he was even real.

"I… well…" I stuttered, as I finished my last bite of cake and took a sip of my coffee. "Even after, I never really had a lot of stability, religiously, or otherwise."

I finally looked up at him to find him staring at me, head still resting on his fist. He had, at some point, leaned closer as he listened to me. That smoky, burning scent filled my nose, and though most would find it annoying, I rather liked it. Growing shy, I looked away and found interest in the swirls of whipped cream remaining in my coffee. Usually, I tried to hide away from attractive men like him, as I knew I would be in trouble if I got involved, but the simple fact of the matter was that I was growing more and more curious about this man sitting in front of me.

"This topic is making you uncomfortable." He stated, reading my body language. "Shall we talk about something else?"

"Oh… yeah… a little." My voice tapered off as my eyes met his again. "What do you want to talk about?"

Was it normal to have this much eye contact with someone you just met? The way his lips curved up slightly in a smile should be illegal, I thought, watching as his hand finally fell away from his face. What surprised me was him standing and walking over to the register. Tilting my head curiously at his actions, I watched and waited until he came back, tucking his wallet into the back pocket of his designer jeans. He has nice legs, I thought, watching as the blue jeans hugged his legs, before shaking the thought from my head.

Everything about Luis was nice. From the burned red eyes to the subtle smoky scent. Even the way his muscles flexed as he moved through his shirt was doing wild things to my heart, and I sighed. If he ever knew what I thought about, he would likely pick on me for thinking of him so attractive. I bit my lip again when he stopped next to where I sat in the booth with a mischievous smile on his face. Was this not moving too fast for him? I wondered again, licking my lips as I waited for him to ask whatever he needed to.

"How about you let me escort you today?" Luis asked, watching as my eyebrows rose while he offered me his hand. "Just for a bit. I'd like to learn more about you."

This was new. Everyone in the coffee shop was staring, making me want to find the nearest corner to hide in, but he just stood there waiting for me. With a blush, I took his hand, retreating when I felt a spark of warmth flow from my fingertips to the rest of my body. This is so awkward… not to mention weird. As we walked out of the restaurant, I overheard an official-looking man yelling at the server from before.

"I don't care what he looks like, harassing our customers and their dates is NOT what we do around here." He yelled at the shaking girl. "Especially not HIM! You know better than that!"

Before I could overhear the rest of the conversation, I felt his hand on the small of my back, pushing me out of the door. The touch felt way too intimate for someone I had just met today. I shifted away slightly, only to feel his hand follow. Having such limited experience with men was making me feel lost. What was I supposed to do here? How did I stop him from breaking into my personal space like this? Though all these questions filled my mind, no answers were forthcoming, so I sighed into my shoulder.

"Uh…" I tried to shift away again, only to pause as I looked at a building in front of me. "What's here?"

"It's the roof I wanted to take you to. It has a lovely view of the city." Luis replied, chuckling as I angled away from his hand. "Not a fan of being touched, are you?"

"I'm… just uh… not used to a man paying this much attention to me," I started hesitantly as he led me into an elevator. "I know you've heard the rumors about me. It's difficult to pretend those don't exist."

Within moments, the doors opened up to a little room at the very top of the building, revealing what appeared to be a small sitting area surrounded by glass. I smiled slightly before walking forward to the door to the roof itself. Just on the other side, I could see a rose garden filled with reds, whites, and pinks. In the middle, a woman was sitting among the flowers as though frozen in time. Were it not for the strange woman, I would find this place to be extremely beautiful. Luis appeared from nowhere and opened the door for me.

Suddenly, my heart rate picked up at the slightly gray, black hair I saw under the hood of the cloak woman was wearing. It was so familiar so I found myself walking closer to where she sat on the floor in the midst of brightly colored rose petals. What?! When her face rose to meet my gaze, I froze in place, my throat clogging with emotions. No! No, no, no! It was her… the woman that had haunted my dreams repeatedly since I was a child. In an instant, I turned to run back to the elevator, only to feel arms wrap around my waist, stopping me.

"Fate always has a way of crawling back to us." The same voice that haunted my dreams nightly seemed to whisper over the sound of the wind in my ears. "No matter how far we try to run."

"NO!" I screamed out loud, doing my best to break free of the arms the man wrapped around me. "Let me go!"

I felt the surrounding arms loosen, and I broke free, not bothering to look back as I immediately made a run for the edge of the building. There was no way I could go back to that life. Not of listening obediently, afraid to do anything on my own. I refused to go back to a life where I could not make my own decisions. Without even giving myself time to think, I ran straight for the edge and threw myself off, praying that I would at least hit head first so it would be a quick death. I simply cannot do… this…

 With my eyes closed, I felt the rushing of the wind around my body before everything stopped. I felt hands around my waist, lifting me up slowly before warmth was touching the length of my body from my shoulders to my ankles. The logical side of my brain was denying the possibility, while claiming I was also insane for this dream. The other side was telling me I could hear the flutter of wings. The strong scent of smoke and fire filled my nose and fear filled my heart.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to the same sienna color from the coffee shop, staring directly into my soul. Behind him stretched out six layers of feathered wings the same black as his hair, and atop that hair rested two deep red twisted horns. His jeans and t-shirt had vanished, leaving his chiseled chest exposed and his legs now covered by a new swath of black fabric. I reached up and pinched my cheek after releasing my hand from his grip.

"OUCH!!!" No… this has to be a dream… a nightmare… I thought as tears came to my eyes. "This can't… can't…"

Despite putting all my strength into pushing against his muscular chest to free myself from him, he did not move, and fear settled in the pit of my stomach. This man was making it very clear. There was no hope for escape, and my terror only increased. What would he force me to do? Would I become a broodmother to demons? How would I live? What would I do? These thoughts flickered through my panicked mind at an unreal speed before his mouth opened revealing sharp, fang-like teeth.

"It is." He replied, his smile making him look sinister, grabbing my hand from my cheek before I could pinch myself again. "I am as real as you, Aura. Look around you."

And so, I did. I could no longer recognize the building we were on within the city far below me, or the woman… my mother… that had haunted my every nightmare. My mind was having difficulties keeping up with all of this, but one thing was for sure. If this was a demon, I had to do my best to escape him. Death would be better for me than whatever plans he had. His grip on me tightened as though he could see what was going through my mind.

Slowly the image faded and screams filled my ears as the smell of rotten, burning corpses entered my senses, and I looked back around. It was all red, a permanent fire burning and devouring the flesh of those who sinned. I could see monster-like creatures in the distance, far larger than any human I had ever seen, their lumbering steps shaking the very ground they walked on. One glance around this hellish landscape told her she was in hell. The man before her, no demon, was Lucifer, the King of Hell. Her nightmare unfurled before her eyes and her heart jumped into her throat.

"You will serve your purpose to me." Luis ordered, causing more tears to spring to my eyes. "That is the fate decided for you, long before your birth."

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