
Chapter Forty-Three: Human Wall

Watching the gigantic monsters approaching, those who've failed to grasp the scope of the situation gained a sudden glimpse of reality. Many knees went limp, as hundreds of soldiers fell to their knees.

Orcs, about a hundred of them. Each had a height similar to the wall, meaning, for the first time, the wall they relied on was no longer a viable source of protection. A bleak reality that quickly soaked their spirits.

"How are we supposed to fight that?" a guard asked, creating a massive chain of doubt, as the frightened soldiers voiced their concern and fear.

Noticing the despair that was spreading like a disease, Lenart tried his best to improve their morals. "Things might seem hopeless, but no matter what tomorrow will come! As long as we fight for the us of tomorrow, we will prevail. The strongest of the Orcs will be taken care of by me and Harold, while Jasmine will support us from afar. The odds are in our favor, as long as you believe in yourself and your comrades!" Lenart exclaimed, doing his best as an inexperienced commander.

'We really need a strategist!' Jantyr thought, watching the poor motivational speech by his strongest worshiper. Not a single soldier got encouraged by his speech, they just deadpanned at him and went back to despair, something that managed to annoy Lenart.

Two kilometers away from the wall, the army of orcs could be sighted. They moved in unison, each step they took was akin to an earthquake. The biggest Orcs were at the front, protecting the weaker ones behind them.

Harold, capable as he was, decided to wait a bit more before shooting arrows through their heads. But he still drew his bow and went quiet concentrating on the target ahead. The world became a blur, as Harold and the orc of choice was all that remained. The moisture in the air, the slight wind, everything was calculated in a second. Then the next second mana seeped into the arrow, enhancing its powers several folds. Then, just like that, he relaxed his finger and a sonic boom occurred.

The guards near Harold covered their ears from the devastating sound that made their ears bleed. The arrow in question became a blurry bolt of lightning that reached the target three seconds after release, completely blowing the orcs head off, splashing its comrades in blood.

The guards regained their cool after his shot, and those who had panicked gained back their courage. Yet, Harold wasn't done, he drew the string once more, picking out a mean looking orc and fired.

Another sonic bomb took the battlefield by storm and announced its presence. Like before the arrow was imbued in lightning, meaning its power was no joke. But the orc it targeted was a powerhouse, eight meters tall and since it wasn't taken by surprise, the orc managed to use the blunt part of its ax to block the arrow. Even then it was injured from the powerful lightning coursing through its body, thanks to the metal.

The orcs had already reached the fields and were destroying them, leaving a path of devastation behind them as they approached the walls. Some orcs managed to find rocks here and there and picked them up; what resumed after was terrifying.

Harold's expression turned grim, as he hurriedly drew his bow and fired several arrows at the approaching rocks. Over twenty rocks, the size of a boulder were flying towards them, holding the power of a trebuchet.

Harold only managed to destroy five rocks, before the rest reached the wall, upon arrival they rudely announced their presence. Some collided with the walls and splintered the wood, creating giant holes in the wooden wall. While other boulders flew over the wall and reached the buildings, destroying several houses and burying the guards close to the houses in ruble. Thankfully most villagers who werenät fighting had already evacuated, or else they would die.

Two of the boulders hit bullseye, managing to land right on the wall, where several archers stood. Not only did the wall get destroyed and several archers got out of commission and had to be rescued, while four had been hit directly, their current state, unknown.

Within the frame of twenty seconds, the guards had regained their hope, only to lose it again, shivering in fright, hearing the cries and yells for help from the buried soldiers. Their howls of pain resonated deep in their souls.

The front wall was partly destroyed and it was impossible to move freely now, while rubble and boulders covered the ground below, limiting their movements tremendously.

"A fight in the city will do us no good, Lenart, lead the men, we will attack from a distance and offer you support!" Harold yelled, wishing to gain control of the situation as quickly as possible.

Lenart didn't respond and simply started moving toward the entrance, hundreds of spearmen and swordsmen followed him. The situation was grim and they were by no means warriors! They were normal villagers, with no choice but to protect their home. Which meant one thing; just the fact that they were fighting lowered their morale and casted a dreadful atmosphere over the army. Even Lenart and Harold were the same, just normal people, with no formal training.

They held an unsteady formation, with an uneven number of people walking in groups, all following Lenart. Without his orders they split into different places and formed a line, five soldiers deep, with six and seven at some places.

They had formed a thick human wall between the village and themselves and now waited. Their hands trembled in fear, as their adrenaline kicked in, making it hard to stand still. They felt a cold itch take over their body, as their instincts told them to move, run, fight, just move. But most understood that if they rushed the enemy they would be the first to die.

A battle amongst themselves started, as they fought for who was to be at the front and who was to be at the backline. But Lenart noticed and put a stop to their actions.

Chills ran down their spines, as the whistling of arrows sounded above them, as hundreds of arrows rained down on the closing orcs. Just one mistake, a broken arrow, a sudden shift in wind and they might be at the receiving end of the rain of death, they thought, but they stayed still, too scared to move.

The orcs were now visible and the sight made them pale, up close was truly terrifying. Big as trees, thick as houses, strong and versatile and even wielding weapons, those were the creatures they were facing; death!

Lenart was the first to move and made the injured orcs his priority, those who had been hit by the relentless wave of arrows, yet survived. Lightning flowled through his body, as his hair floated and his spear turned blue from the amount of lightning, then, like a gust of wind Lenart was gone, only for a loud bang to resound, as Lenart spear met with an eight meter tall orc's ax.

(An: Hello, sorry for no chapter on monday, I had a headache and didn't want to write a bad chapter, just to keep up with expectations, instead there will be a chapter tomorrow! Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a great day, author out :) )

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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