
Page 18

Undead Zombie King Broly took the full force of the blow he says "Nice hit but I am not done with you yet it has only just started" John can't be stopped from being surprized that Undead Zombie King Broly is still standing. Undead Zombie King Broly slowly walks in John's direcrtion for about a minite allowing John to get back to his feet by sheer will power alone. Than Undead Zombie King Broly runs like before unseen and starts punching John over and over again than. John pucnhes him four times. Undead King Broly punchs John in the gut however John than kicks him in the balls. Two seconds later John goes for another attack however Undead King Broly grabs his fist and uses his second hand to punch John in the face a few times. John uses his free arm to punch him in the back of the skull. Undead King Broly slaps John in the face. Than he let's go of John's fist and grabs John again and places him in another bearhug dealing bone breaking damage to John again for another six minites before he starts to run holding John in the bearhug and smashing him into the tombstones. Undead King Broly uses elemental power to create mountains of rock along with metal along with metal forests and regular forests. Undead King Broly slams John into everything he just made destorying it all with John's body. A zombie says "He is having fun isen't he? Undead King Broly lets go of John ans than sends him flying with a right hook. Jasmine says "John is going to get killed I should save him than again if he becomes an undead person he can't keep me away and he will be all mine!"

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