
Chapter 14


I hadn't heard from Gabriela since yesterday and honestly, even though Alex had said she's fine, I had to see for myself. I know sometimes I'm overprotective of her, but she's my cousin who I love too much. She had gone through many things similar to what I went through.

I was walking back and forth at home and I know it's starting to worry grandma, but I couldn't help it. "Kevin, you shouldn't worry so much about Gabriela, she's well taken care of. Alex won't let anything happen to her." Grandma said, appearing out of nowhere, "I know, but I haven't heard from her since yesterday, grandma, what if something happened to her and Alex didn't call us because he forgot?"

"There's nothing wrong with your cousin, she needs peace of mind." She noted this and even though I knew it, I'm not calm. "Can't we give you that peace of mind?" I asked, "It's not that, but taking considering we, all know the risk of Gabriela's pregnancy and overprotective of her, we'll end up stressing her out, and is what we should avoid at this moment. Besides, I'm sure she's sleeping, stop worrying about her so much."

"I can't help it grandma." I admitted and she laughed. "Well, go home, if it's the only way for you to stay calm." He said with a smile "That's what I'm going to do." I responded, looking for the car keys to go to Gabriela's house. "We're not waiting for you to eat, right?" She asks and I denied "I'll stay with her until night if I can."

"Okay, at night you tell me how you saw her and everything." Grandma said pointing at me and I nodded with a smile on my face "I will, don't worry. See you grandma." I said goodbye, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "See you, be careful. By the way, if you see her, tell her to stop by one of these days, we have to celebrate properly her pregnancy." She said with a big smile on her face, "I'll tell her and convince her to do it tomorrow, don't you think?"

"I'll settle to one day; it doesn't have to be tomorrow." She pointed and I nodded, but I was still going to tell her it's better to come tomorrow. "It's the same, I'm going to do it." I responded "Okay, whatever you want. See you tonight, Kevin." Grandma said "See you tonight grandma." I approached her to kiss her on the cheek again and left to head to the car. It took me about half an hour to get to my godmother's house, so I get out and ring waiting for them to open the door.

"Hello Kevin, how are you?" my godmother asked with a smile on her face. "Good, I came to see Gabriela, can I come in?" I asked "You can come in, but Gabriela is not here. You can tell she doesn't live here anymore." She admitted and I frowned, a little confused. "I didn't know, but then could you tell me how to find her?" I asked "She will be at Alex's house, go there."

"Where is it exactly?" I asked, not knowing where my cousin's fiancé lived. "You go down that road, keep going straight, turn right and you will find a gray house, that's it. Surely you will see either Gabriela's car or Alex's." She responded, "Thank you godmother" I said, "I supposed you came for that, but Gabriela is fine, I spoke with her this morning."

"She might be okay, but I want to see it for myself. I have to make sure." I answered and she laughed "As you wish, have a good time." He said, "I'll do it, until another time, godmother." I said goodbye "See you later." I headed back to the car and followed the path godmother had told me. It took me a little while to get there, I must admit, but as soon as I saw a house of the color godmother described to me and saw Marcos' car, I knew that's the house, so I parked next to Marcos' car and headed to the door, ringing. and waiting for them to open up for me. Because of how long it took, I thought I had gone to the wrong house, but as soon as Marcos opens the door with a smile, I know things have to be fine with Gabriela.

"Kev, we weren't expecting you here. What are you doing here?" My cousin's best friend asked curiously. "I wanted to see my cousin, and since I went to my godmother's house and she wasn't there, she told me she was most likely here, and that's the answer I'm here." I replied with a big smile on my face "Well, I'm glad to see you. Come in." He said, stepping aside and letting me into the house. "Thank you."

I entered the house and the first thing I hear is Carlota scolding someone and I see Ana is walking around the house looking for something. "Do you need anything Ana?" Marcos asked his little sister, "No, I'm just going to go get the guitar." She said, "Okay" With that Ana went up the stairs to the upper floor while I followed Marco through the house.

"Are you going to tell me who your girlfriend Marcos is scolding?" I asked when I heard Carlota's voice from where we were. "Alex, at this moment they are martyring the poor man." The guy admitted with a smile on his face "Why? Gabriela wouldn't do something like that to him." I asked, a little confused. "Believe me, he told them he didn't know who they were." She responded "Who were who?" I questioned, even more confused "Little Mix." He answered without further ado and I couldn't help but laugh, "Wow… he had gotten into trouble."

"They are telling him everything they know." Marcos said with a big smile on his face. "That's going to take a long time." I pointed and he nodded. "Yes, but it's funny to see Alex's face, you'll laugh." He said, starting to walk where I guess they were "I don't doubt it, the poor thing must not be having a good time now. I pity him right now."

"Well, if I tell you it seems quite the opposite, I don't know if it's because Gabriela is telling him or what, but he has a dumbfounded face listening to them…" We continued walking until we reached the living room and I could see Alex sitting on the sofa looking attentively to Gabriela and Carlota who were standing explaining something to him. "Come on Alex, don't tell me they're not cool because I'll kill you right here, and I won't mind if Gabriela kills me later."

"He doesn't have to like Carlota." My cousin pointed out, denying, "Are you really telling me this, Gabriela? "I really am not understanding anything right now, it's as if you stopped liking them." Carlota responded in an annoyed tone, "Don't say stupid things, you know everything they mean to me, but that doesn't mean he have to like them."

With that piece of conversation, I already understood what Marcos meant by saying it's going to be fun for me to see Alex's face despite being stunned looking at Gabriela, I know he didn't know how he had ended up sitting there listening to everything about Gabriela's favourite group. I had to suffer it myself the moment it came out I didn't know what group they were; I must admit they are good and in the end, I ended up liking them too.

"I see you're suffering from a bombardment of information from girls. If you don't like it, they will kill you, you shouldn't listen to what Gabriela says." I said with a big smile on my face "Zeg geen domme Kev, ik zal niets doen. (Don't say stupid things Kev, I won't do anything)" Gabriela responded with a threatening look "Okay, okay, I won't say any more stupid things. It seems weird he didn't hear about them before considering you have an obsession with them."

"Je weet waaron ik ze leuk vind en hoeveel ze me op bepaalde momenten habben geholpen, vooral wat ik op school heb meegemaakt. (You know the reason why I like them and how much they helped me at certain times, especially what I went through at school)" he said and I nodded, because I knew "Ik weet. (I know)" I know everything they helped her through, she told me herself and I must admit that they helped me in a certain sense, but I know they helped her with the lyrics of her songs and above all for everything what they had to go through to get there, I don't remember her name, but I know she identifies with one of them because apparently, she also had a bad time.

"Well, I hope you at least stop torturing him for a while so he can at least settle his ideas." I said "Do you think this is torture? Do you really think talking about them is torture?" Carlota began, approaching me, "Carlota, don't. Even though he doesn't admit it, deep down he adores them like we do." Gabriela said with a smile on her face, "Ah."

It's funny to me that she stopped scolding me for the simple fact Gabriela told her deep down I adored them too, which wasn't totally true, I loved them, but not to the level they do. "Waar Kwan je voor Kev? (Why did you come Kev?)" Gabriela asked, crossing her arms "Ik had geen nieuws van je en ik maakte me zorgen, zie, je kunt nu genieten van mijn aanwezigheid, beste neef. (I had no news from you and I was worried, so you can enjoy my presence at this moment, dear cousin.)

"Je bent een dramatische, lieve neef, maar toch wordst er van gehouden. (You are a dramatic, dear cousin, but you are loved anyway.)" she said as if it were no big deal "Thank you very much cousin, ik hou Okay go heh. (I love you too)" I could see a smile on her face and as soon as she looked at Alex, it only widened.

"Well, I guess you'll have to eat, because it's about time you did." I pointed and I could see how Gabriela rolled her eyes "Kev, please don't be annoying too." He asked, "That's what I'm going to be, I'll have to worry about the health of my cousin and her son." My cousin rolled her eyes again and we all laughed at that action. While Gabriela and Carlota went to get Ana, the three of us headed to the kitchen to start making food, which even though it's a little early, apparently it wouldn't take long for Gabriela to get hungry.

"Well, tell me how my cousin is doing? Yesterday left us all worried." I asked Alex, "From what she shows, she's fine, but I'm still not completely convinced." He admitted, "I guess she's still assimilating it, things like that have always been difficult for her to assimilate." I responded, "No wonder, Gabriela is very sensitive, even though she tries to prove the opposite." Marcos said, "Yes, she's sensitive, but she's also strong and I'm sure she'll overcome it too, but better tell us how you handle it." I asked, looking at Gabriela's fiancé, "How am I doing?"

"Come on Alex, it's us. If what you're worried about we'll tell Gabriela, we won't do it." Marcos assured, "I really wouldn't know what to say, the only thing I want is for them to be well, the rest doesn't matter." She responded, leaning on the island. "But you know Gabriela won't be okay if you aren't, right?"

"Maybe, but I'll make sure if something happens to me, she won't notice." Alex assured, "That's impossible, my cousin always notices when things are not going well. You won't be able to stop her from worrying about you." Marcos said denying, "At this moment it's not good for her to worry."

"And we all know it, but we're not going to be able to avoid that. Since we were little, she always worried about everyone, we can say she practically had no childhood, always worried about something." I responded "Overdreven" (Exaggerated)" We all turned towards the door because we weren't expecting the girls to be there so quickly. I could see she had a big smile the whole family is happy to see, because it's weird to see her like that, although lately she always looks like that, obviously when Alex is around, but we shouldn't complain about that, in the end he turned out to be a good person. Also, I think that for once this week she looked calm.

"It's the truth and you know it." I said pointing to her "Of course you are, I'm not always worried about something." Gabriela insisted, approaching Alex, "Dus vertel me un meteen dat je dat niet bent. (Then tell me right now you are not)"

She didn't say anything and looked down, so I know she's worried about something, which I would find out after eating. I'm fortunate to know Gabriela so well and to have some of that ability both she and her grandma had, because at this moment it helps me a lot. I'm sure if Gabriela wanted to be an actress, she would be great with how well she knows how to play a role.

"Dan gaan we wandelen en praten. (Later we'll go for a walk and talk.)" I said in a serious tone, which makes her look up " Over Kev hoef heh heh nerves Zorgen over you maken , het gaat goed (There's nothing to worry about Kev, I'm fine.)" she replied "We waten allebei dat er iets is waar je je zorgen over maakt, en als je Alex niet meer zorgen wilt maken dan hij, kunnen we maar beter gaan praten. (We both know there's something that has you worried, and if you don't want to worry Alex more than he is, we better go and talk.)

"Oké, soms ben je erger dan papa dar zeg ik je echt. (Okay, sometimes you're worse than dad, I'm serious.)" she protested and I laughed because it wasn't the first time she'd said something like that. "Guys, I really hate it when you do that, I want to know what are you talking about too" Carlota protested, "That's because you're too gossipy and you like to know everything Carlota."

"Me? Gossip? Not at all, I think you're wrong Kev." She said, rolling her eyes. "I'm not, anyone inside this kitchen can tell you." I responded, pointing to the rest, "I'm not, it's just generally when you speak Dutch it's because you don't want us to find out about things." She said and I denied "That's not true, it's routine." I responded, because for us it's a routine, at least since she was in Holland. "So, if you're not hiding anything from us, will you tell us that important thing you were talking about?"

At that moment Gabriela turned her face slowly in my direction and in her gaze, I could see a kind of threat so I wouldn't say anything about what we talked about. "I was telling her grandma told me this morning to tell her to stop by the house one of these days, that we had to celebrate the fact she's pregnant" I could see the relief on her face at that moment, which makes me think she thought it wasn't true. "Het es geen grapje . (It's not a joke)" I said "But…"

"Before you refuse again, dear cousin, let me tell you grandma is too excited to celebrate. You don't want to take away that illusion from grandma, right?" I knew she was going to refuse and that's why I used the only card I know she wouldn't refuse, more than anything because she adores her and doesn't want to take away anyone's hope, least of all of grandma "Dat es vuile Kev spelen . (That's playing dirty Kev)" Gabriela protested with a pout "It's the only way I know you won't refuse, or I'm wrong?"

"Ik haat je (I hate you)" he said and I laughed because I knew that's not true at all "Je aanbidt me en je weet het. (You adore me and you know it)" I pointed out and she rolled her eyes "I think the moment you decided to go to Holland without telling anyone was not a good idea."

"Were you in Holland?" Alex asked, focusing all his attention on his fiancée. "Yeah, you don't know what a fright she gave us all." Carlota said, "Why?" My cousin's fiancé questioned curiously. "Because she didn't tell anyone, she just left. I must admit I got angry with her for not at least notifying her she was leaving."

"Carlota, shut up already." Gabriela's face was a poem and the rest of the rest didn't understand anything, but we all turned to look at her when she spoke to Carlota like that, it's as if the good mood she had a couple of seconds ago went somewhere I don't know. "Sorry, just… just don't talk about it."

I could see how sad she was and I honestly don't understand why, as far as I know we had had a good time in the year she was there, I don't understand her way of acting at this moment, but thinking about it I don't know the reason why she showed up there without warning, these are things that don't make sense for Gabriela and I would have to find out at another time.

"I need to go out for a while." She didn't even let us dispute that, she walked out the door, and Alex was going to go after her when I stopped him. "Leave her, I'll go." I said "It's not…" He started to say, but I denied "I know it's not, but really, let me go, I know what I'm doing. I'll tell you anything." I said even though it wasn't true I was going to tell him the truth if Gabriela doesn't want him to know, "Okay."

With that I went out the door and started looking around thinking about where Gabriela could have gone, but it didn't take me long to see her figure sitting on the grass a few meters from the house, so I started walking in her direction. I had to find out what happened to him to react that way.

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