
All About Revenge

Tonight that same day Bellamy was sleeping Steve showed up to his room he saw a bottle of porridge on the table he sat down beside Bellamy and took that porridge he drank it.

"Wwooow this looks good have you tried it?"

"No I didn't I just ate a few fruits Lexa gave me"

"Believe me you would want to test this porridge too"Bellamy was smiling.

"Tell me what happened Bellamy why did you save her?"

"Well I just saw a car going through her, I yelled at her to move she was out and I decided to push her far away"

"And you saved her because of that? Nothing else?"

"What's there be to save her we were arguying a moment before I was hit she was saying about this revenge of hers that it's the reason why she sells herself to rich guys I didn't get her she walked away and BANG!! I was hit and thrown away"

"You are funny even If you are hurt you know that? You didn't think twice you decided to go and help her even though tou two were not in good terms"

"When I was in army I used my fingers to pull trigers, hands to throw grenades, hitting and torture I never saved a life before so I never experience what can cost for someone to save a life, all I knew was killing but them One day I realised that life is more then just taking lives instead it's more in saving lives, when I saved her I felt happy my heart was at ease even though I was ready to die I was very happy"

"You could have died then"

"I had a savior I knew even If I was rushed to a hospital you would saved me because you are a savior of lives doctor" Steve smiled at him.

"You are my buddy you know that? I wouldn't let you go that easily, now rest see you tomorrow" Steve stood up he switched off the lights and went outside.

The otherday morning Bellamy was starting his walking practising he was being helped by Steve Lexa and Janet showed up to him.

"What a good timing am tired of helping him out I have some other schedules to attend"

"Thanks Steve I will take it from here"

Steve walked away Lexa hugged Bellamy Janet was smiling.

"Is this real or am I just dreaming?"

"Wan't me to hit you hard on the head"

"Let it go, besides how are you doing Steve?"

"Catching up you see, thank you for coming and see me"

"When I first saw you on the road Lexa was holding you onto her arms I thought you wouldn't make it out alive, but I guess we do have a talented best friend doctor beside us we should be thankful"

"I agree with you Janet I have an Idea when Bellamy here fully recovered we should make a party to the four of us"

"Four really? How about me?" Curly showed up they were shocked.

"Curly how did you know the room number?"

"Well I ran into Steve outside besides what about this party just four of you"

"She ment to say Five you know your friend Layla"

"Yeah and how is your health handsome? You look terrible"

"Am catching up but thanks for helping out"

"Well I didn't pitch in that much"

"But still you ended up the same grade as them I owe my life to you too" Layla smiled she went to help Lexa walking him Janet was preparing fruit for him they seems happy.

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