
A Greater Height

Jack, who was watching it from afar, couldn't help but say it in his heart. 'Ban, please don't do something stupid.'

He was extremely worried about him, as he knew Band had zero chance against Gale; at this rate, he would be just inviting his death.

Gyuki's voice suddenly changed, trying to comfort Jack. 'You do not have to worry. This Gale…he doesn't seem like someone who would kill for no reason. I have seen and met many people in my life, so I can identify someone's personality with just a glance.'

Jack's face turned weird. He asked with doubt. 'Are you telling the truth, master? If it is true, then you wouldn't have just died like that.'

Jack was then met with silence, which didn't last long as Gyuki's scolding came shortly after. 'You filial student! This is what you are treating me with? You forgot the things I did for you?'

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