


That evening, Piet and Roger join Veronica for drinks and dinner at the hotel and Roger outlines a plan that has been fermenting on the back burner since Veronica had planted the seed of trying to infiltrate the cult.

/"I’ve been thinking guys, and it could work, but it will all depend on if this contact of yours Veronica would be prepared to put his life on the line. Let’s say that this guy arrives here as a new recruit into the police force, and he befriends both Petrus and Lam, and once he has won their trust, he then makes overtures regarding the Leopard Men, and a desire to join, and let’s see where that takes us. I know that it’s a long shot and not a quick fix, but what other choices do we have?/"

/"I agree with you Roger, these bloody fuckers are so deep underground that I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever get it right and flush them out./"

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