


Petrus walks into the Officers Club, with a broad smile on his face, and Piet catches himself thinking just how white his teeth are.

/"Inspector Roger, there are two ladies waiting for you in the charge office, I know the one for you assigned me to her as her driver the last time she was here. Miss Veronica, from the university and I, respectfully ask if I may have that honor again./"

/"Petrus, thank you, for you bring good news, and yes I see no reason why you cannot take up that duty again, as she knows you and she spoke highly of you last time, you earned her trust, so I’m sure that there will not be a problem. Come, Piet, we have some ladies to meet./"

/"About bloody time, I tell you, Roger, I just hope that she has some good news for us, for I am not in the mood to carry on running around in this bloody humid climate of yours looking for damn ghosts./"

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