


/"Do angels exist?/" I asked my mother while we were walking in the fields, calling out for the cows to come back home. I was seven then—— naive and foolish. /"What do you think?/" Mom said as she gigged. /"I think they do, that's why they brought me Kirito/"

/"Then I think they do exist,/" She said and went ahead whistling for the cows ./"Will I ever meet one, mama?/" I asked but I guess she didn't hear me. Maybe Kirito was an angel... That's what I thought as I danced through the valleys. A small flower fell on my hair from above. Strange it was because there were no flowers around. I never found out where it came from until I realised what it might be! So I looked up and smiled

/"I know that was you/"

Oh how good it would have been if we met by chance and not choice.

If we would fall in love like all other humans do— Under God's plan and not that of mortals,

But we didn't and you know what—

I'm glad we didn't, Ethan


So many years had passed and now that Vivian was finally 25 years old, the preparations for her marriage commenced. Vivian was taught everything so that she would become the perfect wife that Kirito needed.

Three days after Vivian turned 25, the Garnettes received a phone call. Kirito was coming to meet her. It was a Friday morning and the preparations to welcome the Hiomi family were in full bloom. Delia, Vivian's younger sibling, was getting dressed up while Mrs Garnette was cleaning up the living room

/"Where's Vivian?/" She asked Delia.

/"Probably still sleeping,/" Delia replied as she looked into the mirror while combing her hair.

/"What?!/" Mrs Garnette kept the mop aside and rushed upstairs to Vivian's room.

It was sweltering like every other German morning. Mrs Garnette was covered with dust and perspired as she walked through the small staircase and opened the door to a cramped room. All the clothes were thrown on the floor and the window was blocked with books. Mrs Garnette shook her head as she kept the books on the table aside and opened the curtains. The sun rays penetrated into the room, filling it with cups of light.

/"Vivian!/" Mrs Garnette turned towards a small bed /"Are you still having a kater?/" She picked up the clothes from the floor assuming that they were to be washed.

/"The sun is on the head already! Even Delia is up! Get up now!/"

The blanket twirled and and a pink head popped out from above /"Moin mama,/"

(Tn//Moin— Good morning)

/"Kirito is to visit today. Do you want to look like an assi? Go take a bath and dress up!/" Mrs Garnette ordered.

(Assi— Comes from a low income area, uneducated)

Vivian threw the blanket aside and lay on the bed. She had blue eyes and pink hair with a tint of golden in them. Her skin was a semitone of pink, orange and golden, with golden being the more dominant of them all. She was dressed up in a black brasserie and pink underwear.

/"How many times have I told you not to sleep naked? How krass!/" Mrs Garnette threw a shirt towards her.

/"It's very uncomfortable to sleep with clothes on,/" Vivian got up and scratched her head.

/"Get up now. You know the Hiomi family is coming for the customs today, right? You have your wedding next month!/" Mrs Garnette shouted and left the untidy room.

Vivian stared at the ring in her fingers and smiled /"Kirito is coming,/"

/"Vivian! Go get Betty from the hills and Rhea take a bath!/" Delia shouted from downstairs. Vivian got up from the bed and stretched her body. She looked into her wardrobe and took out a standard German frock and a hat. She kept the frock inside a basket with a towel, a comb and some makeup. She donned a traditional German frock——Her everyday wear.

/"Mom, I'm going to get Betty!/" She shouted as she wore her dirndl shoes and walked out of the house.

/"Wait—— Why did you let her go? She needs to get ready!/" Mrs Garnette shouted at Delia.

/"Mom, she needs to get Betty?/"

/"Couldn't you do it?/"

/"I loathe cows!/"

As the morning sun shone ahead just over the hills, Vivian walked through the crowd with her basket in her hand.

/"Moin Vivian!/" Mr Zajnog greeted her as he stood outside the town pub with a drink in his hand. His wife stood beside him with a loaf of bread in her basket.

/"Moin!/" Vivian smiled.

/"Goin' ta get Betty, eh?/" He asked.


/"I heard your fiancé is coming today,/" Mrs Zajnoc said.

/"Yes, I'm getting married next month,/"

/"Let's grab a drink in that case! Get 'em some beer!/" He shouted.

Vivian laughed /"This evening, then. Not right now,/" Vivian ran towards the hill. She walked into the vegetation and found Betty, her cow, grazing in the fields of grasses spread across the hills.

/"Betty! Let's go wash up. Then, we'll go home,/" Vivian hugged her cow and Betty simply mooed. They walked to the pond and Betty made her way into the cold water. Vivian kept the basket into the bushes and kept her hat over it. She removed her shoes and jumped into the water. She sang a song as she played with her cow into the water.

She rubbed the lotus petals on her skin as it was a special day. After she was done bathing, she changed into the red frock as Betty covered her up. She combed her hair that reached till her knees. She applied some lipstick and some powder.

/"There! We are ready for Kirito,/" Vivian tied a bow around Betty's neck and hugged her /"See Betty, I'm so big now. Kirito is finally here—— It's all like a magical dream,/"

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