
Prologue 3: Retaliation

The three reapers ran in. Their scythe had a murderous glow, ready to behead their target.

Being a wesen, the three were superior to ordinary humans in terms of strength and speed. But too bad the boy in front of them wasn't ordinary.

The boy didn't realise it,  neither did the Grimm behind him. But the three saw it.

Those glowing red eyes.

The boy's Iris turned red, with three comma pattern, or as the Japanese would call it, the tomoe pattern.

In front of those eyes, everything would be slowed down and easy to read.

By the time the three reapers reached him, the boy had already foreseen the possible attack.

But that wasn't enough. He was still an ordinary teenager who had no combat experience. Faced with such killing intent and terrifying attacks, anyone would freeze. So did the boy. His mind couldnt process what to do dispute knowing how the attack would come.

But his body instinctly knew what to do. It was wired into every cell in his body. As Hulda's scythe aimed towards his neck, the boy evaded it by bend back.

As the scythe completely missed the target, the boy took the chance kick back Hulda and simultaneously trying evading the attack from the other two

Head, limbs, chest

The two reapers slashed forward three times each, and each targeting  the above areas

And by then, Hulda was back on his feet as well, now even more enraged.

The second reaper was ready to go for the head again, when the boy was having hard time dodging the slash from the third.

The attack reached the boy, and he had no time to time evade or block the attack that could cut objects at a molecular level.

The scythe blade passed through the neck of the boy effortlessly. It was impossible to come of this attack alive. Even for a Grimm.

The spell that cuts through anything like butter. It would surely kill him.

But as the scythe blade completely left the neck, the head didn't fall of. No, instead, the boy grabbed on to the long handle firmly

The three reapers all saw what happened and took a fraction of a second to comprehend what just happened. Their movements haulted.

But that moment was all needed for the boy. He pushed the scythe forward and used it to slice the head of Hulda who just reached him.

He didn't have time to think of what he just did. Before the head would leave the body, the boy grabbed only Hulda's scythe, which was no longer glowing.

Arming himself with the scythe, he used it to cut the leg of the reaper on head left and soon after, used the tip for the handle to strike the chest if the one on his left.

As the last reaper took a step back from the attack, he still readied himself to attack the boy.

He had no time to mourn over the dead, he had to avenge his fallen brothers. He slashed the glowing scythe vertically to cut the boy in half.

The blade of the scythe passed through him again effortlessly. But the boy didnt stop.

Turning around, the scythe in his arm slashed forward to attack the reaper.

Half way through, the handle projected those digital codes, and the blade glowing partially milky

The reaper had no time to react, for his body has already lost its head.

The three body fell to the ground simultaneously, one of them screaming in pain, while the other two, well, dead.

The scythe wielded by the boy shattered to pieces.

The two heads reverted back to human form.

As for the third, the boy had no time to worry about it, because the physical and mental exhaustion has gripped him.

The boy also fell flat to the ground, with no adrenaline to strengthen his body and the survival instincts shutting down again, he had no strength to stand.

He blacked out....


By the time I came to, I found myself in a comfortable bed. I slowly got up. I felt like I slept for days but my body felt strangely energized.

As I sat straight in my bed, called out, "is anyone there?"

I didn't get any answer, but soon the bedroom door opened and a woman in her mid twenties walked in. She looked Asian and was quite pretty. She had short, black  hair and wore a red and black check shirt and jeans.

She sat next to my bed.

"Konnichiwa, I am Fujimiya Shiori", the woman greeted me. It was Japanese. Made sense considering her appearance. But what didn't make sense was,

"Nice to meet you, Fujimiya-san", I greeted back. But the next instant, my eyes widened. Why? Because, it wasn't English I replied in, but Japanese.

I spoke too fluently, almost as if it was natural as breathing. But it didn't feel right. I couldn't remember correctly, but I knew Japanese wasn't my first language. I doubt I was even Japanese. But I didn't know what my first language was. Wait, what was my name anyway?!

Where am I from?!

How am I here?!

Is this Japan? How did I get to Japan so fast?!

Where are my family?!

Who all are my family?!

I can't remember anything. I can't remember anything. I can't anything that could relate me to who I am!

Seeing my expression, Fujimiya-san looked concern.

"Is something wrong?"

Her words brought me back to reality. My head turned to face her. Everything that happened so far came rushing into my mind.

The intense pain I felt.

The three creatures who were trying to kill me

The memories of me killing them without hesitation.

And now, the realisation of my own memory loss.

All this was too much to comprehend.

My eyes automatically turned wet. I could feel the tear drops trickling down my cheeks.

"I... Can't.... Remember anything", I spoke.

Maybe because of my sudden cry, the Fujimiya-san's face changed. It turned fox like with brown fur.

This suddenly brought me back to the previous night, when I was attacked. Because of this, I got cautious and jumped up from my bed.

Maybe my body was too strong, because I reached the ceiling from that single jump. But I didn't crash. Instead, I instinctly knew what I needed to do.

I could feel some kind of flow within my body, and it reached my fingertips and eyes. My palms pressed against the ceiling. I didn't fall down, instead I hung up there. I stared back at the woman, beast or whatever it was, below me.

Seeing this, that fox woman also took a step back. Her face changed back to human again. She was Fujimiya-san again.

"Calm down! I won't hurt you!", she tried to calm me down, but I wasnt ready for any of that.

I needed to escape.

That was the only thought that filled my head.

I jumped towards the door by swinging my whole body. On reaching the down, I did not bother opening it, because I remember something I did the other night. I ran straight through the door, and passed it effortlessly.

I turned towards the door behind me. The key to the door was placed inside the keyhole.

"Did she lock me up?"

I didn't ponder over it, and used the key to lock her inside the room.

*knock, Knock*

"open the door, kid. I won't hurt you", I heard her voice. Was I gonna believe her? Obviously not!

"Goddammit, I knew this would happen!", the woman cussed. "Idiot, Rodrick, leaving me here with a Grimm"


The word those men called me. I knew what it meant. I seen the series. Now that I think about it, she also looks like one from the series.

But why am I called one? Did I enter the Grimmverse? That doesn't make sense!

"What's a Grimm? Why did you call me one? ", I asked her.

Strangely enough, I could feel her presence on the other side of the room. I could feel how she stood there, as if lost in thoughts, but slowly sat against the door.

"why don't you take a seat. It will take some time to explain everything", she said.

Under these circumstances, I decided to but my hopes in the wooden door to keep me safe.

I sat with my back against the door, "go on"

"A Grimm is someone who can see wesen"

The answer was something I knew but I wasn't ready to believe it. I couldn't accept it.

"what's a wesen?", I asked.

"Wesen are term used to refer to people like me. I am a wesen. More specifically, a fuchsbau", she explained.

I was right. She was a fuchsbau, like in the series.

But why do I remember a series I watched, but can't remember my family?!

"why did those wesen from that night try to kill me? Because I am a grimm?"



"Because, to us wesen, Grimms are the biggest fear. If the kehrseite fear monsters in the bed time stories, Grimm are the monsters of our bed time stories"

"why is that?"

"because Grimm have a history of taking the heads of wesen"



"what's a kehrs-stuff?"

"Kehrseite. It refers to ordinary humans who don't know about wesen or grimm", the fox woman, or fujimiya answered me.

So far, everything is what I remember from the show. But I don't remember any Fujimiya Shiori or a Rodrick in the series.

"who's Rodrick?", I asked.

"he's the Grimm you saved. He brought you here. This is his safe house"

"I thought Grimm and wesen are enemies"

"Some are enemies. Most wesen fear Grimm. But sometimes, wesen and Grimm are able to settle our differences and work together", she said.

"How can I trust you? For all I know, you could have killed that Rodrick guy and you're trying to trick me"

"You're cautious. That's good. But don't worry, Rodrick would be soon. He had to go out to take care of some stuff"

"Then you'd have to wait inside until he is back", I said.

"...The food is ready by the dining table. Don't leave the house", she replied.

I didn't sit there any longer. I didn't wanna trust her yet, but I was really hungry.

First thing I did, was find the wash basin to wash my hands. As I washed my hands, I glanced at the mirror in front of me.

My hair was long enough to reach down to my eye brows. My face was a bit pale yet had distinct feature. Not to brag, but I looked pretty good.

But that wasn't my face.

I didn't remember my real face, but I knew, this wasn't how I looked. It was nowhere near to my real looks. I just knew it wasn't.

The penalty of never knowing my identity. It even prevents me from seeing my face.

Soon the feeling of emptiness shrouded my mind. I held on to the wash basin for support. I felt weak even though this body was brimming with strength and vitality.

I stayed there, taking heavy breathes. Finally calming down, I glanced at the mirror, this time, focusing on my eyes. I knew something was strange about them. Whenever I got tensed up I could see the world slow down. It wasn't normal. I could clearly feel it slow down and I remember every detail I saw in that time. Not to mention how I passed through the door. I had a guess, considering I was already in the world of a series.

I could feel something inside my body rushing towards my eyes. As it reached them, my eyes turned.

It turned from pitch black to blood red, with three tomoe patterns.

It was the sharingan in its final stage.

I could feel the world slow down around me. Everything in my field of view was imprinted into my mind. There was no detail that I missed. At a single glance.

Focusing more, I could feel my eyes change again. This time into a pinwheel pattern.

It was just as I expected. There was only one explaination in my mind and now it was proven right. I attained the sharingan. And since it changed from a normal eyes to mangekyou in an instant, felt more pain that any mangekyou sharingan probably ever felt. I honestly didn't wanna remember that experience again.

I wanted to stay and experiment, but I didn't feel like it. Everything was too much for me to take in.

I found the dining table, and I saw the sandwiches prepared. Not caring about anything else, I gobbled them down.

Then I went to the living room and sat down by the sofa.

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