
A walk into the forest.

The morning breeze graced us with its nice refreshing presence as I awoke to the feeling of something entering my [Spacial awareness], it was a group of goblins. There was roughly 15 of them so I got up and headed over to them.

No one was awake yet and the people we put on night watch, Adam and Jayden, were fast asleep under some trees.

'What was the point of being put on night watch if your not going to watch?' I thought as I made my way to the goblins.

I transformed Adonis and set it ablaze causing the temperature surrounding me to increase and my sword was engulfed from [Inferno]. The goblins made some screeching sounds which was their language that I could understand.

"Human girl?" One screeched.

"Looks weak."


"Must kill."


They didn't seem too high of a level and they wouldn't give me much exp but they would disturb the camp so I decided to dispose of them.

I walked towards them as they held onto their wooden clubs and bows with some holding different size rocks.

I came close to one as they hit my side with their club which didn't affect me in the slightest and didn't even deal 1 damage to my HP. I slashed horizontally and sent out a slash of flames which collided with the majority of the goblins.



< You have killed 12 goblins >

< You have gained 228 EXP >


I swiftly disposed of the remaining 3 goblins with some air bullets which pierced through their body's as they dropped lifelessly to the ground with a soft thud and a small amount of dust going into the air from the impact.



< You have killed 3 goblins >

< You have gained 57 EXP >


'That's not much but I was expecting that. System.'





Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]


'Roughly half way to my next level.' I thought to myself as I walked back to the camp.

Adonis was transformed back in its original form whilst I walked and I reached the camp within seconds.

"Where did you go?" I heard a voice say as I turned my head to the left only to be greeted by the princesses face. "Go on, tell me."

"I went to kill some goblins that were approaching our camp." I replied truthfully.

"Goblins? You? Just by yourself? Should you not have taken your instructor to deal with them instead and also how many were there?" She asked.

"Yes there were goblins and I'm enough to deal with them. There was 15. Barely even a warm up." I said as I walked back to the forest to avoid speaking with her more.

"Where are you going?!" She called after me.

"Back." I said as I continued walking back where I came from.

"I'm coming with you!" She shouted after me.

I ignored her as I continued to walk.

'Tess I'm going into the forest for a bit. Tell Scarlet that. Also the princess is following me.' I said telepathically towards Tess who had just woken up.

'Okay.' She replied.

I cut off the connection and continued my walk. The princess was following after me and almost tripped over a rock but I used [Flash steps] to stop her fall.

"If you're going to follow me at least pay attention to your surroundings." I said as I got her back on her feet and continued walking without sparing her a glance.

"Ah! Thank you." She said as she hurried behind me.

"What's your name?"

I ignored her.

"Why are you walking off alone?"

I continued to ignore her constant questions as I walked through the dense forest that surrounded me.

I felt some creatures enter my [Spacial awareness] and transformed Adonis into a bow and some arrows. It was only three deer but I could use them as some breakfast.

I loaded the arrows onto my bow, all three of them, and enhanced them with wind magic before I released them and they flew through the air. All three arrows hit the deer directly in the head and I had killed them with one shot and with deadly aim.

"Why did you fire off three arrows in a random direction?" The princess asked as I walked towards the deer I had just killed. The princess followed.

I crouched down and picked up all three deer and walked towards a small clearing I could see with my enhanced senses.

"You actually hit something?" She asked. "Hey I've been talking to you so why won't you respond? I'm royalty you know so you should answer my questions!"

"I'm not responding on purpose." I replied as I continued walking.

The princess was stunned for a second before rushing back to me without a word.

I eventually got to the clearing and placed the deer down.

"Stay here." I said as I used [Flash steps] and made my way into the forest and collected sticks of all sizes that were dry and were easy to set fire to. Not that it would have been a problem anyway.

I appeared back at the clearing with a bundle of sticks after being gone for around ten seconds. I placed the smaller sticks down before setting it alight with a small ember I formed and I held above my fingertip.

The small pile of sticks set alight and the flames quickly spread around the pile I had set so I added the other sticks on that gradually increased in size. After setting up the fire I picked up three big sticks and peeled off the bark leaving it bear and clean.

I transformed Adonis into a dagger and sharpened the tip of the sticks. Then I diced up the deer into smaller chunks and skewered them on the sticks I had just made. After doing that with all three deer and sticks I hovered them over the fire making them slowly rotate with air magic.

"That's very impressive." The princess said.

"Then you're easily impressed." I replied as I sat near the fire.

"I'm just being honest." The princess said with a humph.

"So was I."




Race:[Black elemental wyrm]











Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery] , [Perfect aim] , [Elemental breath] , [Bloodlust] , [Elemental master] , [True dragon] , [Copy] , [Spacial storage] , [Sword mastery] , [Fire blade] , [Transform] , [Chef] , [Scythe mastery: 41%] , [Wind enhancer] , [Inferno] , [Poison manipulation] , [Fire resistance] , [Telepathy]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Spacial awareness] , [Steal] , [Regeneration] , [Elemental resistance] , [Polyglot]


Body modifications - [Armoured scales - activated]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

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