
Selection Pt. 2

After that 'discussion' with the Ant King, I decided it was within my best interest to distance myself from him as I head towards Bizeff's office to see if the rat has fallen into the trap.

Soon enough I reached Bizeff's office and saw that he had several assistants helping him out with his duties overall while I could see him eyeing them lecherously, but he immediately stood up when I appeared.

"Lord Dio! What do I-" but before he could finish.


A wave of immense pressure filled the office area and everyone all fell down completely losing consciousness, all except one.

(**)"Ahh, looks like I have caught myself a lovely mouse it seems…." I reappear behind the woman as my hand gripped at her throat.

The instant she realized she was in this situation the hidden knives under her sleeves came out before rapidly switching to a reverse grip and aiming backwards aiming to stab me in my gut with her blades.

*Ting Ting*

But instead of even piercing my flesh they bent inwards from the force of impact on my rock hard abs before she posted her grip from the sheer recoil of her attack going back into her.

'What the hell is this monster made of Diamond?!' She thought to herself before she gripped at her neck as she was being chocked out by my hand.

"Now, sleep little mouse, don't worry for I have plans for you yet…." I say as I watch her eyes roll upwards as she completely loses consciousness before I let up and use my hypnosis to keep her unconscious.

(A/N nobody ever truly stays unconscious for more than a few seconds, any longer and you straight up put a person in a coma, most of the time animes say someone's out cold but really their just too tired and worn out to even move as a result but they say knocked out or whatever for convenience sake, will I keep it realistic all the time? Ehh depends if I remember too)

I then placed her over my shoulder before leaving Bizeff and his unconscious assistants to themselves as I headed out of the palace and well far away from all others.

Pitou did see what I was doing, but as it had nothing to do with her or her king she didn't deem it necessary to intervene or notify her king who she was starting to become disappointed in what she had saw.

Her king that she pledged on her life to follow wasn't the strongest the world had ever come to see but that the world was much larger than we think and the King himself was weak, now he either plays games with that dumb blind girl and their games or he sits and thinks about rather useless things altogether.

'If only you were a better king….' She thought to herself as she sat upon the tallest spire of the palace as she stared up at the stars in the sky.

'…. Or if only I had a better-' she began to think her thoughts before grabbing her head and shook the pain those thoughts brought her on her very being at the genetic level.

Who she will serve will never change and the Royal Guards will die before their king does, but that begs the question then.

What becomes of the Royal Guards when their King has died before them?

While Pitou was deep in thought, I was on my way deep into the forests away from the Royal palace and in a sufficient place where no Nen signatures could be felt for several Kilometers before I placed her down and forced my two fingers into her neck.

"Metamorphosis…." I said quietly to myself as I injected both Chimera Ant DNA along with my Ultimate Lifeform essence into her body.

Her body jerked around as her body was in agony but as she was unconscious she didn't make a sound before the blood red cocoon began to wrap around her body entirely before settling into its spherical shape as it pulsed with life.

"Hmmm, I wonder what you will become, but I have a feeling the world will just make you the same way as you should, isn't that right Palm?" I said to the blood red cocoon before me before I began to walk back towards the Royal Palace.




A few days pass and the selection was underway, only this was taking place ten days earlier than planned as Pitou and other various Chimera Ants were rounding up people and bringing them here at a much faster pace as a result, those that gained Nen abilities would be turned into hybrid Chimera Ants or if that fails, Royal cuisine for their King.

But at this moment a peculiar scene was happening as three men sat at a table as they stared at one another.

One was rather nonchalant but the other two had both serious and nervous looks on their faces for what plan they had in mind, and seeing this from the two of them made the other grin.

"So, to what do I owe the displeasure of being annoyed by you two?" I said a rather snarky remark as I looked down upon the two Royal Guards before me.

"Lord Dio…. Is their no way you can make our king see the folly of his ways and guide him back to the correct path." Although both Pouf and Youpi hated to admit it, to them Dio would have been their ideal king to follow after, amazing in both power and intellect while realizing the world for what it is and only thinking what benefits him the most.

A tyrannical King, but one who deserves his place as a king and not gained through bribery and foul play but through the blood and bodies of the enemies in his wake.

Even if he was their ideal king, they will never betray their King as it's written down to their very DNA itself to follow their King to their last breaths, so they hoped that I would do something, anything to change their King for what they believe the better.

"No, I see no point in teaching one who will never listen to my words, but I do have a way to break your King from the path his beginning to take, and frankly it's really simple to do." I say with a smirk as I see them looking attentively at me.

"All you need to do is kill Komugi, but through the hands of another human and not your own, do this and your King will come to absolutely despise humanity as a result." I said with an evil grin on my place.

A simple plan, but is it one that they can actually make a reality? Do you want to know the answer?


Find out next time on- *cough*


No it isn't, but I find it more interesting to watch them squirm and try to make this impossible plan even remotely possible with Pitou standing in clear opposition to their plans.

"Think about that, but I have other things to do than talk to you two, you both have wasted enough of my time for the day." I say as I get up and completely ignore their annoyed and extremely pissed off faces as I take my leave as I shut the door behind me.

"3,2,1…." I count out as I get futher and further away.

*BANG!!!* "GODDAMIT!!!!" I hear Youpi scream out in both frustration and anger as I just chuckle to myself.

"Don't worry I have plans for all of you lot, now I'm more concerned with the awakening of my new pet." I say with a smirk as I head towards the forests away from the Palace to check up on how my new subordinate/pet was doing as I felt her Metamorphosis is near completion.

(Dio-sama, the Spider has taken the bait.) I hear as I get a telepathic notification from Zazan for the first time in several weeks since I sent her that task to complete.

I just grinned, (Good, Tell the Spider that I shall meet him in two weeks, in his hometown of Meteor City.) I said back to her.

(Of course Dio-Sama)

(And don't worry I'll reward you very well when this is all over) I say before cutting the connection, but I can tell that she is really excited at the prospect of my reward.

"Now let's see what you'll be and what you will all do in the face of unstoppable power?" I say as I look upon the cocoon before me before thinking about the rest of the hunters that will be coming soon enough, but things will finally start to get a more excited here.


If I could I would have it show a picture of the side profiles of Dio's, Ainz's and Meruems faces looking back at Gon, Killua's and Netero's faces kinda in a sense of a movie poster for the previous paragraph, and if I wasn't a mediocre 2D artist I would make that myself but I don't have the time or energy to put in the effort for that.

Also this might seem like Heresy to you guys but, I've never watched Invincible, I know of it and a rather basic understanding of how the show and this the rest of the comic book series goes spoiling it for myself but I promise to either read or watch it at some point.

Why I say this? Well what do you think the child between both Dio and Anissa, a Viltrumite woman, would become? I mean for the majority of her life she basically on the side of evil and in only the last few years of her life does she turn to the side of hood so I think she would a good woman for him to have as his own.

But hey give your thoughts on this idea, as to how I'd implement it? Well that wouldn't be hard as Viltrumites only really respect strength and if you have it in spades it wouldn't be hard for Dio to be welcomed to the Viltrumite Empire, only for him to completely take it over for himself, or something like that, but like I said tell me what you think about this idea.

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