
And Half a Year Gone By....

After satisfying myself seeing the milky white bare backs of my little sister and niece, along with hearing the crispy delicious sound of my goat skin whip when leaving a soft pink marks on their soft and smooth skin, their sweet cries of delightful pleasure mixed with a bit of spicy pangs from pain, and also not to mention seeing the curves of their trembling bodies along with the occasional side boobs that have begun their development in the spring of youth....


After that festivities ended, our live continues to go on like usual.

Go to school together in the morning, learning lesson in the same class with my little sister on my right and my cute niece on my left, then go home together in the afternoon, play -scratch that- I mean, training and cultivate together until the sun is set, then I go escort my niece go back to her home and then have a warm bath together with my little sister.....

My spring life of youth can't be anymore perfect, right?

But unfortunately, good thing doesn't last forever.....

Every party has its ends, every show needs to lower its curtain sooner or later....

After we are enjoying the Spring Festival on the 3rd Day in the Month of Yayoi [1], where the three of us go together to Temple Fair and Market Festival atop the flowering hill from morning to afternoon.....

And then we continue on enjoying the Flower Viewing Festival that happpens on the peak of Spring Season, in the middle of the month of Uzuki [2]....

On the Month of Satsuki [3], Minazuki [4] and Fumizuki, I along with my little sister and niece decided to go venturing in the Wild Monster Reserve Site once on each month to sharpens our real combat skill and gathering the Resource Points for my System.

We still stick around on the Lower Region of the Twin Mountains, though we managed to kill the Regional Boss of that Area, a pair of dinosaur monsters called Amaranthinasaurus and Byzantinosaurus.

Name: Amaranthinasaurus

Attribute/Type: Earth/Dinosaur

Level: 14

HP: 340/340

MP: 98/98

STR: 44

VIT: 40

SPI: 35

AGI: 28

Skills: Poison Spikes, Poison Resistance, Poison Tackle, Poison Claw, Toxic Shot (Active Skill: Shot a ball of poisonous liquid from its mouth to the enemy), Bulk Up (Active Skill: Bulks up the body to raises both the STR and VIT of the user).

Description: A bulky two legged Dinosaur, with the scale on the color of amaranthine and poison spikes covering her back. The blows from its bulky body, strong arms and stout legs are quite devastating and laced with mild poison secreted on the tips of its spikes. Basically a re-colored and moderately edited version of Nid*queen from P*kemon franchise.


Attribute/Type: Earth/Dinosaur

Level: 15

HP: 365/365

MP: 102/102

STR: 48

VIT: 43

SPI: 36

AGI: 30

Skills: Poison Spikes, Poison Resistance, Poison Tackle, Poison Claw, Toxic Shot, Bulk Up, Mega Horn (Active Skill: Attack the enemy using its big horn, can cause a very fatal blow due to how sharp and big the horn is.).

Description: A bulky two legged Dinosaur, with the scale on the color of byzantine, poison spikes covering his back and a big, spiraling horn on top of its head. The blows from its bulky body, strong arms and stout legs are quite devastating and laced with poison secreted on the tips of its spikes. But the true threat of this monster is the fatal blow delivered from its big, piercing horn. This is practically a re-colored and slightly edited version of Nid*king from P*kemon franchise.

Yes, if you see the stats of the monster grown in the wild here and compare it with my stats on the New Year, you can easily notice that even though my level is only less than half of their level, but my stats are overall far higher than those pair of Boss Monsters.

That's just the proof of how superior is my Cultivation Method, the Godfiend Body's stats growth and training results (and also the System's Reward) here.

I have gathered quite an amount of RP during our adventuring time here.

And speaking of Fumizuki, the seventh month of the year, then it's time for my cool and composed little sister and my sweetly adorable cute niece's birthdays!

Yup, on the 25th day in the Month of Fumizuki, it's the birthday celebration of both my little sister Sagradhina Chikane and my sweet niece Faladhina Kiseki.

I secretly discuss with my parents to prepare for their birthday celebration together.

And since Kiseki's parents didn't seem to even remembered their own daughter's birthday (really, what kind of parents are they?), so I also managed to pull my sweet niece to come to my house to celebrate her birthday together with my family.

Seriously, if outsider comes to see us, they would easily think that my littler sister Chikane and our cute niece Kiseki is a close blood related siblings instead of an aunt and her niece.

My parents give a set of combat attire that looks like an elegant, simple kimono designed for the ease of movement in combat along with a pair of katana for my sister, one is an ice blue katana with azure dragon design on its handle and the other one is fiery red with the design of vermillion phoenix on the handle.

As for my niece, they give an exquisite halberd with the design of Yazi the Ravenous Wolf Dragon letting out the blade of the halberd out of its opened mouth, while its long spiraling draconic body made out the long handle of the weapon.

My niece smiles sweetly seeing such a magnificent equipment gifted out by her soon to be parents in law.

Yep, at this point, I have already decided a long time ago to target her along with my little sister in the plan to make my own harem in the future.

And of course, such an obvious movement from the teenager me can never be failed to be noticed by my own parents, especially my Taimanin Angelic Mother.

And what are their response, you asked?

Oh ho ho ho ho ho, my Father just laughed that of while saying something like "Good Luck on preserving the Purity of our Noble Bloodline!"

Incest? The risk of having a crippled or defect descendants?

What's that? A Problem for Mortals?


[1] Yayoi: The third month in the classical Japanese calendar, the equivalent of March. Yayoi is written in the Japanese Kanji which means "New Life", as in this month, the spring has come and thus bringing out the new lives back springing on the earth after the winter season has finally ended.

[2] Uzuki: The fourth month in classic Japanese calendar, the equivalent of April. Uzuki is written in the Japanese Kanji which means "U-Month" with U stands for U-no-hana. Unohana is a flower on the genus of Deutzia. This month is named after a flower as on this month that are in the peak of spring season, the flowers begins to bloom to their fullest, thus inciting the Flower Viewing Festival.

[3] Satsuki: The fifth month in the classic Japanese calendar, the equivalent of May. Satsuki, or sometimes is also called as Sanaetsuki, is written in the Japanese Kanji which means "Early Rice Planting Month". Well, from the name, it's already very obvious why it's named like that, right?

[4] Minazuki: The sixth month in the classical Japanese calendar, the equivalent of June. Uzuki is written in the Japanese Kanji which means "Month of Water", and this is in reference to the flooding of the rice fields, which required a very large quantities of water.

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