One month later...
"Sheesh... This place is not bad!"
He says in his new house while walking around alone. This house was a request that he added to the contract, a bungalow near the woods in Mount Fuji, Tokyo, his birth city.
It was a two-story building that was decently sized, had 4 rooms including a storage room under the stairs, and a very large kitchen with two fridges.
He didn't honestly think that they'd actually find a place like this for him, but lo and behold, they really wanted him into Asics.
After making sure that the place was bug-free (Took 4 hours), he finally walked to the backyard which was a very important requirement for the house to be able to fit his gravity training capsule.
All this took almost a month to handle, from contracts to the deed, paperwork to live alone (This world has such a thing for orphans case the rate of parents' deaths was high in the Hero Industry), to actually refurbish the place to the bare minimum.
He chuckles when he looked back at the large house that he now owned at just 8. Kenichi immediately yelled at me to give his address as soon as he cleared his schedule to meet, so that was going to be interesting.
Money Making Plan™️ was now in its final stages. He should start Fucking the Plot Plan™️ soon once he settles everything important currently...
Two weeks later...
Dressing up wearing all black, including a black hoodie big enough to cover my head, to wearing fake contacts, I was ready to start Fucking the Plot Plan™️ Step 0. Finding an info breaker.
So, standing on a building top, he starts concentrating his senses to find noises. To be exact, women screaming or men yelling.
Not going to lie, he was quite impressed with the heroes these days. It's been almost two weeks since he started Step 0, and no crime was committed slowly enough for him to reach and interrogate — I mean, help.
Looking at the cheap analog watch that he brought with him, he sighed as he got up and walked away.
'3.04 already. Thank goodness I can finally train after school in my new house, or else I'd have to cut training time to do this.'
He thought to himself as he walked away, but suddenly...
He immediately acted, rushing and parkouring over the top of the buildings while avoiding any potential Heroes lurking about on the rooftops.
The moment he reached the scream, he looked down. It was an alleyway, cliche, with a woman wearing a business suit at the end of the alleyway crouching in fear while one thug was rugging through her purse while the other had a gun watching her.
"I said, shut up!" He pointed the gun, a Glock by the looks of it, closer to the terrified woman who shook in response. After a few tense seconds, the thug curses as he could only find value in her phone.
"Nothing?" Thug 2 (The one with the gun) asks Thug 1 who just started cursing about broke salarymen, looking away from the woman. Thug 2 and 1 are distracted! This was his chance!
Positioning himself above Thug 2, he leaps down knee first and slams down onto Thug 2.
The thug didn't even have time to react as he drops to the ground from the gravity attack. Shocked, Thug 1 panicky drew out a knife and pointed it at Gohru who got up from the body of Thug 2.
"W-Who the fuck are you?!"
"..." He stares into Thug 1's eyes who kept on flinching before answering in a deep voice.
"... I'm vengeance."
In the blink of an eye, he reaches Thug 1 with a powerful leap. He reacted by swinging his knife, but Gohru slides on the ground under the thug's legs before holding him in a chock hold.
Tensing his body and tightening the hold, he asks in a menacing deep voice.
"Do you know an info broker?"
"Ku-Kuh... NO! I DON'T!"
He scerams as he tried to break out of the hold, but Gohru just keeps it tight as he tightens it harder.
"Are you sure?"
'So it's true. I'll have to target higher-profile criminals for Step 0 to work. Sigh... What a waste.'
Since he had outlived his use, he tightened the chock-hold to the max, knocking the thug out from oxygen depletion. Pushing his body away, he dug into his pocket and grabbed a wallet out.
Grabbing the ID out, he did the same thing to Thug 2 and safely placed the gun somewhere safe before remembering the woman. Glancing at the woman who looked terrified, he tossed the IDs near to the woman before asking her to call the police.
"Call the police and take a break from work." Walking to the wall, he crouched slightly before jumping to grab a pipe and using it to vault himself higher and higher until he reached the rooftops.
"T-Thank you!" The woman yells as he leaves the area.
Eating the frozen pizzas that he bought a few days ago, he sat down and looked at the email that he just received.
- Dear Jin Gohru,
- You have requested to skip Elementary School, and after checking your records of results and much consideration, we are pleased to inform you that you are applicable to sit for the Grade-Skipping Exam.
- The details of the exam will be attached in a document file to this email.
- For more inquiries, you may email us at Thank you very much.
- Headmaster
'Hell yeah! That means if I pass this, I can focus on training and tournaments for the next 3 to 4 years for the World's Martial Arts Tournament!'
He had checked the future syllabus through his teacher and thought that it was going to be a waste of time sitting through the classes since it was easy enough to get a perfect 100% on each exam, so he decided to just skip the grade to Middle School.
Looking at the attached document, the test was in 2 months' time. And he didn't have to go to school for the 2 months to study for it, sweet!
"Holy shit! This place is amazing!" Kenichi says without a filter as Gohru guided him around. He had told him of the sponsorship after he signed the contract with Asics, and laughed really hard when Kenichi went still for a few seconds from the shock.
"Can I stay here? This place is cold even without air-conditioning!" He says as he looked at the empty rooms that had nothing in them, to which Gohru remarked.
"Your high school's a dozen miles away from here, and you want to stay here?"
"Maybe during summer vacation or something, Mom's much more restrictive ever since losing to Omori-san. I can't even train every day now!"
He replied to which Gohru nodded, understanding Miss Hirose. Who wouldn't worry after watching his son get pummeled to the ground?
"Whatever. If you want to hang out and bunk in my house, then call me first before."
"Nice! I'll come this summer then! Oh, training every day without anyone to stop you? It's making me so excited for Summer." He laughs as they sat on the couch and started watching some movies that were airing on the TV.
Two months later...
Checking the laptop he bought one more time, he immediately shoved it into his bag before rushing to the area.
The laptop was modded by yours truly to be a ghost in the police department's radio lines, and from what they were saying, there was a high-profile criminal in a bank having a shootout.
'So glad I learned how to do it in college.'
In his previous life, he was studying electronics engineering before he died and was curious about how heroes in his world like Spiderman and Batman can just hack into the radio lines. After a lot of research and testing on his personal laptop (He almost got swatted and had to throw the laptop away and buy a new one), he finally got the ghosting down.
Back to the story, he stopped his run when he sees the situation in the bank from afar. There were at least 4 guys outside at the entrance of the bank in vests with masks on that were firing at the police with rifles.
Listening to the radio lines earlier, he noted that there were 7 from their intel, meaning there were 3 more grabbings the money.
Looking for a way in, he noticed that there was a massive vent at the top of the bank.
'Spiderman route it is.'
He thought before dashing to the rooftops of the bank which surprisingly had no one at all. Opening the vent with his inhuman strength was simple enough, and before anyone knew anything, he was already in the vents crawling.
'Hopefully there aren't a lot of webs hanging around...'
Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.
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