
Fortune Cards

Bryan crouched down in front of her and asked, "How can I help?"

Out of pity for the old woman sitting outside in the cold, he decided to indulge her. He would never mind helping someone if he had the ability to.

"If you give me 1 pound then I can tell you your future." The old woman chuckled.

Bryan rolled his eyes but he still took out a 1 pound note and gave it to her, "Here, what does my future hold?"

He knew this was most likely a scam but he still decided to play along. Moreover, it wasn't like she was asking for an absurd amount of money to 'read his future.'

"Oh, what a generous young man!" The old woman took the 1 pound note and kept it inside her robe first.

"This is a special deck of fortune cards that I have created with great effort. Trust me, young man, this is very accurate. Even the Gods admire me for my cartomancy.

You should feel fortunate that I only charged you a measly 1 pound." She chuckled as she started to shuffle the cards.

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