
Chapter 42

Paige changed into some leggings and a sweatshirt as soon as she entered her room in Nathaniel's mansion. She started crying as she got into bed. She noticed that her purse from last night was on the nightstand and she decided to grab her phone. There was a text from Nathaniel.

'I'll wait for you until you're ready to talk. I love you.'

Paige cried harder upon reading it. He didn't know what he was asking to be a part of. No one knew. Paige had never told anyone anything about her life, other than that she was abused and ran away. Technically, Paige was breaking the law. Once Nathaniel knew about her crimes, he would be complicit in them. Carrie might get into trouble, too. But, Paige didn't have much of a choice in running away. She would've died if she stayed.

Paige cried until she fell asleep. She awoke several hours later. She decided to wash her face and ask for something to eat. She went to the bathroom and cleaned up, then exited the bedroom to look for anyone that could help her find the kitchen. When she opened the door, she noticed the rose and bag that she left in Nathaniel's bathroom fall on the floor. She hurriedly grabbed them and placed them in her room. She also saw several people moving boxes from Nathaniel's room and carrying them away. Her heart broke a little bit more.

"Miss Everett, can I be of service?" she heard a familiar voice ask. She looked and saw Arthur standing near her.

"I was wondering if someone could please help me find the kitchen? I wanted a snack," she asked softly.

"I would be happy to escort you to the dining room and have the chef make you something to eat," Arthur said, turning and walking down the hallway towards the stairs. Paige hurriedly followed him.

"It's not necessary for the chef to be called. A snack is fine," Paige said.

"Miss Everett, Master Donovan has instructed us to take care of you. He alerted us that you were hospitalized until yesterday morning. You did not eat this morning and it is now lunchtime. My master would be furious if we didn't serve you a meal," Arthur said as he walked down the stairs, leading Paige.

"Okay. I don't want anyone to get into trouble. I apologize," Paige said softly. Arthur opened the set of doors that Paige recognized as leading to the dining room. Arthur pulled out a chair and waited for her to be seated.

"My lady, you need not apologize. Do you have any preference on what you'd like to eat?" Arthur asked her gently.

"No, whatever the chef feels like making is fine. I honestly don't want to be any trouble," she said. Arthur was about to respond, but someone entered the dining room. Paige jumped, thinking it might be Nathaniel, but it wasn't. She couldn't tell if she was relieved or saddened. It was Nathaniel's mother who entered.

"Paige! So lovely to see you. Arthur, can you ask the chef to make some lunch? Whatever Paige is having is fine," Mrs. Donovan stated enthusiastically. She was wearing a white long sleeved blouse, sage colored pants and white heels. She looked impeccable as usual. Paige felt frumpy in comparison.

"My lady has just informed me that she had no preference in what she eats and asked that the chef make her whatever he'd like to make," Arthur said, bowing his head.

"Well, I suppose that's fine. Unorthodox, but fine. Get him started, Arthur. 'Your lady' and I should talk," Mrs. Donovan said, subtly letting him know that she understood what he was implying. She turned to Paige.

"Darling, I heard you were in the hospital. I'm so sorry. I experienced something similar myself. You look like you still aren't well," she said, sitting next to Paige and taking her hand holding it in hers. Paige looked up at her.

"I'm doing better," she said softly. She felt ashamed about what was going on between her and Nathaniel and didn't want to talk about it. She hoped that his mother wouldn't pry.

"Of course! You are out of the hospital, at least. I understand if you aren't feeling up to company and don't want to go to our dinner, but I hope that you'll come. The Jordans are family to us and they are so eager to meet you. I know Nathaniel would love nothing more than to show you off. He was so cute and proud of you last week," she said gushing.

Paige felt like she was in hell. She was overwhelmed by a feeling of guilt. 'Nathaniel is proud of me? He wanted to show me off? We had known each other for a few days. He's so certain of how he feels,' she thought. She wished she could be like him.

"Paige, darling, you look lost. Is something troubling you?" she asked, concerned.

"No, Mrs. Donovan. I was thinking how similar you and Nathaniel are. You wear your hearts on your sleeves," Paige said softly.

"Paige, there is no use in keeping things bottled up. All it does is make you have regrets. If you care about someone, tell them. Show them. Tomorrow is never guaranteed and I always want the people I care about to know," she said, somewhat sadly.

"Are you okay, Mrs. Donovan?" Paige asked.

"I was thinking about Nathaniel's father. He would've loved to meet you. I do miss that man," she said softly, staring off into the distance.

Arthur and another butler entered with some salad, soup and sandwiches. There were also some pastries. Paige decided on some soup and started eating her bowl, contemplating what Mrs. Donovan said. She also thought about what Nathaniel said this morning. 'Nathaniel is right. I do love him. I'm more terrified of telling him about my past than anything. But I need to. I need to find the courage to tell him,' Paige thought to herself. She perked up a little at the thought.

"So, darling, do I have any grandchildren on the horizon?" Mrs. Donovan asked. Paige nearly choked on the soup she was swallowing. After her coughing fit, she straightened up.

"Sorry, you caught me off guard. I do want children. I'm not sure when," Paige muttered. She still needed to take that morning after pill.

"That's wonderful! You know, you don't have to be married to start trying. I was 4 months pregnant when I married Nathaniel's father. We were just so in love," Mrs. Donovan said dreamily. Paige didn't know how to respond to this. She was barely identifying her feelings for Nathaniel. She didn't know if he would stay if he found out her secret. She hadn't made future plans.

"We're still figuring out our relationship, so I think we need more time before we make those plans," Paige replied. She and Mrs. Donovan chatted for the rest of their lunch. Paige excused herself after she was finished and went to her room. She grabbed her phone and texted Nathaniel.

'Can we talk when you get home?' Paige wrote.

'Of course, baby. I'll see you then,' was Nathaniel's reply.

Paige awaited Nathaniel's presence anxiously. She had pulled out the suitcase from her closet and placed it by the closet door. She didn't know how far into depth they would get into tonight. Her story was long and complicated. It also was traumatic. She tensed when she saw the door open. Nathaniel was in the doorway. He closed the door behind him and came closer to her before stopping about 4 feet in front of her.

"Nathan," she said breathily. She missed him.

"Paige, please tell me that you aren't breaking up with me," he said. His voice broke a little as he spoke. Paige could tell he was upset.

"I'm not breaking up with you. You were right this morning. You are just saying things that my heart had never dared to hope to hear and it broke me," Paige confessed.

"What was I right about?" Nathaniel asked, praying it was that this woman loved him in return.

"I love you, too, Nathan," Paige said, tearing up. Those 5 words seemed so easy to say but she was so scared that in the next moment, he would break her heart. She watched as he started coming closer to her and she shook her head. Nathaniel looked at her with confusion.

"I need to tell you what I have never told anyone in the last 7 years. Not even Carrie. But when I tell you, you're going to be a part of this," she whispered.

"Paige, baby, I want to be a part of whatever it is that you're having to hide. I am in love with you. We will figure it out together," he said, trying to reassure her.

Paige took a deep breath and looked at him. "I am not Paige Everett."

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