
Sato's Affinity, Part Two

No matter how much I tried, I couldn't sleep. 

Adrenaline aside, I was too afraid to wake up covered in flame again. So I convinced the rest of my party to sleep in my stead. Rather than shifts, I'd be taking watch until sunrise.

The Traunt brothers quickly retreated to bed; however, Mizuno stayed up to explain what had happened. Meanwhile, Barik was lying on his bedroll with his head propped atop his arms, listening.

Pre-combustion, Mizuno said she'd discovered small but noticeably bright red orbs gravitating into my body while I slept. They pooled into me until my flesh emitted a radiant heat and ignited.

What most concerned her wasn't the fire. She said one losing control of their mana at first was common. What did worry her was how I'd used magic while unconscious. 

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