
0034 Chapter Thirty Four : The snake Chasing Us

When you are tired of everything around you, you try to find a rest for your heart, to rest its faltering pulses.

You try to control your breath, which makes you groan with pain.

You shake what remains of hope in your faith to fall on your tired soul that everything will be fine, with your certainty that you are never okay.

When you feel that all the hope that surrounds you is just a fog, through which you try to see happiness, and you only see a mirage that your thirsty soul begs for, so you fall thirsty, hoping for a few drops.

When you try hard to create wings for your suffocating wishes, to fly away, and then fall as a result of being burned by the smoke of fatigue, to die before you can breathe.!

When a tear comes out, she fears the scandal of her pregnancy with that (ah), she walks shyly, dragging the tip of my black eyeliner to write on the pages of the cheek: I passed through this trace.

Moon: My heart is now tired, can you extinguish all this absurdity?!

Or will you turn off too?!

War is the road to the unknown

Chapter Thirty Four : The snake Chasing Us

Under the moonlight at night..

at the Black Forest... It was called the Black Forest because of the abnormally long night in it.. The night is longer than the day.. It does not matter whether it is summer or winter.. In both cases, the night is the longest

" So what will we do now? Night has come and I think today is the last day of the test and we haven't caught any animals yet? In that case, we will fail the exam again... Butlin."

" It's all because you couldn't catch that little bear, Bush... If you did, we would have finished the exam by now and gone to school and rest before the New Year. "

" Look who's talking... Aren't you the one who climbed up on the tree as soon as you saw the bear.. Then you left me? What a bastard you are .. "

" are you kidding me ? You would have done the same thing.. He is not an ordinary bear, he is a spiritual bear.. Do you know what a spiritual bear is, hey... He is a hundred times stronger than a normal bear, and he can use magic if he is strong too.. "

" Aren't we supposed to be hunting a spirit animal anyway? Well, let's say we fail and come back to school."

"Yes, but the night is dark now. Let's camp here and go early in the morning."

" okay then "

What distinguished Bush was his green hair, which made him feel like a clown

As for Bolton, he had brown hair.. The two of them were human, but they were sent to the Black Forest Because they got last place this school year... so the school decided that they would be punished by hunting one spirit animal in the Black Forest.

After five minutes of walking in the woods

"I think this place is the perfect place for camping. What do you think?" Bolton said, hitting his leg on the ground to make sure it was hard.

" Well anyway... I'm going to start a fire now," Bush replied

"Yeah, do it quickly.. and I'll skin the rabbit we've hunted so we can eat it now," Butlin replied, looking in his bag for that.

One of the rules of this trip was not to carry or bring any external meals.. You only have to hunt in order to live.. Some may see it as just a silly thing, but in human eyes Which do not exceed a hundred years old ... This is something that makes children can take care of themselves quickly

Fifteen minutes later, the fire was lit, the rabbit was put on a skewer, and the barbecue began

" So has Fry made any strange requests of you lately? Butlin asked

"That damned one and his very ridiculous requests... Imagine the time he made me take care of his dog? Take care of his damned dog? Damn it, man!" Bush replied as he took his first bite of the rabbit

"What? That motherfucker again? It's all just elves... Why are elves so much more magical than ours?" Butlin said angrily.

" Well, this is something out of our control anyway... Just don't try to piss off Fry so he doesn't take out his anger on us," Bush said.

" That damned.. Damn the stupid school ideas.. Just because he's a little weak to enter the upper classes that are full of elves.. They put him in the middle class with the most people .. I'm not saying he's the only elves we have in class, but he's the worst elves and his damn brother," Bolton said.

"Anyway, how are we going to sleep today? I'll sleep first and you stay awake, and then we'll take turns on this? What do you think?" Bush said after they finished eating that rabbit.

" Nah..we won't..as you can see it's very safe here..we'll sleep together because we'll be moving early in the morning and we should have slept well..." Butlin said nonchalantly.

" Right, you're right," Bush agreed immediately, without any significant argument between them

Then the two of them laid their heads on the green ground and covered their body with a blanket that they had taken from the school

After a few minutes of falling asleep...

A snake with a length of two meters and a width of about twenty-five centimeters began .. It was not an ordinary snake, but rather a spiritual cobra

That snake started getting closer and closer to them as it crawled on its stomach on the ground

Her body rose gradually upwards, as if she was trying to understand the situation that was happening, while she was saying with her mouth... hiss... hiss.

She started getting closer and closer, and her voice began to appear in the ears of these two children.. hiss.. hiss.

She stopped in front of Bush's face and started moving towards his head as if she was saying to herself, "What a hearty meal."

But at that moment Bush felt a little disturbed

"Your snoring is so loud, Butlin," he said, rubbing his eyes as he got up from his seat and his eyes began to open

Then he said in a frightened and barely audible voice ... Sn ... S .. Snake

He stood up and started running, but as he ran, he stumbled on Butlin's stomach and fell, causing Butlin to wake up.

This snake was waiting for them to move.. as if it was enjoying seeing this person while he was so afraid

True, after all, spirit animals had some intelligence over other animals, such as excessive fear, a sense of security, etc..

Some of them may even be able to understand human language Not only that, but there is also an elite race of Spiritual Beasts that can speak as well..

" Oh my stomach... why did you do that, you idiot?" Butlin said angrily, thinking that Bush was running so that Butlin wouldn't hit him.

" Look, look behind you," Bush said, running forward

"Did you say behind me?" Butlin turned back and found a very giant cobra looking at him with a smile and saying... hiss

"Moooother," Butlin said fearfully, then ran forward again

Then that snake began to move slowly, at the same speed as Bush and Butlin..you see them so scared

After half an hour of moving

"Have we lost? That damned snake..." Bush said, panting from running so much

"I think so...we just have to go back to the main road and maybe find a car to take us with," Butlin said

" yeah you're right"

Then the two moved between the huge trees until they reached the edge of the forest

They could see that they were on a large hill, the bottom of which was about half a kilometer away

" Have we reached the edge of the forest? Bush said

"We have to go back now. The road is on the other side. I remember I've been down that slope before," Butlin said, thinking a little.

" Yes, you're right, I remember that..." Bush paused for a moment

"Hoy, what's wrong with you, man?" Butlin said

"Look behind you.. we can't go back," Bush said fearfully

Butlin turned back. He was praying that what he was thinking would not happen.. But it was herself.. That snake had followed them here.

" What do we do now.. I'm afraid." Bosch said with fear and anxiety.. True, after all, their level of magic was very low, but they had used up their mana reserves. Therefore, they have nothing but physical energy, which also collapsed due to running and lack of sleep

They both looked at each other and nodded as if they agreed on something.

What they agreed upon was to jump over this cliff. There is a greater chance of survival, even if they both die. Dying while jumping is much more honorable than dying when you are eaten by a snake.

But at that moment, they heard a rustle from the trees next to them, as if another creature was coming to them...

But what was unexpected.. Then they cut that snake in a blink of an eye without realizing it and found that that snake became sushi

That man who came out of the trees suddenly started getting closer and closer

"Who are you?" the two said fearfully

"I am not Your father"

" .. what ? "

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