
0018 Chapter Eighteen: My school has magic classes


Beep beep beep beep beep beep

A phone rang in a closed and dark place

(open call)

" Oh it's you... Hermes," replied a slightly gruff voice

"What's up, sir, Charlie?"

"I play with iron and iron weapons as usual."

"Looks like you're still as funny as you used to be."

" Yeah..yeah..so what do you want at this time? As you know, I want to make some weapons."

"You never forget yourself as a blacksmith. The important thing is... I want some weapons for the children of the hero WikiD Addiction."

" Well, what kind of weapon will I do my best for them?"

" ... "

War is the road to the unknown

Chapter Eighteen: My school has magic classes

No matter how keen a person is on his loneliness, there will be moments when he sees himself as weak In front of the possibility that he will continue to be alone like this forever, there are moments during which he may realize how small he is in this existence, and this will be devastating and terrifying for him.

Moments when he would like to complain about all his pain to anyone, to cry on someone's chest. To have a person who can hold his hand when he falls prey to the turmoil that fills his head,

For someone to pull him out of the cold isolation in which he fell, he hopes to find a person who understands him in the comprehensiveness of his being when the feeling of alienation crushes him and bites of fear in his heart gnaw at him during the long nights..

He always wants to be heard when he is speaking, in order to be saved from his torment.

. ..

A wide smile suddenly appeared on Hermes' face

"I gathered you today to tell you that school will start in a week from now.. Nyho." Then he moved his hands as if he were a cowboy.

" oh what? said the two.

"Isn't it too early, actually, since we're still in April? At least five months until the start of the new school year?" Kayden said with a clear hesitation in his tone of voice.

Hermes looked at Caiden and said

"That's right if you're normal people. I mean, you're Kaiden. You didn't finish last year, right? So instead of repeating it, you will take intensive lessons on it, and so you will pass this year.

Then he moved his head towards Valencia

As for Valencia, your level of abilities is very normal.. and this is bad because you are the next heir to the throne of the elves Your level must be strong in order to overcome the obstacles that you will face in the future.

Then he took a sip from a cup of coffee and said

And above all, you are not used to this school yet because this school relies on magic as well."

"Wait a minute, did you say magic?" Kayden said hesitantly

" Simply put, magic is an organism's ability to use the mana surrounding it..." Hermes said softly

Magic is a generic term used to describe an activity that changes the state of an object or person within the range of change that the object or person can undergo without violating the laws of nature and physics.

Some believe that these events can break the laws of physics in some cases, and there is often confusion between magic and sorcery versus the art of illusion.

Like sleight of hand, the word magic is used as a synonym for all these terms that differ from each other.

But after a period of time, the word magic turned into sorcery, so magic and sorcery became the same meaning

Mana is the spiritual energy of life or the healing force that permeates the universe in a culture. Any person or thing can be mana. It is the cultivation or acquisition of energy rather than a source of energy.

Hermes then said, "The word 'mana' which is reconstructed in 'Proto-Oceanic' is thought to have referred to powerful forces of nature such as thunder and stormy winds rather than to supernatural forces. Then this meaning separated with the spread of peoples speaking different languages ​​to the east, and the word began to refer to invisible superpowers.

" So you're saying your school supports the magical arts? And she has teachers working to teach boys to use these superpowers? Cayden said

"Yes, that is exactly what I am trying to convey to you.

But all this differs from person to person.

For example, the ability of elves to use magic is much stronger than the ability of humans to use magic. Therefore, we separate students from each other in classes according to their ability to use magic so that they do not feel like trash in front of the strong among them who were born with innate talent...

But that does not mean that we have canceled the regular school system

There's math, science and other things that you have to learn too. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body, or so they say."

Then Hermes began tasting his coffee

" Well, I'm beginning to understand, but which school will I go to? I mean, in every kingdom you have a branch of countless schools and companies. ..So how do I know which one to go to?" Caiden asked inquiringly.

The world map was...

Imagine a spherical earth filled with water.

But above this water there are three islands in the form of a triangle connected together at one point called the great gathering point

This spot was a gathering of the land of humans in the east with the land of elves in the west.. Also, the last triangle was composed of very large and many mountains

According to history books, they said that many explorers went to visit those mountains and add them on the map.

But when they send a scouting party, they never come back.

So the government has given up on sending these teams again for not bearing the losses from the human army

As for the great gathering point in which humans and elves gathered in a large way for trade, and so on, that city was very large in size

1,661 km Square²

Some say that this spot is not for anyone, but rather it is a spot for trade and exchange only, and no one owns it

But the truth is that the Hermes trading company owns more than half of that city

" Well, about which school you're going to go to... Hmm... let's keep this as a surprise."

At that moment, Hermes' phone started ringing

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

The sound of the phone ringing

" ... "

" Yes, this is exactly the date. I send him now. Tell him that I am waiting for him on the water floor.

On the occasion of entering a new school, you two

I will give you a wonderful gift on the occasion of entering this new school

" Oh," said Cayden and Valencia

Then the door suddenly started knocking

Bam Bam

"Come in, Mr. Charlie," said Hermes

Then a strong-bodied man entered, very large, and said:

"Yo, friends..and you Doctor Hermes "

. .

"One is very tired,

And the worst thing is that he doesn't know where to throw his fatigue."

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