
Chapter 8: Comfortable

Grayson had always found ways to create a stable routine in his otherwise chaotic life, it was how he kept his sanity. He was diligent in making sure that even if he didn't wake up in the same place every morning, he had an easy way to assimilate wherever he was.

This hinged on a few factors: finding the best coffee shop and a gym membership being the two largest. The first was easy; his motel was only a three-minute drive away and the bar was only five minutes from there. The gym was a bit more difficult; he usually was able to get away with just one, cities usually have the same chain gyms that you can find on every street block.

Harsen, however, has one terrifying 'gym' run by a retired boxer in what Grayson is pretty sure is an old video rental building. This gym doesn't have a single piece of signage in the front, nor a scrap of internet presence, so for Grayson's first few weeks, he was clueless of its existence.

Two days after what Grayson refers to lovingly as 'the wall incident,' Jude introduces him to it. Grayson is thrilled to have this moment of routine back, but can't help but admit that every time he walks through the doors, he hopes to see Jude there. Unfortunately, he never comes.

Grayson is unsurprised, given Jude's current schedule, and even aware that it's most likely to his benefit that he doesn't see his now-coworker shirtless on the daily.

He does have to admit, Harsen is well-geared for his routine-oriented lifestyle. Every day he sees the same people walking their dogs, working at shops, and living their lives in individualized synchronicity.

Grayson had never felt like this in other places; in fact, the chaos of larger cities is what fueled his desire for that kind of sameness. He had always felt so small around other people… or maybe invisible was a better word. Day to day, the scenery is always changing, and the buzz of life tends to drown out every other sound.

It's quiet now, though. Grayson is surprised by how fast he adjusts to it.

The bar is probably his favorite part of his daily routine, though. He enjoys the regulars, who've just started getting comfortable enough with Grayson to tell him stories. He enjoys Amelia, sardonic as ever.

He enjoys watching Jude walk through the front doors. Every time Jude sees Grayson behind the bar, he smiles so brightly.

Jude had been on his best behavior for two weeks now, and Grayson was actually starting to believe… something. He wasn't sure what that something was yet, but he was excited to find out.

Jude sets down a plate of french fries at the bar. It was a slow night; only a few tables were occupied by people in groups, leaving the bar empty.

This had been another little routine Grayson had come to enjoy; he didn't get many breaks in a night, but every night since Jude had taken over as cook, he brings Grayson something to eat and doesn't leave until he's satisfied that Grayson has had enough.

"I just want you to know I've put in your nomination for sainthood." Grayson picks up a fry and hands it out to Jude.

Jude takes it in his mouth, eyes low. "I think I have to be dead for that, Gray."

Grayson bites his lip. "Gray?"

Jude shrugs and passes Grayson a french fry. "Is that okay? Am calls you by your last name, I thought I needed a nickname."

Grayson takes the fry in his mouth gingerly. "I like it."


They just watch each other for a moment, smiling cheesily.

"These are really good, you know." Grayson gestures to the plate. "Who taught you how to cook?"

Jude chuckles. "My mom. She can cook like nobody's business. I just started helping her out in the kitchen as a kid. It's good to know some things stuck."

"That's sweet. Are you close with your parents?"

"Very. Am is a lot like dad, they talk the same."

Grayson laughs. "Somehow I can picture that."

"What about you; are you close with your folks?"

Grayson shakes his head and looks to the side. "Nah. But it's cool that you are, though."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, I don't lose any sleep over it." Grayson nudges Jude's shoulders.

"Right, yeah. I'll let you get back to work." Jude smiles softly, picks up the empty plate, and walks back into the kitchen.

Grayson feels a twinge of guilt; people who grew up with a good relationship with their parents always seem to take it hard when he would admit to not speaking to his parents. At some point he just stopped talking about it, hoping that the lack of details would assuage concerns. It had always worked in the past, people would give a disinterested shrug and move on with their lives.

Maybe Jude could tell, maybe Grayson wasn't as good at hiding it as he thought. Maybe, when your life is as idyllic as Jude's seems to be, it's blatantly obvious when someone doesn't fit into your world. Maybe that's why Jude didn't like him in the first place.

He shoves the thought away. Even if it were true, there was nothing he could do about it now. Grayson busies himself wiping down the bar, though the gnawing feeling in his stomach wouldn't go away.

Grayson was in the middle of sweeping up for the night when he hears the music click on. He rolls his eyes and bites down a smile. This was another part of his new routine. Jude is, apparently, allergic to working in silence.

Grayson found this strange. When he mentioned to Jude that he hadn't heard music playing his first-night closing, Jude's ears turned a familiar shade of pink.

"I didn't want to bother you… Amelia would have killed me if I scared you off the first night."

"What about your music would have scared me off?" Grayson asks, puzzled.

"Well, I don't know. You seem like you probably have pretty distinguished taste and I didn't want to-"

Jude is cut off by the sound of the synthesizer, leading into a dance-pop song.

"Oh. My. God."

"... It's really good workout music!"

"Oh sure."

Grayson laughs at the memory as another early 2000s pop song filters through a handheld speaker balanced on a pool table.

Jude peaks out from the back, shimmying his shoulders and darting back out of sight.

Grayson whistles as Jude pops out again bobbing his head comedically, eyes shut as he moves towards Grayson.

"You're ridiculous, you know what right?"

Jude pretends not to hear him, opting instead to begin crooning the words while making deadly eye contact.

Grayson feels his self-control starting to crack; his whole body flushing beat red. He could go toe to toe with the guy when it came to barely disguised flirting but this? This was just unfair.

Jude sees his face and grabs his arm, pulling him into a spin. Their faces were millimetres apart, Jude's arm wrapped tight around his waist. The heat was almost unbearable.

Then, Jude smiles. "Gotcha." His arm loosens.

"What?" Grayson asks, his head still spinning from the proximity.

"You're always so confident, smooth-talking. I wanted to see if I could throw you off your game," Jude winks. "Even the playing ground a little."

Grayson blinks a few times, realization dawning on him. "Oh, you b*tch! This is not a win for you!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! I've seen you flustered way more than once, I'm still ahead."

"You sure?"

"Absolutely positive. It takes more than that to throw me off, I'm… smooth incarnate." Grayson blurts, convincing no one.

"If that's the case, Mr. Smooth… I've got one more question for you."

"Bring it on, big boy."

"What are you doing tomorrow night?"

"I– Nothing. Why?" Amelia had made the choice to accept her losses, and close on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to give her only two employees consistent days off.

"Let me take you out." Jude's voice is soft but confident.

"Yes," Grayson responds breathlessly, not hesitating for a moment.

"Alright, I'll pick you up at seven then."

"I'll see you then."

Jude grins wider than he's ever seen before, nods, and walks away.

Grayson stares at the discarded broom on the floor for a moment, unable to quite parse what just happened.

Then, he hears a gasp from the back. Amelia power walks over to him, her mouth wide open. "There is not a way in this g*ddamn Earth you two go on a date before the two of us have had a single… what do the kids call it these days? Hang sesh?"

Grayson blinks. "You'd know that more than me, I'm thirty. Also, did he say that? That it's a date?"

"No, but it's so obvious. You two have been mooning over each other since you started. I was skeptical at first, given how big of an idiot Jude was acting like… but I see now it's just an inevitability." She waves her hand. "No matter, wanna come to my place after work? We can order in, watch a movie or something."

"Wow, I'm popular today with the Williams family. Let's do it!" Grayson smiles.

"Alright, well I think we're about done here. You can just follow me out."

"Is he going to be… okay with this?" Grayson is almost scared to ask. Jude had been genuinely following his promise, he hasn't so much as flinched when Amelia and Grayson interact. However, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern.

Jude walks out of the back with his stuff in hand, giving a thumbs up. "I'm good, I promise. You two have fun. I'll uh, see you tomorrow okay?" Jude smiles meekly.

"Yeah, I'll see you then." Grayson mirrors the expression and the two look at each other for a few seconds.

"It's like I'm invisible. Everyone get the hell out of my bar now." Amelia rolls her eyes, a small smile on her face.

Laughing, the three head out. It isn't until Jude is out of sight that Grayson lets himself exhale. His breath is shaky, but he can't stop the shocked grin from taking over his face.

He's going on a date with Jude Williams.

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