
Chapter 20 - The Battle

Since the beginning of the Festival, everything has been going well for the "RWBY" hunter team until one moment. For four young girls, it was an opportunity to prove themselves and show what they are really capable of. And they showed it against the "ABRN" team, which they were able to defeat. Their friends from the "JNPR" team also coped with their opponents, which could not but please them.

The problems started in the first final match between Yang Xiao Long, one of the RWBY, and Mercury Black. She won, but in the end, it seemed to her that she was attacking from behind and she broke his leg... but on the replay of the cameras, it was perfectly visible how she attacked the guy standing behind her, who was not going to attack.

The girl was immediately surrounded by military Atlas, in order not to let her rage. The negative reaction of the audience immediately attracted Grimm, but not enough yet. And that's the moment when the "Invincible Girl" Pyrrha Nikos literally dismembered her opponent with her Semblance, then negative emotions from all over the stadium and the kingdom of Vale began to attract a huge number of Grimms.


"Pyrrha! It's about to break in! Pyrrha run!" a blond guy from the stadium shouted, looking at his friend standing motionless in the center of the arena.

"K-h-r-a-a!" a piercing roar of Grimm sounded and in another collision of huge paws with energy shields, the latter could not stand it and turn off, and the black creature broke through and fell into the arena with a crash, throwing the red-haired one away from itself. At the moment when it was about to pounce on the girl, another girl fell from above and pierced the head of the Grimm with a large scythe…


"Not particularly strong." Shinoa said in silence, easily pulling the scythe out of the Grimm's body that had begun to disintegrate.(Picture)

"That was cool! You're just like Ruby!" Another orange-haired girl shouted.

"Nora now is not the time. " said the black-haired guy next to her, and after his words, small gray capsules began to fall from the sky, which contained the hunter's weapons.

"Get ready, quickly!" The girl in the red outfit shouted, who was also ready to jump on Nevermore to push her away from Pyrrha. "Scythe... you have a Scythe too, it's so cool!" with stars in her eyes, she said, looking at the scythe in Shinoa's hands.

"It's good that you admit it." One petite girl nodded her head while standing in front of the other.

"K-h-ra-a!" Several more of the same roars sounded.

I landed next to Shinoa and now this girl in red clothes threw her admiring look at me, but she quickly pulled herself together as if remembering something. She rushed at great speed to one of the fallen boxes with weapons and came back with ... a big scythe. (Picture)

"There are many of them!" The huntress with the big rabbit ears shouted, pointing up.

"It's yours. Everyone will be needed here." I approached the still-lost red-haired girl and handed her a shield and a spear, which, belonged to her, and then cast a curious glance at the fragmented robot girl.

"Uh, I... yes, thank you." she began to come to her senses and nodded to me with a grateful expression on her face.

"Administrator-kun, what are we going to do?" Shinoa asked me at the same time examining Ruby and her braid with interest, she was doing the same.

"Destroy the Grimm, find all the bad guys and destroy them already, and save as many people as possible." I said, getting a picture through the holographic screen that appeared in front of my face, where Rias had already engaged in battle with some Grimm... if you can call it a fight at all. She dealt with them without any problems.

"Sounds like a plan!" Nora shouted, raising her huge hammer. (Picture)

Approaching the body of the Robo-girl, I conceived a plan and a large magical circle flashed under her dismembered body, which covered all her body parts. It was not difficult for me to understand how it works, because I could already create a living body with the help of alchemy. Parts of her body lit up a little and began to attach to the places from where they were torn out and soon a newly "assembled" robot girl was lying on the ground.

" Penny... " Pyrrha whispered softly, looking at the android with shock, and then at me. But she was prevented from saying a piercing scream and one of the Nevermore's began to dive down. I was able to get a full picture of what was happening from a bird's-eye view, the drone finally reached the desired height.

And this picture was, let's say, not particularly rosy. A huge crowd of Grimms was running towards the city, a huge number of Nevermores were flying in the sky, and one of the Atlas frigates began to turn to the others, which immediately reminded me what could happen.

"People are running further down the corridor and they may need help." I said, looking up from the screen, which some of the hunters had noticed with obvious interest. One of the Nevermores tried to dive down on us, but the hunters were ready for this... but before they could do anything, an iron pin flew out of the floor. And the Grimm himself landed on it without having time to turn aside.

"Crazy ..." said one of the hunters.

"Students, I think it would be better for you to leave here." said an older man who was kind of a teacher here. Next to him was a tall, green-haired man with a gun in his hands, who was looking warily at me and the Grimms flying from above.

"But Professor Port…"

"Miss Rose, this day will be recorded in the chronicles of Remnant and I would like you to be able to tell about it. " The green-haired man said.

" Got it." Ruby nodded, clutching the scythe in her hands even tighter.

"Shinoa go with them, they will just go to the flying machines." I said to the girl with the scythe and flew into the air, before that I did not forget to throw her a communicator. "I'll know where you are, but in the meantime, I have other things to do." I flew further in the direction of the frigate that had almost turned up.


"Who is he? I haven't seen him before." said Coco Adele, a huntress with a suitcase in her hand... which becomes a minigun when needed. "I haven't seen you, too, by the way." She looked at Shinoa.

"I haven't seen you before either." The girl with the scythe answered easily. "Well, will you show me your skills?" She looked at Ruby.

"I ..". it was obvious that she really wanted to. "We don't have time! Everyone go ahead! The city is being attacked!" She screamed and ran after the rest of the hunters to the huge corridor. Pyrrha had already picked up Penny's whole body and fled with him.

Along the way, they did not meet a Grimm, but as soon as they ran out to the landing pad, they noticed that there was a large queue of panicked people for a place in a flying ship, Shinoa could not call this transport any other way. But a few of them flew up from the other side of the runway and a Grimm jumped out.

"Why are these flying things being transported by a Grimm?" couldn't help but ask Shinoa.

"I don't know!" Ruby shouted, preparing to fight, but it was not necessary, since the Atlas androids dealt with them, and some were finished off by the General himself. "What's going on?" (Picture)

"Nothing good. Grimms have spread all over the city. White Fang invaded Beacon and some vagabonds took over one of my ships. Until we regain control, the sky is not under our control."


One of the frigates had already damaged the other two and now they were falling down. (Picture)

"I can't remember all the details of what I've seen." I said with some regret because I could have prevented it if I remembered. However, this is not the time for regrets. Rias is near the Beacon and it's enough for her to just deal with the Grimm, who, by the way, seems to be running all in her direction on purpose.

Perhaps they feel her demon energy. ( Yes, I know that right way "Devil" but... I don't wanna change it everywhere. So if you see a problem here... well... good luck. Because for me it's not a bid deal) Hermione and Nakiri are also there, both of them helping people... more precisely Cortana controlling the suit. The girls were shocked at first when they met with Grimm, who punched through the walls with their paws. Shinoa was now flying down to the city with a group of hunters, where she would also start helping.

"Time to push yourself." two Atlas ships were huge enough to destroy several districts of the city when they fell, which I would not like to allow. Therefore, with the help of Cortana, I calculated the approximate place of the fall and flew straight to where I began to use magic to the fullest, and I also used a seal to focus.

A hundred-meter seal appeared under me, from where stone pillars tens of meters thick began to break up. When approaching one of the ships, they stopped growing and on the contrary began to decrease, so as not to pierce the ship through. The speed of their decrease was comparable to the speed of the ship's fall, so they began to pick up the ship carefully, without causing too much damage to it.

Having finished with one, I flew to the second and repeated the procedure, this time the ship stopped at a distance of tens of meters from the roofs of buildings ... but around the buildings themselves, there were huge earth pillars that were probably visible from a great distance.

To say that it was easy is a lie, but it also showed me the limits of my magical abilities related to the earth. It still wasn't my limit, but it was close enough to it.

"Okay, let's fly to the traitor ship." I said with a little laugh, trying not to pay attention to the dead people who died from the clutches of the Grimm. With the help of magic, I was able to create a dome-shaped earth barrier that saved a couple of people, but some were already dead before my appearance.

"Administratorkun, that concubine with the scythe jumped off the aircraft." I heard Shinoa's voice.

"A concubine?" I asked. "God, Shinoa, be serious. When you land, start mowing down the Grimm."

"Got it." I heard a laconic answer. Ruby jumped off, so she should already be on the ship to which I am heading my way. Well, that's if I remember correctly. There was panic in the city, and this attracted even more Grimm.

Flying up to the last surviving ship, I noticed Ruby fighting on its roof with a petite girl and an orange-haired guy in a hat. But Ruby was losing, judging by the fact that she was the only one who received blows, even if she tried to snap back. But another blow almost knocked her off the roof of the ship, but she managed to stick the tip of the scythe into the metal.

"...like it or not, the people who hired me are going to change the world. Neither you nor I can stop them. And, as in that saying, if you can't beat them... and who else are you? Neo?" this redhead noticed that I flew up to them. (Picture)

"So, you're the one who took over the ship." I said ignoring him and turning off the repulsors, so I landed on the ship making a small dent there.

"Another hero." he said dismissively, clearly relying on the manifestation of his subordinate, or whoever she is to him. I knew roughly who I was going to face, so I prepared for different cases. Its manifestation can make illusions and... yes, they work for me.

I may have magical resistance, but such manifestations are not among them. But even so, I knew perfectly well where Neo was, since Cortana immediately began to release signals and scan the space in front of me when I landed, so I knew that this Neo standing next to Ruby was not real.

The real one has almost gotten close to me. Ruby saw that there was no one in front of her and jumped on the ship and looked right at the petite girl sneaking up to me, apparently her eyes work the way I knew about it.

That's just what Roman, that's his name, didn't expect, so it's my great speed and the fact that I will be next to Neo with lightning speed and grab her by the hand, and then with great force, throwing over myself, I will slam her into the ship. So much so that her aura was immediately emptied and she blacked out.

" Neo! I didn't expect that... I truly did not" he said, starting to get nervous, but then Ruby attacked him from behind and gave him a good horizontal blow with her scythe, which threw the redhead aside... into mine. "Maybe we can nego..." I forcibly silenced him by hitting him in the face and with the first blow I smashed his face into a bloody mess... overdid it. Did he even have an aura? Something I forgot about it…

"Thank you! " Ruby shouted, shielding her hand from the wind, yet we were on the roof of a huge flying ship.

"Please take his accomplice and let's go inside. We need to regain control of the ship. " I said, raising my voice so she could hear me. The girl nodded and disappeared, leaving rose petals behind her, and then appeared next to the unconscious Neo, who was grabbed like she was a bag of potatoes. I picked up the redhead... of course, it was possible to throw them, but they will most likely be devoured by the Grimm.

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