
personal part

Due to which she is coming, it hurts a lot and she starts getting angry on Lavanya even more and she becomes more harsh in her anger.

So he pulls Lavanya towards him with one of his hands. Lavanya gets completely shocked by such a reaction of Aryan.

And she tries to get away from herself but Aryan was not able to control his anger so he puts his other hand on Lavanya's waist and lifts her all by himself which makes Lavanya feel very awkward 😟😟😟 😟😟😟

Then she shouts out loud leave me please let me chotu and let me go from here I am rly rly sorry now Aryan angrily laughs evilly on his case 😖😖😖😖😖😖

And says now nothing will happen if you say sorry, you were very cute to say sorry earlier, but now you are the only one, say sorry, but I will not leave you now.

Naveen Lavanya feels the touch on her waist and gets scared now its long time, her face starts appearing. Aryan begs to leave but he is not going to leave either.

Aryan grabs Lavanya's waist tightly with one hand and with the other hand throws her shirt away from her body 😧😧😧😧😧😧

Due to which Lavanya starts appearing even more nervous on her page but Aryan doesn't care about her nervousness anymore and he sticks Lavanya close to him 😵😵😵😵😵😡

Due to which Lavanya is feeling the touch of every woman of Aryan's plant with her body and she is making it uncomfortable.

But seeing Aryan Lavanya in bra and pants 😬😬😬😬😬😬

Aryan's necklace automatically gets activated on Lavanya's body and she starts touching her stomach and waist.


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