

Strom palace


Alaina's pov

Artificial Intelligence was a complete recipe of disaster for me, after doing my homework for past two hours, I decided that now if I was not given a break, I would definitely break something. I needed to master this before the upcoming event which would require attending a seminar on future robotic developments.

Storm Empire was trying to extend its branches in all fields that would open a huge market in future and this was aa chance that I as the heir cannot miss in any case.

Truth to be told the problem of chaos didn't lied in the subject but in my muddled head itself. The situation with Calliope was going out of hand day by day. Extending a hand of friendship was impossible from my side but to control this I was required to cover my face in a mask of amiable serenity.

A snake may shed it's skin but never leaves it's venom.

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