
A Dance In The Skies

Phoenix had already focused on the screen to her right, where some movement caught her attention. A massive black blur had just flown into view, and next to it, a minuscule by comparison pitch-black bat, fluttered quickly to keep pace.

The griffons, who were many a mile away, all noticed the giant silhouette piercing through the cloudy cover under them. And screeches echoed through the clear skies.

Screeches of both fear and declaration. A declaration that they would chase out the intruder to their open domain, which was the skies.

But Shegror wouldn't let them declare this without responding.

A guttural roar left its throat, threatening the Griffons and their riders. The skies were not theirs.

They were hers.

Morpheus could hardly join in this threat, but that didn't deter the bat from claiming a part of the rights to fly for itself. A powerful pulse of mana left Morpheus' mouth, expanding in every direction like a growing bubble.

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