
Delivering The Package

The windowless back of the van made Kary very uncomfortable for the ride to wherever they were going. She clung to Alexander's arm like a scared kitten.

It was funny to Alex, since she always portrayed herself as a strong, brave woman. But she was much stronger in the game than out here.

At least, for now. Alex did not know how strong she would become out here once she could use mana properly.

The ride to the private hospital was a little longer this time than Alex remembered. He couldn't look out any window to confirm they were still going to the right place, but he felt no danger yet.

Of course, that could change at any moment.

But before his worry turned into reality, the van jerked to a stop. Alex heard the slam of a door in front, and soon after, the van door slid open.

Standing in front of it, was a man he recognized. It was one mercenary that had been at his penthouse.

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