
Waiting Time

During the first round, the only other match that brought the onlookers to the edge of their seats was the one with Khalor, the Necromancer. His onslaught of minions, ghosts, skeletons, zombies, ghouls, and many more, all painted him as an evil player.

Yet, what really depicted him like that was his lack of restraint. When his undead started swarming the enemy players, many times, his allies also got hit.

He didn't even try to stop it from happening, and after his match, he had killed all his teammates. Luckily for them, they were respawned because of his victory.

They angrily shouted at him, as they cursed and threatened, only to be put to silence when Khalor's death knight finally drew his halberd.

But the situation didn't escape the eyes of one angry and hateful Demonoid. When he saw that friendly fire was allowed in the competition, an evil grin crept up his lips.

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