
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve

“Senja Marie,” I hear a voice growl, making me look over to see my father. His lilac hair is down this time, and he’s wearing long brown pants. As always, most avian folks are wearing something backless, or nothing at all above the waist. My father has decided to go shirtless, showing off his winged mark on his left breast. His Chosen birthmark.

“Dad,” I say as I return back to my book.

“Why didn’t you answer me?” He demands, coming closer to me.

“I didn’t hear worry in your tone, just anger.” I say, mostly ignoring him. “Are you worried about me, or are you ordering me?”

He lets out a very heavy breath. “How many times do I need to say I’m sorry to you, before you believe it?”

“Let’s start off with one, and we’ll see how it goes.” I say as I walk past him, keeping my attention to the book.

“Senja, I’m sorry for what your mother and I chose to do to you. It was not something you deserved, and it was not a choice that should have been made. Now please, will you talk to me?”

I look up at him. “What do you want to talk about?”

At first he stutters, taken by surprise, then starts, “Are you okay?” he asks, motioning towards his neck.

I turn my neck, showing him the bite. There are many emotions in his eyes as he looks it over. “It was painful for the longest time after I was able to move. Kia took care of me until I was able to move again.”

“Painful?” He asks, unable to take his eyes off of it.

“After the paralyzing effects wore off, every muscle in my body started going through extreme pain. I literally could not move, and Kia had to drag me out of the ocean. She protected me until I woke up again.”

“When did you wake up?” He asks, concern growing on his face.

“Today,” I say as I give him a curious look. “Why?”

“Senja, you’ve been missing for two days.”

“What?” I ask, genuinely surprised by that. “That Hybrid jackass,” I say as I press my lips, planning a little more violence in his death.

“Hybrid?” Sarian asks, sounding confused.

I nod. “I’ve only found one book with the information, but the traits listed are exactly what belongs to a Hybrid. A perfect match between vampire, and lycan. And believe me, they were dead on with the effects of his venom.” I shudder. “Fortunately there are no further effects.”

“Can you show me the book?” He asks.

I close my book as I nod. I pull the requested book out of my small pile and hand it to him. “Page fifteen.” I say as I go back to reading.

“Senja, you are aware where Greyson bit you?” Sarian asks, worry going through him as he keeps reading.

“Yep,” I say, letting my ‘p’ pop, not looking up.

“So are you aware that protecting you has just become more important than ever?” He asks.

“Are you protecting me, or are you ordering me?” I ask, looking up with a serious glance on my face.

His face is torn as he is trying to figure out how to phrase his answer. “Honey, I’m going to be honest with you. The options are always difficult with you, no matter what we choose.”

“Or you could simply try talking to me like an adult.” I flash him a sarcastic smile, making him give me a hard look.

“You’re not able to live the privilege of a regular adult. You know this.”

I give him an even look. “That’s your opinion. I’ve been rather successful running my own life.”

“Yes you have. But you have to realize-“

“I don’t have to realize anything.” I say as I look at him, giving him a withering stare. “I’m more than capable of coming to my own conclusion and forming my own beliefs. I’ve been through the ups and downs of life, and still managed to thrive; even when I had no one to turn to. You lost your right to have any opinion in my life the moment you kicked me out and disowned me. Since I no longer have a title, I’m under no obligation to follow the commands of any kind, including that of my parents.”

“Senja,” He warns. “Your life is in danger, and so is the way of our lives.”

“There are more repercussions if I sit still and do nothing, and you know this.” I say as I straighten, measuring my eyes to meet his. “If I were to sit idly by while being hunted by something we know so little about, he will probably actually kill me, or force me into being his mate. So my only chance is to kill him, before he can get to me.”

“Or you find another mate.” Sarian hints.

“I forget, how well did this go the last time we had this conversation?” I ask with heavy sarcasm as I motion violently towards my neck.

“No, no more parties or potential any things Senja. I’m talking about you finally accepting who we have chosen for you.”

I snort, “He’s still holding in there huh?”

“No unfortunately. We’ve chosen someone else.”

“How about I choose someone else?” I suggest.

“Senja, you need someone who can handle the role of an Aquanian King. Not some little guard, soldier, and Guardian you run around with. You need someone with breeding and strength. Someone who can protect you.”

“I can protect myself,” I argue, my cheeks going red, my defiant nature starting to raise in full force.

“Okay, how about someone who is able to protect you when you can’t, besides Kia.” He puts his hand on my shoulder. “You need to accept someone so you can take the role you were born for.”

I roll my eyes. “How about this? I take over the throne when it is time, even if I’m single, and you let me use this as my last mission. I get to kill Greyson, and in exchange I take over Linru.”

“You need someone to rule by your side.” He argues.

“Why?” I demand. “Why can’t I be single?”

“Because the prophecy states you must be mated in order to successfully rule Linru.”

“Screw the prophecy.” I snap. “Let me live my life how I want Father.”

“Senja, please just listen to what I’m saying. Please. It’s always been this way. It’s tradition and it is what the Goddess has called for.”

“The hell she did. That woman ruled an entire race and slaughtered thousands of armies without a man at her side, why can’t I? Mom was queen for a century before she settled down, you were two centuries. The only reason I even exist is because the two of you were drunk at a party.”

“I’m not the one who foretold it.” He argues. “Senja, please. At least talk to Ronan.”

“Ronan? Are you insane?” I demand. “He’s so serious, and…Dad he’s so serious that I can’t even think of another trait to describe him!”

“Senja, listen to me right now.” Sarian yells, his eyes starting to glow.

“No Dad, listen to me for once. No.” I tell him as I shove the books into his chest and start running.

“Senja, you get back here.” Sarian orders as I keep running. In no time, I have my wings spread as I race for my exit. “Senja Marie stop this second, or I’ll take you home by force.” I ignore him and leap when I get to a balcony, forcing my wings to pump hard. I don’t need to out fly him for long, especially since I’m such a weak flyer. I just need to hold out until I get to the ocean.

Like my hair is on fire, I shoot out of the library and its grounds. I can already hear several of the other Valkyrie following after me. The sun is starting to set, so I was in there longer than I anticipated. There is no way I can out fly them in the dark, so I start plummeting towards the earth. If I can hide, I have a chance.

Right when I break into the trees I force myself to stop. There are dozens of Aquanian soldiers on the ground, riding their balham. One of them being my stepdad, Murrow, who has Kia muzzled and restrained next to him. I hate it when my dads’ coordinate. Their relationship can be described as brotherly, so much so that they nearly hang out twice a week.

Sarian lands on the ground right below me, looking up at me quite pointedly. “Are you coming down anytime soon? If not, I could use another go, and your wing work needs practice.”

I groan as I retract them in, landing on the ground carefully. “Why can’t you two hate each other?”

They both shrug then grin at each other. “Get on Kia, Senja.” Murrow says, giving me a warning look.

“Fine, but I’m not going to be happy about it.” I say as I snap my fingers, summoning my dagger. It appears in my hand as everyone eyes it with wide eyes; besides my parents who look to be more wary. I get on Kia as my dad jumps onto the back of Grovan, Murrow’s balham. Grovan is also very fond of my father, so he doesn’t mind carrying them both.

I put my knife in Kia’s saddle pocket. “I can’t believe you got caught.” I mutter to her. She fully turns her head just to give me a very pointed look. I stick my tongue out at her as I feel her body vibrate as she laughs.

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