
Treetoff forest and the foreboding future CHP 9

It is an early morning spring morning, and MLML awakes from a deep slumber. The sun is directly above him beaming rays of light upon his almond-brown hair.

"Master, have you slept well? It is almost noon time."

MLML still with groggy eyes looks towards Goblee to his right.

"Yeah, 12 hours still doesn't feel like quite enough sometimes".

"Well, during my 12-hour watch the plains have been quiet. No spotting of monsters or travlers."

"That's good! but we are 7 days into this journey and it's honestly getting quite boring. I thought we would run into more trouble out in the wilds than we are. Maybe once we get to the Treetoff forest surrounding the massive Rose lake this will get more entertaining".

"Probably not master, unfortunately, the author isn't quite that talented when it comes to that sort of thing, providing actual entertaining storytelling".

"What the fuck are you talking about Goblee? You doing drugs again?"

"No sorry sir it must be your imagination."

With that matter settled the two party members pack their things for the day. They continue back on the trail for most of the day until finally seeing an abnormality in the terrain.

Along the horizon near where the sun is setting below the orange, red and yellow sky lays a forest. Etched into the terrain are a variety of large trees growing toward the sky. Hundreds of feet tall, watching over the plains waiting for those who dare to enter their foreboding terrain.

"Well, master MLML, I do believe that is the forest you spoke of."

"Indeed it is, those trees are fed by Rose lake's magic-enriched water. They grow in an uncontrolled fashion, this results in a strange looking fleshy salmon-colored bark."

"How do you know so much about this area, and nature specifically, sir?"

"My old coot of a father, he taught me a lot about this world cities, plants, and much about many other topics.

"I see, it seems he was planning on kicking you out, at least he educated you to some degree."

"He did, with these massive forearms I have also increased my brainpower through studying, even if I did fail I kept learning and learning. As my forearms grew so did my vocabulary, mathematical skills, and my knowledge of our world.

As they continued to chat, they finally met with the opening to the Treetoff forest. A sign to the right of them told them their whereabouts, and there were multiple danger warnings.

Goblee looked at them for a second and shouted, "Hey MLML, shouldn't we be careful, this sign says it is dangerous and home to a variety of monstrosities".

In a gruff perturbed voice MLML responds, "Goblee, the only thing I fear is if I have to use over 50% of my power, for this world may meet its end. We continue on, if you wish to stay you must consider your tutelage over. Your chief, if he finds you currently, will have your head.

Goblee shrinks, his shoulders slump, being a beast born in the wilds he has good senses. Danger signals are shooting into his brain at light speed. Sweat breaks on his entire body, this is what true fear feels like.

He follows MLML under the dark canopy, and within minutes it is nearly pitch black, Goblee is just tailing a short meandering shadow.

At this moment, MLML lowers his robe to his elbows, holds his forearm up, and casts light on it.

The bleak barely visible forest becomes vibrant once the light radiates within a circle of MLML.

The trees within 100 feet of them seem to vacuum up the magic from MLML's spell and in response light up in a variety of different colors. The fleshy growth on the trees radiates colors like violet, crimson, blaze orange, and many others. Mushroom's on the ground also give off a feint slight blue glow. The dark forest has grown into something out of a fairy tale.

"Welcome to the forest Goblee. Let's make camp, It gets a little bit brighter during the day so you should be able to see alright."

They continue with their nightly routine of starting a fire, which is now easier with the literal shit ton of wood around.

Once the fire is ignited and they have a couple of minutes to decompress from the day's travel they head to a small opening. This is part of Goblee's tutelage, they spar for around an hour a day. Goblee is wielding the new spear he has named Thotiana, while MLML wields his impenetrable will and his forearms.

Goblee goes at about 50% speed and tries to land a good hit on MLML, he was advised to try to kill him by MLML.

MLML takes his attacks head-on and parrys them with the meat of his forearms. The razor-sharp blade bounces off MLML's forearms like that of a finely made sword.

MLML thinks Goblee has truly improved over the course of their many training sessions. Maybe fucking the wife of the chief was a step towards obtaining real skill with the spear for Goblee.

After the hour they go sit down by the fire. They enjoy a Gloshroom soup along with some dried meats thrown in to add some protein.

That was when they heard the sound of twigs snapping coming from the perimeter of the camp…

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