
Chapter 17: Power Play


As he paced the dark chamber, William’s mind raced in too many directions at once. For so long, he had been unfailingly sure of his path and certain in his decisions. Invariably, that confidence translated into action that always brought him closer to his goal. Now, he wasn’t sure of anything.

The girl was trapped in his personal sleeping chamber further down the cave system. Why had he done that? Why did he keep her?

‘She’s injured,’ he thought to assuage his misgivings. ‘She can’t go off galivanting through the forest in the state she’s in.’ It was sound reasoning, but a deep, truthful part of himself twinged with guilt. There was more to it than that, and he knew it.

She was just a girl, a mere human, yet she filled him with such intoxicating heat. He was drawn to her. He needed her.

But the distraction of her had nearly ended him.

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