
the last set up (69)

Rui stepped forward, presenting the suit she had diligently crafted for her brother's impending battle with Suel. The metallic sheen reflected the meticulous work that had gone into its creation. The suit exuded a blend of technological sophistication and a sister's unwavering dedication.

"Here, Onii-chan. I made this for you," Rui said, her eyes shining with a mix of pride and concern. The suit, a fusion of advanced technology and sibling devotion, stood as a testament to her determination to provide him with the best possible protection.

Rui handed Aaron a seemingly upgraded fever slot, the improvements evident in its design. As he inspected it, she explained, "It's the same as the last one, but this one changes combos every time the user wants it to. Considering Nee-san's personality, it'll change whenever it feels like it."

"Aren't you just adorable?" Aaron said, his hand gently patting Rui's head. Her face lit up with genuine joy, relishing every moment of the affectionate gesture. In that simple act of patting her head, a bond of warmth and camaraderie echoed between them, and Rui cherished the feeling, not wanting this precious moment to come to an end.

As Aaron attempted to withdraw his hands, Rui's expression shifted to a playful scowl, a hint of mock indignation in her eyes. Aaron sighed in response and, realizing her enjoyment, promptly returned to pampering his little sister.

As Aaron continued to pamper his little sister, the door creaked open, and Mitsume entered the room, her gaze shifting between Aaron and Rui. Aaron, in the midst of pampering Rui, looked up and greeted Mitsume with a warm smile.

"Hey, Mitsume. How's everything going?" he asked nonchantly.

As Aaron's attention shifted from Rui to Mitsume, the little girl's expression turned visibly disappointed. Her features displayed a mixture of pouting lips and downturned eyes, a clear indication that she had been enjoying the attention and was reluctant to let it go.

Mitsume, her eyes carrying a genuine concern, approached Aaron with a trace of worry etched on her face.

"Mitsume, don't worry too much. I've got this," Aaron reassured, giving her a comforting smile.

"But Aaron, it's dangerous. What if something goes wrong?" Mitsume's voice trembled slightly, her worry for him evident in every word.

"I will be fine," Aaron said, attempting to reassure Mitsume and offer a comforting smile."But what if you lose?" Mitsume's worry persisted.

"Nah. I'd win," Aaron replied with a confident smile, his tone carrying an assurance that tried to alleviate her concerns.

He made sure to give her the most confident smile that he could manage to put on, he wouldn't lose not in a million years.

He would beat that bastard and make sure she no longer has to leave in fear 24/7.

Mitsume, not understanding the underlying motivations, questioned, "Why?" Searching for a reason, she couldn't fathom why Aaron would willingly throw himself into such a dangerous situation when there seemed to be nothing for him to gain.

"Huh?" Aaron responded with a confused expression, and Mitsume took a moment before pressing on.

"Why are you doing this for me? What did I do for you to be willing to do so much?" she asked, her gaze unwavering as she sought answers from the depths of his eyes. The room held a tense silence as Mitsume sought to unravel the motivations behind Aaron's determination to protect her.

"Simple, really. You didn't treat me as a waste of oxygen when we met," Aaron added.

"Plus, I may or may not have a thing for you," he teased, a mischievous glint in his eye. The tension in the room shifted, momentarily replaced by a lighthearted banter that brought a playful smile to Aaron's face.

While Mitsume was left pondering a bit on her thought what Aaron had said he just smile while walking away.

He wanted to test out the ability of his new suit and test out the improvement that Rui had made.

Mitsume observed Aaron as he walked away, a swirl of conflicting emotions within her. A sense of luck and gratitude washed over her, knowing that she had someone like him by her side. However, a slight twinge of guilt crept in as she watched him tirelessly training, aware of the sacrifices he was making for her safety.

Mitsume's thoughts turned to a different source of guilt. Her gaze shifted from Aaron to a distant place within her own memories. Guilt crept in as she reflected on her husband and son—individuals she had left behind. While it might be too late for her husband, she recognized that she still had the opportunity to reconnect with her son.

Mitsume's mind swirled with a torrent of questions and uncertainties. Would her son view her differently because of the feelings she harbored for Aaron? What did Aaron see in her to begin with? And why was it so challenging to resist him? The complexity of her emotions and the gradual erosion of her emotional barriers weighed heavily on her.

Despite Mitsume's attempts to quell her thoughts, the persistent questions and reflections continued to surface, like waves breaking against the shore. Each attempt to push them away seemed futile as the currents of introspection pulled her back into the maelstrom of her emotions.

Blushing, the goddess of creation managed to navigate herself to her room. Once there, she laid her head on the pillow, the internal conflict still raging within her. Mitsume grappled with the complexity of her emotions, questioning whether she would be in this situation at all if she had made different choices in the past.

The room, now a cocoon of introspection, held the weight of unspoken regrets and the echoes of decisions that had led her to this moment.

A/N The fight that happened will happen next week.

Also, today is a double upload.

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