
Chapter 95 Colonel Banks

In the Mountain Range, James just blasted out of there and the soilder started shooting towards James hoping to take him down.

Their bullets seemed to be chasing him, but James was too fast for them to land a bullet on as he was easily outpacing the bullets.

James quickly dissapered from the sight of the soldiers into the distance, Only leaving behind a thick cloud of smoke, the soldiers were left staring at the sky, wondering what had just happened.

The bullets that had been fired in mass had reached a certain height now began falling back down to earth rapidly, heading straight for the soldiers who had fired them.

The man with the loudspeaker who was on the mountain saw them coming saw them coming and quickly sprang into action.

He dropped his gun and picked up the loudspeaker, shouting at the top of his lungs for the soldiers to seek cover immediately.

The soldiers heard the shout and started running in all directions, trying to find cover against there own bullets that were now raining down on them. It was chaos as the soldiers on the ground rushed to find some type of cover to protect them from the raining bullets.

Some hid under the vehicle's that had no roof, some hid inside the vehicles some some were rushing trying to get to there vehicals as that was really the only cover available that was strong enough to resist bullets, even if the bullets were at the full force that it would usually be if fired from a gun.

The soldiers who had managed to find cover were lucky, but the ones who were hit were not so fortunate.

Some bullets pierced their flesh, causing excruciating pain and leaving them writhing on the ground as blood sprayed out.

The man with the loudspeaker knew that he had to act fast, and he picked up his radio to request immediate medical help.

He informed the person on the other end of the line that a massive amount of casualties had occurred and needed immediate medical support In mass.

He could see the panic in the eyes of the soldiers who were on the ground as he watched the soldiers bleed, the Soldiers were not fully armoured up as for them this was a search and rescue so no one was wearing any bullet protection gear, Just a basic set of military gear, therefore causing the bullets to easily pierce there bodies.

As the man with the Speaker closed the radio and looked around, making sure that everyone on the mountain atleast was safe before ordering the soldiers on the mountain who all remained unharmed to proceed with the search and rescue as for him this was a high class mission he couldnt fail, he chose to wait there for the medical support to arrive and retreated with them back to the base.


The room was dimly lit, the only source of light coming from the small window on the east wall. A man sat on a comfortable leather chair in the center of the room. He wore a green shirt that complemented his sharp, nearly crimson red eyes and black pants. His Grey hair was neatly combed backwards with a strand or two falling out of the file, giving him an air of authority. He looked to be in his mid-40s, and his expression was cold and unforgiving as he stared at the soldier infront if him.

"Lieutenant Colonel North, that was a complete embarrassment, Just what were you thinking?" The man asked the soldier infront of him as The man's voice boomed across the room, echoing off the walls and causing Lt. Colonel North to flinch.

It was clear that the man was furious and wasn't afraid to show it.

As he spoke, his eyes flicked back and forth, taking in every detail of North's appearance.

The silence that followed his question was deafening, and North's heart pounded in his chest as he tried to think of a response.

North was the same man who had ordered the firing on James an hour ago.

He held his head low, too scared to raise his eyes to meet the man's gaze. Sweat dripped from his head, and he was shaking slightly.

As Lieutenant Colonel North hung his head low, sweat trickling down his face, he knew he was in trouble.

He was a talented soldiers of his batch and had risen to the ranks of Lieutenant Colonel in just ten years and had a bright future ahead of him, He knew that, but his actions today had caused significant casualties, and he feared what it would mean for His Future.

The man On the chair kept his gaze fixed on North, his eyes betraying no emotion, as the Lieutenant Colonel struggled to form a coherent response.

"Colonel Banks, It was an order from above, Related to a high-value search and rescue target directly assigned to me, and I had orders to take my whole Battalion for a Search and Rescue," Lt. Colon North finally replied, still not daring to meet the Colonel's gaze.

Sigh... I'm sorry guys, This Fanfiction is just not making me enough profits for me to see it reliably running in the future, so I'll give it One week, if this Fanfic doesnt reach my expected income through Patreon... Then I'm gonna have to cut the Fanfic short and just end it as soon as possible...

I'm sorry.

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts
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