
Ch 58 Emotional Conclusion

He spoke with a happy smile on his face and I felt my heartbeat rise, I put my hands on my heart and felt it racing.

"This... Feeling" I quietly whispered to myself.

... This is just what Mother had described she felt when she fell completely in love with Father.

I dont want to be them However... I Dont want to turn into my Mother... This is My Life, And This Is My Decision.

I will not let Mother And father play a part in this decision.

I will choose for myself cause... I am, me not Mother.

(James's Pov)

This is embarrassing... Saying such things infront of Mom like this.. Is just so embarrassing!

But that felt like the right thing to do, so I went with my guts, I was gonna Make up something as I didnt really want to feel this embarresment when I was thinking of what to say or downplay what I feel for her to seem less embarrassing and more cool but I just had a feeling... A feeling that if If I didnt tell how I truly felt right there, I was gonna regret it.

(Paraphrasing everyone🥳)

Mom had a melancholic smile on her face as she stood up from the sofa and walked up to me.

"Honey, I Trust you, you both seem really serious about this even though you are young but I guess, We will see in the future, am I right?"

"Yea mom we will"

Mom hugged me and then looked at me once she moved back with a smile "Well, Let's go, Dont want Uncle Cameron to eat all of the burgers now do we"

She spoke with a smile and I nodded back ignoring moms "subtle" Jab at Uncle Cameron,

"Let's go outside"

"Oh Honey, I forgot to mention next week we are all planning on visiting the Beach, are you gonna invite your Girlfriend?" She spoke the last part in a teasing manner and I felt embarrassed again.

"Mom, she doesnt like the beach..."

"Aww, I'm sure she would like to see your built body, Girls love that kind of stuff" she cut me of before I even finished speaking causing me to get slight annoyed at her teasing.

"Ugh, Mom I'm going" I couldnt take the embarrassment and teasing so I started walking away fast but mom held me back.

"I'm only joking, You seemed so serious back there and I was wondering where my Jamie went haha"

I couldnt help but chuckle at that as we walked into the Backyard together where Grandpa Jay had the Barbecue running flipping some burger patties on it with a beer in his hands.

I looked around and saw all the happy faces and felt fulfilled being here with my Family, I looked over at Alex who was just sitting there alone, and I knew why so I went over to her to talk it out with her, this punishment has really been devastating to her, I mean she Used to get like this when me and Hayley used to steal her books and hide it so she couldnt find.

She used pace all around the house worrying about where her books were so much so that she lost a crap ton of weight due to stressing and all that pacing around.

We did it a couple of times before me and Hayley eventually felt bad after having some fun with Pranking her and we decided to stop.

But it seems that Mom banning her from Technology has brought out this side of Alex again.

(Wednesday Pov)

I was still in my mind when I saw them walking towards where I was standing so I quickly moved and picked a place to hide so that they wont know I was eavesdropping.

They passed by and I let out a sigh of relief.

I couldnt believe it still, I had just fallen for him... Just like that.

I walked around dazed for a few minutes and thinking everything through.

In the end I accepted it, I refused to belief in Fate, Because if I were to put my trust in James then I have already broken free from my so called "Fate" I have already begun a new Journey, One, no one, Not Mother and not Father have been on.

I began My Journey..

I walked over to the backyard door and saw through the glass James talking to Alex, His mother talking to his Uncles Cameron and Mitchell and his Father breaking up Luke's and Manny squabbling, His Granpa Jay cooking up the Burgers on the grill with the bear in hand, Hayley on her Phone and Luke and Manny squabbling over the water gun and I couldnt help but let out a sigh.

This is James's Family, I used to think they were Basic, But I failed to previously understand that in the end they are all people with there own emotions and decisions and things they do which seem completely diffrent from eachother yet they are people who hold eachother in high regard They each have there own Problems and that includes James and Maybe even me now...

I looked at all of them going about doing what they were doing and it just felt Harmonious even though it was chaotic.

"I Guess this is what a Family is..."

It seems that my Family does not seem so diffrent at the core of it... our families are diffrent yet... so similar. (They are okay, I wont hear it)

A tiny smile appeared on my face, But this smile didnt hold any malicious intent behind it... it was a smile of.. Care which I didn't think I was even capable of.

It seems there family just has some sort of a magic to it.

...Maybe I should investigate it

... or I can just ask James the answer to my question, which logically is so much easier.

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