
Discipline Issues

After a few minutes of silently and diligently drawing with red ink on the back of a fair maiden, Seth was done in no time, he put his tools to the side and placing his hands over the seal he had just drawn, poured his qi into it the seal lighting up in a red light which slowly dies don, the markings of the seal disappearing with it.

Done with his work, Seth's eyes moved to the necklace which was on Ella's neck, he reached for it, and without incident, took it off from around the princess's neck, no one noticing the look of shock that appeared on Minuha's face.

"Dress her up, and when you're done, wake them," Seth said as he moved away from Ella, taking a seat to the side and studying the necklace he had just taken.

"What does the seal do?" Irene asked as she moved towards Ella.

"You'll see".

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