
Vol. 2 Chapter 66: Just Take Me

"My mother is a hunter, and we are out here so I can show her you. You are here, because you are a man, and I will be a good wife for you. I will show you, so watch, and listen," the Tyrantrum replied, and turned her head, and the rope around her neck started to glow.

The rope turned into a long, white cloth that was wrapped around the neck of the dinosaur, and she roared. The sound was much more powerful than before, and it was like a wave of energy came out of the creature's mouth, but then it started to shrink down until I slid off, and only a naked woman with red scaly skin and stony white hair remained, the white cloth at her feet.

I just stared at her in shock. "...You are a woman?"

The now quite human and female Tyrantrum looked down at her body, and then back up at me, and nodded. "I think so."

"You think? I am almost positive that you form in the real world is male, but this is anything but a male body!" I exclaimed, taking in her body in full. Yep, she was female alright.

Suddenly, there was a strange deep bass noise that rattled my insides, making us both turn to the sea to look at the strange, black creature. It had raised its spear above its head, and was looking at us with a hard gaze.

"Do you wish for me to mate with you?" the black creature asked, and I frowned with wide eyes.

"Um... no, I have plenty of girlfriends in my life for that."

The Tyrantrum turned to me with a frown. "What is a girlfriend?"

I put up my hand, trying to stay focused on the water. "Just save your questions for later, Tyranna," I said, trying to figure out how I was going to get out of this place, but then I remembered that I only had to get her to join me and Prisma.

I was about to turn and ask her, but something felt weird about this, so I shouted out to the water. "Why are you here?"

"To offer myself in place of my useless daughter that can't even swim. I am clearly the better choice," The creature said, and I raised an eyebrow.

"Seriously?" I asked, but then shook my head, wondering why this time was so much more different then the last. This Pokémon was clearly a lunatic, but I found it interesting that we could even talk in the first place. Since this was the case, I decided to probe this Pokémon, since I had never seen it before, and Cryo wasn't giving me any information on it. "Just what kind of Pokémon are you? I know what your daughter is, but the closest thing I have seen that looks even remotely close is a Tentacruel."

In response to my question, two dark purple massive gems that blended almost seamlessly with the Pokémon's black body started to glow and the creature rose up, revealing its full size. The creature's true form was that of a massive, serpentine creature with a massive body that was at least 30 feet long, and 15 feet wide. The Pokémon was covered in black scales, and had ten massive purple tentacles extending out the back that glowed ominously.

The creature roared, and I was suddenly blasted with a cold wave of energy.

Yeah, I had no idea what this thing was, but I was starting to care less and less, just wanting to leave at this point. I turned back to Tyranna, and she had a worried look on her face, but something told me that I didn't have anything to do with her mothers advance towards the beach.

"Will you join me? I have an entire world where you can do whatever you want," I explained, but as I thought, Tyranna gave me a worried look.

"But I can't swim. Why would you want someone so useless? I can't even swim."

"Then I will teach you, and your mother can stay in the water," I replied, and Tyranna shook her head.

"This is a lot, can you give me a little bit more time?" Tyranna asked, and I sighed, knowing that she was going to ask that.

"I would really like to, but something tells me that the thing you call a mother isn't coming over here for a friendly chat!" I exclaimed, and the giant black and purple Pokémon had started to move closer to the beach.

Tyranna turned her attention towards the creature, and her face turned from shock, to fear, and then sadness.

"Please... Please don't do this!" Tyranna said, but the black Pokémon didn't respond, and continued towards us.

The red scaled woman turned her attention back to me, and said, "Please... Please, if you don't take me, my mother is going to try and mate with me."

My eyes peeled back at this. "She would mate with her own child? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with her!?"

"Just take me, and get me away from this place. It is the only way," Tyranna said, and my body started to transform again.

"You won't be alone, there are many others just like you. If you join me, your mother won't be able to hurt you anymore, and she won't even be able to leave the water. All you have to do is join me."

Tyranna didn't seem to understand, but she didn't argue, and I felt myself start to slip away.

The last thing I heard was, "Take me!" and everything turned dark.

When my eyes opened, the Tyrantrum was glowing with light, and as if waiting for me, it absorbed into my body. The entire room went silent, but I stumbled forward, and two lights appeared for my body as Nemona and Lusamine each grabbed one of my massive white arms to stabilize me.

"Are you okay?" Lusamine asked, but I had to wait for my body to shrink down and return to normal.

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