
critique in the air.

-The 'new Science Fiction film' is widely discussed for bringing attention to the science fiction genre, which emerged from the meager 70s and began establishing itself in the 80s. It has now gained more value and concludes with different movies featuring fantastic installments, - read Mila Avital.

-The film has a certain alignment with underlying stories from the ancient Egyptian empire. From our perspective, Ronald sharpens the way STAR WARS itself arrived many years ago, turning the film into a space opera with its touch of militarism, with quite a few irregularities. But objectively entertaining. Don't expect too much from this movie beyond a dry story, cheerful moments, online adventure, and a good fight, - Mila finished reading.

-Bravo, - said Junino, in something resembling Spanish or Italian.

-Well, I think the most important thing is that the Stargate movie has gained a small fan club that idolizes the song just as it is, - said Jaye Davidson, who claimed the role of Ra.

-What newspaper is this? - asked Djimon Hounsou, a dark-skinned man who was just starting to rise in his career, currently positioned as a known but somewhat unknown actor. He has roles and has appeared in several series, and people know who he is and some of his works, but he is not completely identified in his roles.

Billy came back from the bathroom in his elegant beige suit with a red tie, a formality that contrasted with his colleagues' attire. They were dining in a small restaurant just outside Hollywood, not far away, but free from the entire city's hustle. Kurt was missing, having a prior commitment; the showbiz world was spinning in the air.

Mila handed him the New York Times magazine, one of the most reliable sources in critical capacity, in short, one of the most important media outlets for reviews, along with the Los Angeles Times and Variety.

The paginated article with some images, including those from the red carpet, several photos, and even one of him greeting Kurt Russell with a firm handshake.

-How is it that there's a fan club?" asked Alexis Cruz.

-The movie's producer, along with Ronald, created a Stargate page, allowing people to download and upload their content. With the release of the book after the movie, people can read and contribute their ideas. It was a resounding success, - said Jaye Davidson.

-Have you landed any gigs? - Derek Webster asked openly, from one end of the room. The cast of nearly 19 people in one dinner, one of the film's militants who later fought with Ra's army under coercion.

-Nothing new, but I have a few auditions. Nothing conclusive, but there might be something interesting coming up in the next few weeks, - replied Leon Rippy, who had been performing here and there for over ten years. However, his breakthrough was not very concrete. Acting often requires a lot of exposure, and sometimes more than ten years are not enough for significant roles. Experience tends to determine roles

Do you, Mili, have something interesting in mind? - Billy asked in a low voice.

-I'd like to take on some roles, but I think I need to finish school first. However, ABC sent a request to my agent; they are casting for a doctor series called ER. It's in the East, near New York, in Chicago, - Mila said.

A pressure cooker hit Billy's mind. The renowned and famous TV series Friends isn't being celebrated here. He has new ideas to ask his agent about. There is the cost of doing a television series with a wide range of episodes, or the cost of doing a series that long. Still, without a doubt, he can consider acting in some cameos.

-You should join ER, - Billy suggested with a prophetic feeling that a woman as beautiful as Mila would succeed with a little help.

-But... -

-You don't have to worry. As long as you manage your schedules well, you can attend some classes, and extend your work and study time. You work as a waitress to pay bills, and now you have the opportunity to be part of a production. You'll pay the bills with what you earn on television, - Billy proposed.

Mila's cheeks flushed. - You're partially right. Maybe, if you come with me and participate in the script, I can accept the offer, - Mila said, extending her hand in the proposal. The fear isn't about trying; it's the loneliness of her work and studying, bearing the burden alone. It's not something she's good at with her family scattered in Israel, France, and some in the United States. She still hesitates a lot about the actions she should take.

-I can't accept, Mili. Although I'd like to continue being your partner, age is a disadvantage we haven't completely overcome. It worked for Stargate because Ronald Emmerich didn't adjust the script to a specific age and just put the child prodigy archaeologist. I have to go to the bathroom! I'll be right back, - Billy said.

Putting his hands into his pocket, he uncovered his cell phone.

-Alice, honey, - Billy said from the phone.

-Billy, I had the chance to talk to Raimon; he mentioned you were in San Jose last week,- Alice said, with a tone of reproach. The girl stood with her feet against the wall, lying on her bed, in the comfort of the night.

-I'm sorry. I had to go urgently to San Jose! I think I'm moving, and the company needs my assistance. Despite continuing to act, I have work to do, - Billy said.

-It's your birthday. Happy birthday. I wish we could spend it together. I've been busy, but I've missed you a lot. You don't know how much I miss you, - Alice said.

-Sweetheart, I'll have another premiere for The Lion King, and of course, I'll continue with the movie 'Little Women' that I told you about. I think, by August, we'll have time together. Of course, unless you want to come to Massachusetts, I'll be here until early July, - Billy said.

A heavy sigh was heard from Alice.

-I have worked at the general hospital, - Alice said, pouting a bit.

-August, we'll find time in August," Billy said.

-Happy birthday. I bought you a gift. Just don't take too long... okay, - Alice said.

Mili approached Billy, in a hurried gesture pointing to the tables; some of the supporting actors were leaving, and of course, only Billy could open his eyes and explain vocally that he was talking to Alice on the phone. Mili just rolled her eyes and mimicked a wedding ring and a pity gesture.

-I think I have to go, honey, - Billy said.

-Nooo, it's just right, -- Alice said, who then smiled like a mischievous cat. -- Send me a kiss, - Alice said.

-I'm in a meeting, - Billy said.

-Send me a kiss, - Alice said, with a babyish voice. She wanted to be with Billy and be genuinely happy.

-Alice, it's embarrassing... - Billy said in front of Mili's expectant gaze, now more curious. It could be said that her ears perked up as a sign of listening.

-I send you a kiss, Mwa, - blushed the boy.

Alice's laughter didn't take long.

-I love you, I love you very much, - Alice said.

-Rest, sweetheart. I'll call you tonight. Will you study until late? - Billy replied.

-Yes, - she responded.

Mili just raised her eyebrow at the nonsense Billy was saying. She didn't say anything, but her white teeth rose, her fangs more prominent. There wasn't much to say, which relieved the awkward atmosphere.


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