
Alain's Wicked Plan

"Father, I feel sick," Alain whined.

His face was blueish from holding back vomit and he was breathing heavily.

Ryan lowered Alain to the lawn and rubbed his back. The latter went on all fours and threw up all over the white snow-laden grass.

Sighing to himself, Ryan took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Alain.

"Wipe your mouth."

Alain was so hungover that he was unable to hold the handkerchief properly. The handkerchief ended up slipping through his fingers and falling to the snow.

Ryan ended up wiping Alain's lips for him.

"What were you doing, joining this wild party and passing out in Zane's bedroom like that? How old are you now? You are not an irresponsible child anymore!" he began to chastise his adopted son earnestly.

Alain raised his teary eyes and looked up at Ryan. Aggrieved, he burst into tears.

"I just felt so alone!" he complained. "Father, you only allow me to come back on weekends, but you have neglected me for weeks!"


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