
The First Night Together

There was a good reason why the thugs were assigned to garden duty. The kitchen was full of fragile items such as ceramic plates and crystal glasses. It would be such a shame to see them end up as splinters on the ground, just in case the prisoners in charge decided to go berserk.

Just because the meek prisoners were asked to work in the kitchen, it did not at all mean that they enjoyed themselves all day long. Quite in contrast, they slaved around harder than those thugs who only worked in the garden in the morning.

There was always something to do in the kitchen, especially for the new people in the prison.

With the prison's magical array keeping everyone in check, the prison officers did not fear the vampires and the werewolves at all.

Without their superior power, they became no different than average human beings.

Aiden helped with breakfast, and then lunch, and then dinner.

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