
The Impending Doom

For ten minutes afterward, none of them was speaking. They were too busy with the work at hand.

Only the sound of shovels carefully removing soil from the surface was heard in the otherwise silent surrounding.

They were working hard to unearth the rest of the body, but at the same time as carefully as possible to not hurt the corpse.

Bit by bit, pale limbs were found sticking out from the depth.

One tiny hand turned to many more hands, followed by legs and feet, and finally the rest of the bodies.

It was a mass grave.

The pale, dead bodies were thrown into a huge pit carelessly like broken dolls. The one who buried them did not even care to straighten their poses. Some of the corpses had their eyes open, with stunned expressions across their faces.

It was as if they did not expect to die.

"We should stop," Ryan said after they discovered the sixth body. "There are too many corpses."

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