
Someone I know

Yu Weimin narrowed his eyes as he let the little wolf tug at his clothes before putting the girl back. He picked up the wolf by the neck and raised his brows as if asking what was wrong with the villain.

Cole, for some reason, understood that kind of expression. His entire body froze all over in a strange way. Only now did he realize how absurd his action was!

He instantly started struggling again. Just then, he heard the teenager's voice.

"Little pup, you dare to struggle after grabbing my robes. You even made a hole," said Yu Weimin, pointing to his feet. "You want to take a bath, don't you? Let's go."

The little wolf's screams echoed throughout the place as he was dragged back towards the riverbank. When they reached it, Yu Weimin directly entered the river. He rolled up his sleeves as he caught a certain struggling wolf pup and stared at the latter with an evil glint in his eyes.

Cole struggled even more fiercely. He had a look of shame and anger in his eyes. At the same time, the hatred value kept increasing to the point that the system started screaming hysterically in Yu Weimin's mind.

[Nooo, host!!!!]

[Hatred value: 135!]

[Hatred value: 140!]

[Hatred value: 150!!!]

[..... Host, I beg you, but at least tell me why you are deliberately increasing the hatred value?]

"You don't understand, do you?" Yu Weimin gently cleaned up the little wolf and made his way toward a certain area of the tail. "The more he hates me, the more beautiful the ending of this world will be. Don't you want me to alter the plot?"

[But not at the cost of the hatred value!]

The wolf suddenly bit down on Yu Weimin's hands and jumped off, glaring at the man with his cold, red eyes.

[Hatred value: 160!]

Sigh. He was just about to clean that area. Nevermind. He wouldn't tease the villain too much now. After that, he got up and headed towards the hut again.

Cole, who was somewhat abandoned, stood in the water, all wet from head to toe, staring at the teenager walking inside again. His heart felt like it was twisting, causing him pain.

No, why was this person going there again? Would he also help the girl take a bath like that?! Would he also touch…..

Cole suddenly felt his chest heavy. No! He dashed out and brushed the water off his body.

He was just doing this to save the girl. That's right! That was probably why he was feeling uncomfortable!

Again, as soon as Yu Weimin bent to pick up the girl, Cole grabbed his pants again.

The teenager raised his brows. What does the villain want now?

He glanced at his hands touching the female lead and at the villain. Then he suddenly became enlightened.

It couldn't be that this little thing assumed he would abuse a child, could it?

Pfft! The thoughts of the villain were a little adorable.

"Fine. I'll take care of her in front of you. Does that satisfy you?"

Cole froze again. He acted on his instincts. Did he really become a child or what? He turned his head away and went to the corner, curling into a ball.

Yu Weimin snorted as he brought a basin full of water and a clean cloth. Then he started wiping the little child from head to toe.

When the system saw such a scene, she couldn't contain her surprise. Her host was a criminal, wasn't he? Then how come he was so proficient in caring for a child in such an expert manner?!

Finally, she couldn't stop her curiosity and asked, [Host, aren't you a criminal?]

"So?" Yu Weimin wiped her clean and helped her wear the clothes he purchased from the system. "I can't take care of mere kids just because I kill people? Tch, 520, I didn't know you'd be this biased."


The system didn't want to speak to her host at all. She silenced herself and pretended to be dead.

Cole, who watched the whole scene from the corner of his eyes, felt his heart twisting and burning for some reason. He squirmed uncomfortably as he glanced at a certain teenager again and again.

Only when Oliver placed the child down did Cole relax and the uncomfortable feeling disappear.

No, why was he relaxing...?

It should be because he was worried about the baby.

How could there be any other reason? No, he was just thinking too much. It was just the aftershocks of being reincarnated as a wolf pup.

Even though he tried to calm himself by thinking of random excuses, he still wasn't satisfied. So at this moment, his facial expressions were a bit twisted.

When Yu Weimin was done with the girl, he walked over and saw a sulking and angry expression on the wolf's face. He tilted his head.

Could it be this little guy was thinking about his life's problems?

He let out a soft chuckle. In any case, he wasn't going anywhere. His life and death were in the palms of his hands. What could go wrong?

Yu Weimin placed the girl close to the wolf and pointed his finger at the villain, saying, "Be a good boy and guard her. I'll bring some food for us, okay?"

Cole's expression cooled down. So this little girl was so important that this wretched guy would care for her?! He didn't believe this guy had a good, naive heart!

There must be some ulterior motive behind his actions! Otherwise, how could an Omega assassin like Oliver kill his way into the palace and murder him like that?

Cole gritted his teeth and refused to believe in Oliver. Still, he couldn't blame this little girl for that. He simply huffed and turned his head in silent defiance.

Yu Weimin ignored this attitude when the villain got up and started walking out of the hut.

He gently called out to the system while gazing at the sky as he walked out.

"System, don't you think the villain is similar to someone I know?"

[Eh? Really? Who?]

Yu Weimin smiled and said nothing. He just stared at the sky as if feeling nostalgic.

Even though the person he was thinking about was his most hated enemy, he still felt a hint of pleasure whenever they fought. The man was his most compatible opponent. Too bad he couldn't fight with that man anymore.

Or could he?

Yu Weimin glanced back at a certain wolf and narrowed his eyes. Then he turned around and walked out of that place, humming a tune.

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