
Chapter 120 TV Sales

  Earnings need to be reinvested, continuing in an endless cycle.

  "How are TV sales?" Hardy asked.

  Michael's excitement dimmed a bit, "Not great. We're selling about ten units a day."

  "Recently, I've focused mainly on sales. I asked customers, and many are interested in buying TVs, but the $127 price makes them hesitate. The war has just ended and people are short of money."

  "Now we produce more and sell less, which puts a lot of pressure on the factory's funds. If this continues, there will be no funds to buy electronic raw materials in two months." Michael said with some embarrassment. 

  A TV cost $127.

  Richard washed dishes in a restaurant, earning $120 a month.

  Henry shoveled manure in a cattle barn, making $160 a month.

  Matthew, who drove a big truck, made about $300 a month.

  Life wasn't easy and Americans generally don't save money.

  Spending a month's earnings on a TV was considered a luxury.

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