
Sixty five

"What did I miss?" Nick came back in.

"Julie kissed Nate," Someone filled him in and he turned to me, surprised. At that moment, Uche stood up and left. All eyes followed him and when he was out of sight, the many eyes returned to me.


Later, after school.

"You okay?" Casey came when I was about to leave my locker.

I wasn't okay, but I wasn't about to cry on her shoulders either so I ignored her question and locked my locker, ready to leave.

"Uche likes you, it's why he didn't want you and Nate kissing; that's what everyone's saying."

"Everyone's saying that?" I went closer to her and asked in a whisper but only got a laughter from her.

"Well, no, nobody's talking about your kiss with Nate, it was just a game. I was trying to get your attention."

"Leave me alone, Casey." I hissed and turned to leave but she followed behind me.

"Even if anybody thinks Uche likes you, no one would actually talk about it, you know why?" She walked next to me now and somehow got me interested in talking more with her.

"Why?" I asked, really interested in knowing.

"Well, the girls are too jealous to talk about the possibility of Uche liking you and the boys are...should I say scared?"

"Scared huh?" I snorted out a sarcastic laugh but she looked serious.

"For real. One time, Uche got in a fight with this senior and thrashed his ass, and although he was in detention for like three weeks, the whole school was on his side."

"Oh," She had me surprised with that story. I'd ask Uche about it later.

"Wanna walk home together?" We were at the school building exit when she asked.

"Nick's waiting for me, see you tomorrow," I smiled at her.

"Oh. Okay, bye!" She waved as I walked over to Nick.

"Have you seen Uche?" Nick asked first thing after I met him.

"No?" I answered."I thought he was with you?" I asked because they were talking together after our last class for the day.

"No. He was with me but he went back to get you."


"Yeah, and I've been calling him since and he's not being answeri..." Nick stopped in between his words.

"Where the hell you been, bro? I thought you were gonna go get Julie?" I turned around and saw who Nick was questioning. It was Uche. He didn't say anything in reply to Nick, he just joined us where we were, took his bag from Kim and started on the road before us.

It was basically silent on our way home. Everyone was on their phone except Uche and I but he didn't seem keen to want to talk to me. 

We got to our close so I left the boys and went in. I slumped on my bed after tossing my bag to a corner.

[Are you mad at me?"] I decided to text Uche. As much as I wanted to act like kissing another guy in front of him was okay, I knew damn well that it wasn't. And I also knew he was probably mad at me for doing it. Probably? He was surely mad at me.

[M sorry] I sent after he didn't reply the first message. He was online, the green dot around his name showed it but he wasn't replying... unless he was online but still talking with Nick and Kim.

I heard the front door open and left my room to check. It was Nick coming in. He looked up and saw me at the top of the stairs.

"I ordered us pizza, should be here in twenty or thirty minutes, as they said. Don't tell my mum we are pizza for lunch, she'll kill me."

I nodded after his words and went back to my room to sit on the bed and stare at my unanswered text.

[Are u ignoring me?] I texted again and waited since he was still online, but he went offline immediately I sent that.

I got mad myself. He was ignoring my text. I went to my room window to know if I could see him through his but I couldn't. He had his curtains shut.



I joined my aunt and Nick at the dining table for dinner. Uche still hadn't replied me. He hasn't come online since then either.

"So what did you guys have for lunch today?" My aunt asked when I was in my thoughts. I looked over at Nick to know if he planned to say something so our lie didn't mismatch.

"Noodles," Nick lied.

"Yeah, Nick makes good noodles." I backed up the lie.

After Nick and I had done the dishes and cleared the table, I went back to my room. I was tired and feeling sleepy but thinking of Uche kept the sleep far from me.

I sat up from the bed and went to check his window. The lights were out and his certain was still down. I sighed and returned to bed.



I went out of our yard as Nick locked the door to the house. I went over to Uche's and was about to knock when the door opened. Uche and I stood for some seconds staring at each other, questions and anger in both our eyes.

"You ready?" I heard Nick from behind me.

"Yeah," Uche answered and walked past me after closing his front door. He didn't even give me his usual smile.

Our walk to school wasn't as quiet as our walk home yesterday. Uche and Nick talked and laughed once in a few minutes, while I just walked beside Nick.

We got to school and while I took some books out of my locker, I kept my eyes on Uche as he stood in front of his. I shifted my eyes from him for a second to close my locker, and when I stood up and turned around, I saw April standing with him.

She was talking and biting her lips. Was she flirting with him?! It could just be that she had an itchy lip and was helping herself with her teeth. Nope. She was definitely flirting, she brushed the front of his hair as they talked on.

She just touched Uche's hair and he let her. I took my eyes away from April to look at him and he was looking at me too. He knew what he was doing. He was trying to make me angry and jealous. 

I looked away and for the first time wished Casey was next to me. She could be a good distraction. I wonder where she is, probably in class already. 

I took my eyes back to Uche and saw April's hands on his shoulders. She was caressing his arm and he was letting her! Breathe Julie, fucking breathe–i kept trying to not get angry at what I was seeing but it was hard not to. Do fucking hard.

"That's it," I muttered to myself and wanted to walk to class and ignore them totally but someone came in front of me to stop me.

I looked up and saw that it was that Nate guy from yesterday's truth or dare game. I hissed and wanted to walk away but an idea hit me.

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